Again that “u DoN’T nEEd biS” argument…
No one needs to play this game, so - should we all just unsub? That’s your logic here.
Of course “we don’t need” but this game since always was about improving your character and if that means doing something boring like world quests (0/10 content) then it discourages effectively. Gearing is cool, since there are many way to do that.
I’m sorry I gave you the benefit of doubt and thought you wanted to have an actual civilized discussion. Won’t make that mistake again.
doing daily timgated quests is not an effort its a chore.
your characters power should increase from doing MMORPG content aka group content and challenging content and not oneshotting mobs every day in nazjatar or uldum.
if you defend current system you are either a troll or have nothing else going on in your life that you are so excited to do dailies in a video game
Dude watch his neck essences. Rank 1 anima minor (Lmao), Rank 2 barrier(Lmao r2).
Ofc a person like that would use the “not need BIS” BS
Only a handful of essences are actually ‘timegated’ and not ‘grindable’ - Pearl, M+ chest essensces, EP essences and Conquest box essences. And in all cases what’s actually ‘timegated’ is Rank 2 and 3, Rank 1 can be obtained with minimal hassle and provides you with most of what you need. Realistically, you need the extra Versa proc or extra 10% damage on the effect or one additiobal stack of a buff or whatever from Rank 2/3 ‘just to play the game’.
EP, Mechagon, Nazjatar, Lucid Dream, C&S.
GG you actually named like 90% of the useful essence in the game.
No but I do have to repeat all the same content as I did on my first character. (Barring one level, which would be your equivalent of war campaign for factions). And again there are very easy to get essences if you don’t want BIS.
You might as well though. Every single argument for making essences available to accountwide can work for gear.
No it does not. And we are also not.
no because for gear you actually do challenging content as a group
And you can have 90% of power of thise essences just by running the relevant piece of content for half an hour tops. If you want the extra 10% that comes with Rank 2/3, then yeah, you need to work for it. Still not sure how that last 10% is character-breaking.
gg thats about 90% of useful essences adn the difference between r3 and r1 are huge.
aka like +3k dps per minor.
if you like daiyl quest grind go on. we dont and therefor we can ask for accwide stuff. not everyone is into your content
imagine defending daily chores in a video game. unemployed or troll?
Do not like it quit I will buy mount or two for your lost sub guys.
Eternal Palace Mythic, Mythic + dungeons and PvP are challenging content you do in a group that rewards you with essences and in fact 90% of the essences that are needed for the game to be playable, from what I understand.
And in WoW 2020, 3k dps is well within the RNG variance that comes from all your rabdom crap proccing or not proccing. I get 10k RNG swings on my characters. 3k is nothing. Your damage meter could be off by that much just by a measuring error.
No, my logic is not
It’s you don’t need your BIS to play, if you want it you should work for it.
If your argument is they should add more ways to get essences and not have each essence locked to one method I’m 100% with you. I’m all for variety
I’ve already said chores are a staple of MMOs. If you don’t like chores your playing the wrong genre. Do I enjoy doing them? Well actually the dailies while there getting stale now I did enjoy the first month. New enemies, new routes to learn, new rewards. Enjoying visions.
It’s not BS tho. I’ve done 4 bosses of the new raid with no issues on normal (group fell apart after boss 4 due to people leaving and raid leader not wanting to recruit more), I’ve done a full clear of visions, I’m able to do mythic+ without issues when I want to (which isn’t often, I’m bored of the current dungeons). Just proves my point, you don’t need good essences to play, only to do very high level content efficiently.
And as it’s an MMO, it makes total game play sense for that content to hard to reach on multiple characters. If you want to mythic raid you have to spend a couple of weeks on a character at max grabbing what you need to prep. Seems like totally normal MMO gameplay. I made my main goal this expac reps and quest content. I’ve not been focused on high level content much hence why my rep log is stellar and my gear is mediocre
If it was not wouldn’t you have it done already?
Wow 4 normal bosses, and a M4. Yeah I would not care about essence either in that situation.
Keep your ideas m8, I will keep mine.
no chores are not a staple of mmos. i havent done any chorse for previous 15years in wow. gold farm for consumables etc? yes but they are not timegated on a daily reset. i chose to do.
yes good for you that you enjoy dailies XD we dont, we prefer to spend our time on other content as we could in previous 15years.
also 4bosses on normal … jesus…
Forum champions by time you spent looking for excuse you could like have it done.
Mhm, on the other hand…outside the forums I personally do not see anyone complaining about them either .
I honestly do not care about essences, in a sense of I still want some specific ones but I do not focus on it that much nor consider myself useless without those. If it is too annoying; I pick another one. Simple.
And well the more people complain (on the forum obv) about it having to be account-bound, the more I tend to not want that.
I have more cutting edi than you ,I did have more aotc,then you, pretty sure I did more stuff than you.
Spent more time and money.
Done with showing off?
For someone who never seen mythic this expansion you talk a big.