AD around the world 🌎

Ironically, when I was in London I couldn’t find many places to dine in. Wandering helplessly on the streets not knowing where to eat. So every day I went to Hyde Park to eat delicious Margherita pizza there. :sweat_smile:

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technically that’s american, but splitting hairs I guess.

I live in the Capitol of the Hunger Games AKA London.

I’m Bri’ish.

Maybe one day when both are independent from Denmark you will be remembered.

Though Greenland is not nordic in nature but is inuit/indigenous closer to the canadians and na indigenous folk.

Anyway I am bringing håkarl to the great food sharing event of AD bc danish cuisine is boring and everyone only thinks surströmming is bad

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Same thing :sunglasses:

Over my dead body. Id rather eat surströmming, I swear to God

“RIA RIA HUNGÁRIA!” Sorry couldn’t resist making the chant and yes I’m from Hungary.

Belgium but I live in Germani now.

I am willing to hold you to this.

Frikandel speciaal.


This stuff is banned on planes btw.

Ive eaten worse in the military, I am a broken man

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Don’t make us come sail up to Chatham again to steal your boat


I am sure that if you look deeply into your nation’s history, you would find small gems.
Also, I have to say that after few years studying history at uni, I can assure you that achievments most of the others are usually overglorified, even these more free nations can’t escape nationalism in their historiography. Here in Czechia kids at schools are learning about a man called Samo who apparently in 7th century united Slavic tribes in central Europe and defeated Franks, yet, the only source of his existence is one dubious chronicle.
And another thing, if you feel bad now, you can participate in the change if there is possibility. For me, patriotism is a stance when you want to make your country a better place to live, therefore different from nationalism, where you want to be better than others, even at their expense. Any country can always be better, even Russia, but it’s up to it’s people to make it better, it will not happen on it’s own.

Who isn’t. :smiley: If you look at the world, all you will see is just Rome, succesfuly taking over the world by it’s influence, instead of it’s armies. XD

Ask Alexei Navalny how trying to make change worked out for him – I can understand why someone would prefer to just leave/call it quits.

he’ll just ramble about how corruption made his glorious motherland bad at doing a genocide tbf, but I suppose he’s the only one that wanted some change and had some influence that hasn’t been killed yet

Key word there being ‘yet’. Anyway my point wasn’t a judgment on the man himself, more about that he was critical of how things are and then
 well, we know what happened then.

Lintian asked specifically not to touch this topic, so I think it would be a bit of a courtesy to just let the matter rest. Let’s just not talk about that country.

Also returning to more important matters, it is Pizzerie. Not pizzerias. I can’t read that. Please.


Ăš in italiano o mi sbaglio? :grinning:

It is of course. Just as I don’t butcher english by saying Computeri as the plural of computer, I hope others will return the favour.

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