I mean. I want to know why they come to this conclusion. Im pretty much guessing ‘Not Republican/conservative/actually wants society to progress so its baaaad’.
California has its issues sure (as any place does) but if they think its worse than the likes of Texas or Kentucky or Alabama then theres some serious fox news trash going on
I think they read the title and made assumptions. I think they don’t know how serious it gets when a federal government gave you 3 years time to better yourself and then sue you because you refused / failed.
Yeah agreed. As others have said if the state or federal attorneys get involved then its BAAAAD and you’ve already had the time to change things but havent/or have refused too.
It is not indeed. If you watch Jim Sterling you just get depressed tbh. It is so often and he’s always one of the first to report on it. Thank God for him.
It’s a bit different context but working in education there’s similar when the local authority sends inspectors to check for compliance every X years, and occasionally their conclusions will cause them to go “we’re going to be back in a year with a 2 week national inspection team” and if that happens that’s never a good sign. Having them launch such a visit in itself is usually a last warning. I’ve heard If institutions in my local area that were placed under “Special Measures” which means that essentially the national inspectorate team are going to be observing them closely for a whole year. Generally the conclusion of such short of a miracle turnaround is the institution goes bust and is closed down or essentially purged from top to bottom.
I remember seeing their cars go past (the school in question wasn’t too far from where I teach) in the morning, a row of BMWs and Mercedes which for the school in question was essentially the equivalent of a funeral procession. It’s one thing to have a couple of individuals with flashy lanyards turn up for a week, quite another when you have 30 or so suited and booted inspectors turning up every day for the best part of a year. Brrrr
The state (particularly in America where the state is far less of a busybody than the UK) getting involved usually means something pretty serious is going on. They don’t decide to swoop in and use taxpayer money for stuff an internal HR team can resolve. I don’t get how people don’t get that.
And for them to launch legal action? Yeah, not good.
As someone who grew up in a low income council, currently lives in one of the lowest income areas, within the south east. I can attest that the councils will only bother if they’re certain of an outcome… the less said about which councils get government funding and which doesn’t (in England at least), the better.
I did. I’m not gonna hang dogs on anybody for not being woke enough. It’s not my business. I want a video game, I don’t want to be a made up protector of female rights. You all think it’s better to disband an office because women don’t like frat boys? Since when crude jokes became synonymous with being evil? Since when drinking after work and cursing became illegal? It’s easy to disagree because someones “feelings” are hurt and “gender quotas”. This stuff always emerges because of those harassment hunters that smell money from bad publicity and you all instantly believe it. Human resources are at fault, they shouldn’t be working together.
It is, it can very well be the end of J Allan Brack and potentially a lot more. Time will tell. I hope they get brought to justice instead of some lame bail / settlement or whatever.
Here we differ. I do not see these as strictly female rights but – human rights. Everyone deserves to not be harrast etc at work or anywhere really. Now it happens to be that more often than not females are the victim of this particular offense.
What disband? BURN IT, cut out all the toxic pieces. From the ashes Blizzard will rise.
The state did a 2 year investigation because Blizzard failed to change in 2 or 3 years. This is not some he said vs she said.
Don’t know enough about it but topics like that are complicated. Even if her suicide was directly related to toxicity in the workplace its quite a leap to somehow try to convict her bosses bosses boss for that.