Advance Your Scholarly Pursuits with the New High Scholar’s Pack

I just saw your thread on the CS forums and would like to explain the following:

Each month if at start of the month your account is in good standing you get 500 tenders.

Additionally, you can earn 500 extra tenders per 200 challenge points for a total of 1k tenders per month. You can see this spaced by the gaps at the Tenders journal by comparing the score versus the tender diamond reward below the bar.

I also answered a similar player’s concern here who was confused as you were:

Where can i see this info as a confirmation? Cuz right now the wording on the posts from Blizzard from the articles Puny linked doesn’t state that.

The 2nd article linked by Puny does state it. Namely the first paragraph:

During a month you can generally earn 1000 Trader’s Tender per region; 500 for having an active WoW account, and 500 for completing Traveler’s Log activities in-game. Occasionally there might be additional Tender available from promotions; check our news for details.

Also it says here:

Get Tender Every Month

At the first of each month, players with an active account in good standing will receive 500 Trader’s Tender automatically every month from a chest called the Collector’s Cache. … These activities provide the opportunity to earn up to 500 additional Trader’s Tender in August. There’s only a set amount of Tender you can earn each month through completing activities

The august part is a typo, but generally it is right that it’s up to 500 extra tendies next to your 500 collection for being in good standing and having any gametime at the start of the month. So 1k Tendies in total.

You’re being generous,this is worth atleast 40€ and u get a set as bonus.

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I cant even see it in the shop :slight_smile: i prob buy if I could

Yeah, not going to pay 25€ for that set and 500 tender.

If it were 10€, maaaaaaaaybe. But 25€? I can eat an entire week for that money.

That and they can use the staff with the tenders for justifying a higher bundle price that has as much cosmectic as others but is 5€ more expensive for which it has 500 Tenders which is exactly the amount for the staff needed. And hopefully some people will buy the set for the 500 more tenders just so they can get another piece of their favourity class transmog as you need the whole month tenders for just bying one incomplete set with weapons.

After careful consideration I have concluded that this is the least bad micro transaction in their store. It’s the most consumer friendly. Why? Because there is no real reason to buy it. Think about it: The 5 bucks micro transaction was pobably very popular, but also very shady, because it seemed to be praying for people spending the 5 bucks to buy something with their leftovers. This one though is priced in a way, where nobody would buy it, unless they want the transmog, or they have too much money. Additionally, this mog will come to the trading post later for free. If you are a mage main, you can just get it for free later.
I think this type of shop item is better than their weird 25 euro transfer cost and expensive character services with shop exclusive customization. You can get it for free in the end reasonably just by waiting. Not even grinding involved. For example this is more fair imo than having these weird 20 euro transmogs in the store. That is something people should be annoyed with. However, just a 25 euro bundle that you can get for free? I feel ashamed for having been mad at this.

Think about it: Even if it seems kind of scummy psychologically at first glance, it is in the end their most fair micro transaction in the store, if you consider that we pay a sub, and everything should be obtainable by playing and being subbed. It’s also not psychologically that manipulative, because it is expensive, so why would you buy it instead of just waiting?

However, the only thing that annoys me kind of is that not enough rewards are tied to actual in-game accomplishments. I would be sad, if in the future less stuff is obtained by playing and too much stuff is just a trading post instant gratification reward.

Another thing to point out, this set is missing trousers.
While other sets has trousers for modular build this set is seemingly only intended to use as a whole and so they gave us a stafe instead of trousers who are not visitable under the robe while still increasing the price by 5€.

It will be hilarious how the tenders are going to be the main attraction here.

Morally I find it questionable
But if it incentivizes them to give us more good transmogs then personally I like it.

Not for me. On the german forum someone pointed out to me the newsarticle about all the class sets in the trading post and as Blizz somehow managed to develop them beside all my Class, Race, Spec and Taste combinations, this set is the only one I find beautifull.
So while I will likely have now the tenders for it as I save now thousends of tenders for the other sets I will likely buy it so I can now have at least one good looking class set.

Class themed class sets are indeed special

they dont really care anymore,they will squeze as much they can from people that are left playin retail.

Seems they did this in response to players who did want to buy tendies

Holly Longdale

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That will always be its primary focus […] And then, on the other hand, we’re trying stuff. They’re not very vocal, but there are some players that ask, ‘I don’t have time to get all my Tender, I’d buy some of this stuff,’ and so, you know, we try it out.

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Seems like they did this to earn more money, there is no need to beat around the bush, it irritates me when people try to lie like this…

They are a greedy company like most companies, the aim is to earn always more than previous year actually not even year, previous quarter.

I don’t think the comment is dishonest but at the same time we see some players offering to buy everything for IRL money.

Those suggestions will always exists. That’s not to say they are good ones.

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Tbf, they could also just put in the real price ingame.

Like “500 Tender / 8€”. Why should people do the extra step to buy Tender in bundles then if they can put the price per item just ingame and keep Tender as the currency for the people “buying” the items via their sub and playtime investment.

I am sure most bought the packages for the tendies, I certainly did. I’m not sure what benefit it is to be part of a package other than being able to vary the amounts.

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At this point I think people should just give up their stance. A microtransaction store will come to WoW anyways once Daddy Microsoft takes over.

It is, to quote Thanos, “inevitable”.