Account wide essences

entirely off topic, but when you say “ignore” you mean not paying attention right? Cause I am certain that the last two versions of these forums do not have an ignore list.

If someone starts harassing/baiting others they are free to do so here unless it is extreme enough that a mod will take action.

I am afraid you are right about that :grimacing:

If you’re saying you want dailies to reset faster/be infinitely repeatable, again, I’m not really down for it but that’s fair enough. I’m not saying the system doesn’t need tweeks I just disagree giving it all out for free to alts is the solution.

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Do not worry If you unsub I buy mount instead I still miss :pig2: ,since you are all playing you are btw proving you are liking it.

Hi corruption

Hi azerite armor, hi cape.

And its 30-min long.

So, if i want to push m+, do mythic raid or pvp, u need to grind some dumb daily quests? Wooow.

And you call it a “work”… In game… Dam…

U just lazy af. Pugs closing 12/12 hm since week 2. 4 bosses in normal are absolutely nothing.

So you are complaining for having gear rewards in MMORPG I got it right?

If you want reward you do things giving reward.

Makes sense to me.

Its just a timegate in m+. What if i absolutely dont care about mythic raid? Why i cant just loot 475 after complete +15?

Why i have to roll it once in 2 weeks, with chance of getting sh…?

Because you can’t simple as that deal with it.

Mythic raiding is hardest stuff and it has weekly lockout unlike m+.

You can buy your mythic azerite by doing 3 weeks 15 keys ,or from PvP chest or Do Mythic raid.

Another excuse in your sleeves I am sure you have plenty.

Do not like it do not play it simple as that.

Except EP is tier old raid that is hardly done anymore by organized groups, your best bet is a pug run, and still takes weeks for those essences
As it takes weeks to farm pearls, to get the gearborx for VOP from mechagon, to do bg for blood etc etc etc

No dude, it’s 3K for each minor. If you start piling on them for all the 4 essences + crappy corruption rolls, plus crappy azerite, the gap is massive.
And keep in mind that 3K is an educated guess, there are some essences who does way way more than that for some classes, bonuses are not the same across the board.

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Slowest essence to rank 3 is 3 weeks of casuall play.

Vision of perfection LITERALLY 5-6 mechagon run ,btw m+ counts to it .

You do not even know stuff you complain about this is hilarious.

How dare you having progression in MMORPG !

Nah. I’m just taking the game in the way I enjoy it. Sorry that offends you. Maybe some PUGs have. I’ve not had any luck finding these “good” pugs.

Name me a game without chores that’s more complicated then Mario? It’s a staple of video gaming to have some sort of repetitive content loop. Your top 2 points are literally you getting my point, well done.

30m after the grind to get the gear and stuff you need to do the attunements, yeah. And having to go though older content to catch up to newer content because of the lack of catch up. I’m not saying it wasn’t easier in some ways but saying we’ve had 15yrs before anything like this appeared is a lie.

I feel like a broken record. I’m against account wide. I’m not against opening up better ways to get essences, like they did for Legion Legendaries. Please stick to the topic at hand.

Well, that is of course a good alternative. The problem is how to obtain essences. When you change that to something like getting ‘essences’-currency, it is solved too.


Nice answer lulw.

Its not. Mythic ez af. But uts pretty annoying to w8 until 19 ppls in your raid “learning”, how to not stand in fire. Thats why i dropped this.

Thanks captain

Loooooool. Are u blizz employee?

I’m totally game for that :slight_smile:

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So that is why you can’t do it I see.

Mythic is kinda the old heroic if I am right. Boy I wanted to scratch my eyes off waiting for several people to stop stepping into the shadow traps on the heroic lich king… The memories still sting.

You have never finished any raid on mythic.
Matter of fact you barely can do heroic with your raid history.

F1f. Not “games”, but mmorpgs,ok.

And were talking about improove, that you already have. You already spend 2 weeks, on absolutely boring and brainless content to get it.
Otherwise, if you like daily-q. Why did flying in bfa account wide?

A patch ago vop was 4 weeks because there was no mechagon keys. Or you make alts only in the last patch of a xpac?