Don’t encourage him. Brigante has never been able to clarify something in his life.
Has there even been a plot to assassinate Thrall? Taliesin made a good point about this in his analysis of the video: Why would Sylvanas send two ordinary Forsaken rogues to kill someone as important as Thrall? Wouldn´t she send her Dark Rangers instead?
Maybe they were there just to keep an eye on him, but decided to attack once they saw him meeting with Saurfang.
But yeah, the problem of encyclopedic knowledge is common in RP. I have met a draenei who has been on Azeroth for a year, yet somehow had better knowledge of events in its past than people who got to experience them, going full “um, actually” about it.
Then he said how Velen was far better mage back in the day than Jaina or Khadgar could ever hope to be. It was fun.
I mean, it could be true though?
He just stopped and became a priest, and that has been his focus for the last 25000 years, and thus have lost his touch with it.
Was he even a mage to begin with? As far as I know, he has always been called Prophet and the only thing I could find on Wowpedia about it (I checked it during the conversation, fortunately typing often takes some time) was reference to one chapter of Rise of the Horde (quote itself not provided, unfortunately), stating it was presumed he was a mage (with Wowpedia, though, you need to take these presumptions with grain of salt, as it´s all just an interpretation of writer of the article).
Archimonde was the mage one as far as I remember.
Could be that he always was a priest, but did they play around with Holy magic back on Argus? I thought that happened Post-Argus.
Found the quote. In Rise of the Horde, Kil´jaeden stated that Velen had great understanding of Arcane.
Saying that, Rise of the Horde is also pretty outdated, being partially retconned by WoD, Chronicles and Legion and taking quote from it (that could just mean that Velen knew a lot about magic…strangely, this knowledge doesn´t seem to come up anywhere else in the story) as some sort of statement that he was a mage who was more powerful than mages of Azeroth is kinda jarring.
But we are derailing, my point was, RPing encyclopedic knowledge is often badly done and people who do it tend to make mistakes, which makes it even funnier.
You’re gold Brigante truly.
I was making a reference to your very long posts!
keep in mind WoD was a whole alternate timeline
Blizzards awful, awful handling of the writing (“It’s not Garrosh 2.0 guys, we promise, it’ll be so much better, for realsies this time! Just trust us!!”) is the number one culprit.
IC I’ve found very little issues, to be honest. OOC? There’s a lot of bad blood and grudges going around, from what I can tell. Sometimes ‘fairly’, in a way, some silly stuff has been done. The issue comes when people don’t want to/are too proud to move on and have a calm chat player-to-player and let bygones be. I mean, we’re all here to have fun, afterall?
I enjoy Horde side, so I can dream, heh. Until then, I just have to hope that they (Blizz) wrap up the mess that is BfA’s faction war sooner rather than later.
You dont actually need to roleplay with the Rotgarde to play a Forsaken tho, personally ive been close many of times making a forsaken to join them. I think they’re pretty chill
True, but things it developed (draenei being extremely technologically advanced especially, shape of the world, the backstory) were carried on to Legion and Chronicles.
WoD was main basis for Chronicles: Volume 2, which took far more from that alternate universe than from Rise of the Horde and many things we might have considered alternate universe in 2014 ended up being part of main universe Draenor´s backstory.
This expansion’s plot isn’t exactly helping RP either, it’s absolute trash. At least WoD was good for RP because you could pretty much ignore draenor outright.
Not enough Light worshippers.
And thank the Fel for that.
Filthy, filthy Light!
Yeah but the appeal always dies the moment I get to character creation. I’ve been playing since late vanilla and forsaken/pandaren are the two races I just can’t bring myself to create, at all.
I think that’s fine! You don’t really have to like a race - even if those are part of the Horde. Play what you enjoy
I believe it’s part of sylvanas’ scheme for peace.
Thrall doesn’t seem convinced to return to the horde, but he does once the Forsaken attack him and Saurfang.
They said before bfa that Sylvanas wants to secure Kalimdor for the Horde. Perhaps this is what her master plan is, she is the ideal warchief for times of war. The horde will need another one for when peace comes.
I honestly think Baine will be warchief, as Thrall doesn’t want it.
pass the rat
Anyways, I guess that makes you a homophobe for that last rant you had about me.
And for the record no, I’m not interested. I don’t know who would want to end up in one of your boastful stories about your romantic adventures on discord. I’m sure those women would have appreciated more respect from you.
Baine being Warchief is probably the most boring choice, which is no doubt why it is what we will get.
Also just do not like that he is so close to Anduin, which means he will get some commentary.
Can we have a Horde internal conflict that does not end with the moralising of a Wrynn?