Account wide essences

Legion literally had RNG droppable BIS that you couldn’t influence the drop of and forced you to infinitely grind to hope to get it.

Draenor had massive time gating on everything you had to farm though. Classic had attunement chores that had to be done on each character to even get in. Maybe between BC-Mists there weren’t many chores for BIS but dailies being a requirement for certain items and content has been in since day 1.

And you still can. A lack of essences is not baring you from anything other then, perhaps, mythic raiding and top tier arena/bgs. It hardly takes that long if you just do it on your main, if you want to get your alts into top level you have to work for it.

Elite me harder daddy. Not everyone’s in a guild and PUGs are bloody awful.

Okay… So what content would you be doing on your hypothetical free essence alts if Normal raiding is bullcorn? You expect to jump into Mythic raids on your freshly dinged 120? And only thing holdin you back is essences?

How about we get realistic for a change.

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I mean i would but you know, they are timegated m8.

and again all content i could choose on my own when and how much to do.

i didnt have to log in every day to do 3 quests on my classic characters to get ony attument.


Can’t reply?

How much did you paid for curve run?

You got Classic there enjoy.

If I have a guild that help me gear, why you think is unrealistic to jump into HC/Mythic and be ready in a lockout?

Hey gnome trying to laugh where are you.

I am more valuable and more loyal customer then you are.

0/10 troll attempt


Can’t argue ?
You just laughed at guy then I laughed at you can’t say anything now?

Seems like it clearly you have nothing to say.

Just flag and ignore. His only reason for being on the forum is to try to offend people.


i mean you also havent entered new raid on hc yet and do green logs in normal. at who do you laugh?

are you saving up for boost?

Defending someone curious why.

You I did more then you already even if I would do nothing in BFA.

Do you guys not have acc wide essences :open_mouth: ?

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#never since I believe loyal customers are more than one month Andy’s spending more time arguing them getting stuff done.

you are right. i wonder why he didnt get a ban yet considering hes spaming every single topic.

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Probably I will just kill last boss once for mount not much reason for someone who does key to do raid below mythic which I am not longer interested in.

The one month andy is going to be a loyal customer with being able to have more fun in the game. Which often means more diversity and less repeatable grinding.

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Nice try denying truth.

Still why you defend someone seems you have same goal.