Advance Your Scholarly Pursuits with the New High Scholar’s Pack

it is. since its clear that MS can buy Blizzard/Activision this happens in every game. all in. no scruples or morals anymore.

Oh hey, tenders used to inflate the price of store items. Who would have thought.


Does anyone know how to permanently disable that trading post tracker? I once activated it to see my progress on raid boss kills and ever since for months it still auto tracks on all my chars even if i finished the monthly grind for trading post. It’s irritating. And no, even if i manually disable it, it will still be up next time i relog

yeah thats annoying. you can deselect them and after a relog they back.

probably a cache thing thats not properly removing itself when you change your settings
delete cache and wtf folders would probably be the best first move
if it persists after that backup your addons and see if the issue remains when you load your game without any addons in it.

I don’t understand why they didn’t put the staff in with the mog…

iirc if i delete cache/wtf all my bindings and macros are gone right?

possibly, I’m not sure. Back up that folder in case there’s no issues so you can always set it back

If I were a cynic, I would say it’s a clever little sales trick with a hint of about it.

We’re able to get the staff more or less for free. We don’t pay actual money for it. By then you have the staff and know there’s a “set” tied to it, and thus some will feel tempted to get the store transmog for a sense of completionism.


Well i must be a cynic in that case because what you said sounds plausible, would have made sense for them to include the staff so you would gain 500 tenders and save 500 tenders.

At this point people are paying $25 for 500 tenders because we all know this mog will appear on the trading post at some point lol :joy:

Ion is a known liar, that says anything goblin bobby tells him to

I’ve considered making an addon that writes the price in euros based on the last seen token price on the AH on every tooltip.

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My bad, I misunderstood.

Have you tried an alt?

Just remember, this set could have been a reward for the blue dragon questline or a different story arc reward.

Instead it is on the online shop, hollowed out of any associated in game lore or achievement - just something you wear whilst doing, not much in game?

There are very good games on Steam that cost less than this.


its just funny that ppl were defending the 5 euro wrist mog bundle that also had 200 tenders, but now are way against the pricing of this and against tenders being purchasable with money “one nice thing blizzard ruined again”.

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The problem is, with it being in colour and style of how a mage could look while also having the Kirin Tor Emblem it actually has enough association with the game lore.
Similar to the new priest set who looks like you are being a priest of the deep (N’Zoth) while the Paladin set looks close enough to two different already existing Tier Sets.
Meanwhile the rogue class set has exactly this unless I overlooked something about Bloodonyxassassins in Dragonflight.
The other problem is, unlike the rest of the class sets this one comes already completed and with how few tenders you can get every month you get the impression that it is better to buy this now as you can easier get 25€ then enough tender for completing the other class sets.

Well not without reason the definition of Microtransactions is things up to 5€.
Researchers found out that nearly everyone thinks of 5€ as a small sum that can be spend without much thought. Meanwhile bigger sums are harder to rationalize.
And when people think of premium currency they also think mostly of a 100€ package they have to get because the more premiumcurrency you buy at the same time the more do you get for your money so they only thought of the knowable enemy of having to pay 100€ multiple times. They did not realized that when Blizzard made return they only followed by the word and so instead we only get additional Tenders by buying cosmetic sets we do not want because if we want them, then we have no additional tenders available as the set is incomplete with the last part in the shop for exactly this amount of tenders.

Yeah :frowning:

And that has been the case all these months trading post has ever since been introduced.

I don’t know if this is the way it has been intended, or if I’m actually losing tenders this whole time. And if so, if Blizzard can track down all of the previous missing ones and grant them to me.

The only support articles I can find point towards bug reports.

You could try asking for help in CS or seeing if there is an existing current thread up about it.

Cool. Apparently based on these articles they are not part of the 1k cap.

I made a thread in CS forum instead and just hope I guess.

Of course I am, I never joke around here