You do know on what message i responded. Didnt you
whatever. Not constructive. Lets forget.
You do know on what message i responded. Didnt you
whatever. Not constructive. Lets forget.
Superior gear since you can focus all your time on one character.
In Classic that would be true, in here, with such heavy timegating, bonuses as weekly chests and catch-up mechanics, you are not gonna pull significantly ahead with 1 character from player who plays with multiple character.
edit: ohh I forgot the account wide things also.
Blizzard philosophy on MMORPG design is grossly outdated and riddled with logical errors. The way they design MMORPG is kneecapping core systems which they use to build this MMO like crafting or even raiding.
If you have crafting in the game mobs shouldn’t drop items or at least most of them shouldn’t and instead, they should drop mat’s for crafting. If most of the items in the game come from mobs then there is no reason for professions to exist and flasks/potions can be just sold by NPC’s.
If you focus on raids being your main thing don’t give people free raid gear. Philosophy stating that more is better when it comes to rewards is fundamentally broken because you are just spoiling people and make everything boring.
Then there is an issue of removing rewards from past expansions which punishes anyone who couldn’t play given expansion which crates horrible anticonsumer problem. There were people who literally quit WoW because they were fed up with Blizz taking away rewards e.g. Legion and Mage Tower. People should be rewarded for what they can do in the game using their own skill, not for the fact that someone could play given expansions/season.
There is also an issue of outdated reward design where in 2020 we get 2004 level of design with old models and extreme overuse of 3D textures when e.g. gear should be mostly based on 3D models.
Tbh WoW is broken in its core but seems like no one is Blizzard is realizing what is going on.
You are no stupostu switch mains during expansion.
Okay… Let’s try working this out. Which essences in particular do you want to have on your Death Knight? You can only have four active at a time and it’s not like you will be rotating through all the possible combinations. So step one, tell me what set of 4-6 do you want to have, we’ll figure out together how you can get them the quickest, I guarantee it won’t take a billion years.
“you dont need essences” has to be the dumbest argument made for this. Yes after checking sims on bloodmallet its a 29k damage increase on my rogue. Then why should you do m+ or pvp when you have that big of a loss in dps??
You are not supostu run mythic+ on alt. That is content for your main. Did you played back in vannila and tbc? Alts were nothing but chars to farm gold/material nothing els. Maybe run few dungeons here and there but nothing what you could take into high end. Stop trying to make alts into your another mains it wont happen and cheapens progression on our main character.
You don’t need BiS essences. Unless you do high ranked competitive content.
In that case you just have to put in some effort for your BiS essence to maximize your damage. That’s the consequence of wanting to BiS/minmax your character.
It shouldn’t be given for free for every alt just because your main has it.
The question is; did you run M+ in vannila on your main.
Question is. Did you run high end content in vannila on your alt without putting same amounth of time into that character as you did into your main?
So because M+ did not exist in vanilla, we should not run it now either
And yet we do get things for free because our main has it.
Current game design streamlines thus encourage the use of alt’s in current content so there is no reason why we should unlock the same thing over and over on multiple characters especially since unlocks on essences are mostly very tedious grind-rng nonsense.
The only reason why essences are not account-wide is the gap between BfA and Shadowlands which Blizz needs to somehow fill so they made selective and arbitrary decision to force us into a grind.
who cares about vanilla its not 2007 anymore…
nobody whant this only trolls and blizzard we dont want to grind for essenzen with every char…
since 8.3 i did not play any of my alts gg blizzard i play other games rather then play this grind
If we wanna play the 50/50 game
Unlocked Accountwide in 8.3 if a previous character has it rank 3.
Eternal Palace Essences
Blood of the enemy
Memory Of Lucid Dreams
Purification Protocol
Rest work it for it . Keep in mind I have two characters my Monk has all Rank 3 essences for all roles, and my Rogue got all Rank 3 essences apart from Ripple in Space cause that can be ignored I worked for it , but it was annoying.
Acc wide essences is a welcome in my book because every system seems to be very alt unfriendly , yet the most complained system is essences
actually I would make the essences which come from outdated content for free for everyone (alt or new player)
so for example Eternal palace, mechagon rep, nazjatar rep
blood of the enemy is still current pvp content
as well as the m+ essence, ny’alotha essence, mechagon dungeon essence, …
that way alts and new players wouldn’t have to farm outdated content
also they would already have some essences to fill the HoA…
the biggest issue with the essences is, that players have to collect essences from outdated content, so let’s get rid of the outdated content part
Yes those 3 are prio !
We can exclude Blood Of The Enemy
i love my alts.
my endgame goal for WoW is to have all classes at decent ilvl so when there is some content i can pick right class for it.
in 8.2 i focused on playing priest/mage to get recipes from nazjatar/mechagon
as of 8.3 im playing mostly warlock because inscription and contracts.
i have no problem doing hard grinds of reputation. on 1 character.
my other alts should benefit from the reputation gained aswell.
your game system should make hard grinding on 1 character. then the grind should be incredibly easy. or tabard system that allows alts to interact with the vendors as if they were exalted with given faction.
another problem i ran into is progress in titanic research on alts. lower gear less time spent makes the vision way harded(i play solo its more fun)
Please make essences very easy to pick up on alts.
reduce titanic research for visions cost on alts.
Legion is outdated content. not.
THIS!!! I use 5 characters, having to do the same essences quests over n over is ridiculously boring and annoying. How have they not done this yet…