Add appearance change pls

Still hate the fact my orc is A ginger :frowning:

When I see your face
There’s not a thing that I would change
'Cause you’re amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile
The whole world stops and stares for a while
'Cause girl you’re amazing
Just the way you are

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Mine too! KEK

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Seems like a you problem. Retail is that way ==>

No. Stay ugly.

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Buy why?..

Dont wanna be A ginger :frowning:

Except the changes you want yourself, right?

And the dungeon boosting is ruing the low level content and it could easily be fixed by a minor tweak to XP when a high lvl kills gray mobs.

For the love of God, no.

Anyone ever actually used that? In retail or classic?

Yes it is in fact a solid argument. Even Blizzard used that argument before Classic launch.

Yes you and me have a different opinion on this matter. The main difference is that I want Vanilla and you don’t.

Fixing unintended game breaking exploits is not a change. That’s called an hotfix. Call me crazy but I think it’s reasonable to hotfix exploits that promote RMT.

A change is when someone for example ask for a barber shop in Vanilla.

Do you see the difference?

There are other more interesting things to straw man that are not as easy to say if it’s an hotfix or change. For example Shaman Elemental Mastery double crit. Stuff like that. So if you want to troll and straw man me you should have picked on of those comments you noob.

Boosting was common in vanilla aswell. Most of my alts in vanilla got boosted to some degree. The only difference in classic is the scale and gold, which can be said for pretty much anything in classic. World buffs, farming, loot selling etc. Should all those get “fixed” aswell? Where do you draw the line for “fixes”?

You are not requesting a fix, but a change. Also, all fixes that makes the game different from vanilla are changes by definition. Your attempts to define it as anything else does not make it so.

Was left untouched until patch (not hotfixed) 2.3, and would therefore be a change.

Pointing out hypocrisy is neither straw manning nor trolling. But it’s nice to see that your only response is resorting to insults.


No it is not a solid argument. Vanilla and retail is like night and day because of all the GAMEPLAY changes they added. Appearance change does not affect gameplay at all. And once again : they added tons of changes already so it is classic and not vanilla anymore.

Yes i don’t want vanilla. That’s why i didnt play retail since cataclysm and i am subbed for a year now only for classic.

It affects the sense of immersion and that is the most important thing.

Yes and we didn’t ask for those. So we need to fight to have those changes reverted and not using them as an argument to add more changes.

Well you want Vanilla with the specific changes you like. But don’t you see theat problem with that? I don’t like your changes, a barber shop, and you would not like mine probably and the other ten thousand changes other people want. So let’s not add any changes at all. That way we know what we will get, and don’t get.

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Oh damn I got lung cancer for being a heavy smoker. Oh well, damage already done might as well keep smoking, am I right?

Nope damage is done but you switch to vaping (good quality of life changes) since it’s better for your health.

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It enhances immersion. Why wouldn’t my fantasy character be tanned because he been in tanaris? Why can’t he get a haircut because he feels like it?


Your character is bald.

Also because Classic is a R E C R E A T I O N of Vanilla and you could never get a haircut in vanilla in any patch. The barbershops doesn’t even exist in the environment data.

Yeah, and this is a fallacy. Can you and your #nochanges friends please deactivate your and their post traumatic stress disorder and review each change separately?

People tend to get so of every little change blizzard makes, and just start screaming #nochanges whenever they hear something, while that same #nochanges cult was embracing private servers so hard which also made alike small changes.

Please take a deep breath, and review each change on itself.

And yeah, appearance change doesn’t hurt anything imo, the game doesn’t change for other people if you can adjust your hairstyle with a paid service.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


No it’s not. It’s literally not the meaning of that word…

Sure as soon as people stop using unrelated changes as an argument to add more changes. I have NEVER used this argument before someone did that. Look in EVERY post I have ever made, I always bring that up AFTER someone use an unrelated changes as an argument to add more changes.

What change have Blizzard done that is in anyway remotely similar to a BARBER SHOP in Classic? You are literally proving my point and using unrelated changes as an argument to add more changes.

Straw Man Fallacy. What the hell does custom private server have to do with the Classic R E C R E A T I O N?

What change is in anyway relevant to a custom barber shop in Classic that anyone asked for and was granted?

It will hurt the sense of immersion and the sense of playing a recreation of a game.

I disagree.

The feeling that choices you make have some actual value is important. I don’t want that to change. I want Classic to be a recreation of Vanilla. Adding this custom change will not bring us close to that goal.

So to be clear.

  1. I don’t want your change based on my own personal opinion. Your custom change would make the game less fun for me.

  2. Your change is not possible or reasonable because Classic is a recreation of a game that never had that. The barber shops are not even part of the world.

  3. Even if it was possible to add this, there are like a million other waaaaaaaay more important things to add and fix first that require very little effort. I mean the barber shops was added in WOTLK. it’s kind a big deal.

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