AD around the world 🌎

Living at a tourist hotspot made me really bitter towards any derivation of „Moin“

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Half norwegian, born in Finland, living in Sweden and together with a part-dane :wave: Now I just need an Icelandic dog or something and I’ve got it covered.

For da nooth!


The living embodiment of Scandinavian & Nordic unity.


Just wanna emphasise this. Even given the forums’ proclivity for aggressively perpetuating e-feuds, I doubt anyone would have responded quite so forcefully if you (Quillestra) hadn’t suggested that Lintian was suffering from “delusions” and “propaganda”. If you don’t approach a topic with empathy, you’re unlikely to receive any in return.

I don’t think I’d be nearly as magnanimous as Lintian’s being if it were me.


I think it’s also the wording and phrases that adds an extra layer to it alongside the context of the discussion and the current point in history.

Considering the ongoing war, I do absolutely understand why people are wary more so than usual when someone from the aggressor country begins to talk about pride of their country. Even more so when using language such as “Propaganda” and “delusions” and again, also going on the offense against someone who said that she did not share that sentiment.

I’m not saying it automatically means they are one of the bad people from there, but speaking only from myself, it did set off alot of warning signals specifically because of all of these things combined because of the current world situation.

It’s important to keep that in mind when expressing yourself I feel.


I‘m guilty of using this cool and adolescent greeting lol

I agree, that’s true. I think there was very little context here and it gave the wrong impression. I meant the popular idea of denying one’s past for the sake of creating a new reality. Kinda like a form of self-destruction and self-criticism, when people are persuading the others and themselves that they are worthless and all’s doomed. But yeah, the discussion quickly turned into madness yet again and I didn’t have time to clarify that.

Oh yeah right, and the guys who immediatelly accused a Russian person of being a Z-nat+onalist and started saying nasty things about Russia in general (after seeing only me as a “bad example of a Russian citizen”) are certainly not rac+st.

Oh really? And when I said that I myself am fully aware of the downsides that was also me dismissing all thoughts of Lintian? The only part I had an issue with was the denial and disparagement of the national heritage. Not the idea of not wanting to live here itself or having personal traumas associated with it.

I am happy that we were able to (hopefully) understand each other and make amends. Once again I’m asking you to forgive me and not feel bad because of anything I’ve said. I can clearly see that you are a very intelligent and thoughtful person, and I sincerely wish you to find a place where you’ll feel like home and be truly happy.

And I agree with the what you said about perception. People are used to me being the “troll of the forum” (which I do not consider myself to be), and we started a fiery argument without even understanding what we all meant in the first place. Let’s be real, the nature of the thread was a little political in its nature to begin with, and I shouldn’t have opened it at all tbh, but at least we managed to sort it out (in a way).


Does being french give me a pass to dunk on british cuisine then?

 Not that I will, as I’m aware the recipes I find Weird are those born from the extrem poverty of popular classes “you need your protein from anywhere” and it’s unkind to mock but y’know
 Pass to dunk out of principle ?)

On national pride, I admit being bi-national myself so when the things my country do bother me, I can claim myself from the other. Very practical (except when they both annoy me but what can you do.)

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Appropriate for the thread


I’ve been told that the French eat snails and frogs and therefore all opinions are invalid.

That said, you did invent croissants which are unironically the best of any food ever invented.




Faroese always left out, along with Greenlanders :((

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As I mentioned in my more recent post, I understand why people reacted strongly honestly even if it might not be correct. The wordings you used and your hostile tone is a pretty big red huge flag and if you had approached it differently, I am certain it would not have come up at all.

I’m not saying showing hatred towards Russians simply for being Russian is acceptable, but it felt far more that the issue people had was that you seemingly took a nationalistic standpoint, which is problematic.

I’m not saying Russia hasn’t had a great and colorful history or heritage, or that its wrong to be proud about it. But considering the situation in the world right now, think about how you phrase it.

Even so, dunking on her for not liking or being happy her heritage for one reason or another is not cool. If I hear someone who says they don’t like being Swedish and wants to reject that identity, my immediate thought isnt “Grr, they are wrong, I must tell them this and why and how bad they are for saying this”.

And again, also the wording you used made it really aggressive, but you’ve apologized to her so can leave that behind.

As I mentioned before, personally I do not harbor any particular ill-views towards you beyond current confusion and minor annoyances from previous threads. I’m certain that if you just take what people have said here into consideration and be a bit more thoughtful on your approaches in the future, nobody is going to have an issue with you. I don’t think I will atleast.

I do kinda disagree here though personally. Simply discussing nationality and where people are from should not be political in of itself. It only becomes a problem if someone makes it that.

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I’ve never been able to eat the snails. I know logically that it’s more butter sauce and herbs than anything else but I block. I don’t eat seashells either you’ll tell me so I guess it’s just the mollusks.
Frogs are nice though, it’s just meat.

Now le’ts see if picture priviledges still hold


the only real things i know about french food i learned from the excellent movie ratatouille


I attended a international food market in Sweden a few months ago and had some delicious french calamari.

To give credit to the british as well, I also did try some fish and chips and it was very tasty.


Next Acrona AD meet, I should hope!


Alcohol is on me then, I guess

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