[ADRP] What do you think is wrong Blood Elf RP



Garithos was right all along.



Also, you’re being very defensive and not constructive and seem to have rambled off the point into “who is ruining Silvermoon”

Everyone knows every race has problems. But I do think the fact that Silvermoon is isolated does lend itself towards people who prefer RP in smaller tight knit groups, or even bubbles, ending up there.

I don’t personally think there’s anything inherantly wrong with Blood Elf RP. Its just more likely to attract certain types of roleplayer.


I’ve mentionned in this thread at least two times that I roleplay a blood elf actively, but unlike yourself I’m not in denial of the issues the blood elf community has.
Of course every race has problems, but the title of the thread is “What do you think is wrong with blood elf Roleplay.”

It’s very easy to say nothing is wrong but within the blood elf community you can’t really deny some Elf guilds have decided to ignore each other’s roleplay, isolate themselves and don’t really interact with the Horde.

Instead they are lore, Brigante on the other hand isn’t. I don’t know why you have to be so upset about Human mages surpassing Elven ones by miles! Apparently they make better husbands too :smirk:


The elves trained them during the war against the trolls… there it is… in the lore.

Some of these are interesting characters.

Then we have you, Brigante, who isn’t interesting in the slightest and seem to reek of drama, if what I read about you on the forums is anything to go by…

Lets delete you instead.


yeah what jessicka said

let’s delete the red death instantly


Hold on first he must hand in his boomer badge.
takes away the can of white monster energy

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So good to see everyone playing nice.

Back on track after this delightful detour (the wet wipes are under your seats), my experience with blood elf rp is an amazingly mixed bag of encounters. I don’t buy into it being “the Goldshire of the Horde” for one, and would encourage anyone laboring under that delusion to spend an hour or two in Elwynn. You will be kissing the ground in Silvermoon afterwards.

Secondly there is the insular folk and this really does seem to boil down to a lot of OOC relations formed around guilds and the occasional gathering of GMs and officers. In terms of cultural events for the public in general, there just aren’t that many that I can recall in recent times.

To leave things on a happier note, I do enjoy most blood elven interactions. I have been spared the heavily accented “grimdarkers” myself it seems, and usually the conversations I have witnessed had an air of elven-ness (now a word) to them. So I do think they are perfectly able to hit the cultural mark when they want to.


I thought saying this would’ve killed the thread but nope instead I’ve created a serious philosophical discussion on the aspects of Belf RP.

Quite literally Born Again.

Please do continue anyway the replies on here are a informative read.

Blood Elf RP has always been insular by AD standards, as someone who RPed solely BElf for years I think I can safely attest to that.

It’s not necessarily bad and I don’t think it’s necessarily a problem - given that it generally fits my own preference of smaller, more focused groups in RP - but it is absolutely the case. Saying otherwise is a little dishonest.


I think it’s safe to say that the problem is that we as a community just have trouble with certain themes which we sweep under the rug because of the drama and akwardness it causes.

But i will not go and write out the text wall unless people want to see another text wall of weirdness.


Basically it’s not really so much calling them out more so telling them our grievances.

Blood elf rpers should keep an open mind and be receptive to change. “Oh yeah, maybe I will start using orcish when in a camp with orcs. I’ll keep thalassian brief and not have hour long conversations in it!”


“Yes, I do realise my constant relationship rp is hurting my guild, I should rp with them more often.”


I’ve definitely seen Blood Elf RPers who have a bad habit of always - wherever they are, whoever they’re with - speaking Thalassian and nothing else. It annoys me despite being able to read what they’re saying, because it’s just lacking in basic OOC courtesy to other players.


The true chad belf manually types out [orcish] so the lessers can tune into their mad diss tracks


Yeah basically what it boils down to is , MORE roleplay for everyone. I suppose?

My thought is that if you’re in a public hub (Orgrimmar, Stormwind, the camp of a RP-PVP campaign), then the decent thing to do is make your RP approachable to others.

Fair enough if you’re in the @ss-end of nowhere, trying to get on with your own RP and story, but I’ve known a lot of RPers (not solely BElf but they’re a good example) who don’t seem to be able to make this distinction.


To be fair, all the above is true. However, I’d also say belf rp has experienced 2 things that has caused a decline in rp’ers. Number one is huge guilds that hoovered up rp’ers and caused niche guilds in the community to die out. These guilds helped create diversity and keep the community alive. It fitted the story to have purely military guilds, but when the niche guilds die out and a number of large military guilds disbanded for various OOC reasons there’s no place for people to go.

Secondly, the increase in allied races. Nightborne, void elf, these races just take rp’ers away. The golden days of belf rp have passed. But that’s cool. It’s just people are more interested in other races.


I’ve said it before but here’s a big unpopular opinion; umbrella guilds are bad and drama tends to erupt from them more often than not.


They rolled a blood elf instead of a tauren!!

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