Hello fellow players,here’s the drill, I play on Nethergarde keep , and last night for the first time after 6 hours i couldn t find a single Black Lotus. It 's first time this happends.
In the South of Winterspring in the building with the satyr , there is a druid lvl 60 standing there since last night,that means right now when i m typing more than 16h . Wich physically you cannot sit that long without dying of sleep need .
Can any GM or someone check that player there . Since neither of the factions can stop him or do anything, that means the person sitting there is afk farming BL, with multiple caracthers on different spots of the map… Cheers.
What if he is a budhist monk? These guys can sit in spiked carpets for 3 days or something, farming a lotus in south Winterspring for 16h should be no problem for them.
Problem solved. Nothing to see here. Move on.
Might be a bot or might be a human. It’s not physically impossible to be at one spot for 16 hours or being awake for that matter. 0800-0000 is 16 hours. Sounds pretty normal. But standing at one location in wow for 16 hours, yeah that’s boring
What if i come and shove my Card in your teeth? would you still be able to play without teeth and a bleeding face? No, So as i pay for playing the game, properly he can do the same. Basically on a PVP server he wouldn t be able to even think of that. But for other type of servers that should be considered a game mechanic abuse.
That guy will stay there pug. No one is going to move him. Not you. Not your card. Not even damn blizzard! Be a man and face it.
Of course Blizzard can move him.No one is paying to watch how a wanker is just abusing the game’s mechanics. Like 60 lvl players fully geared can run around the map searching, he can do the same. After all , Blizzard doesn t wanna lose a ton of players for 1 lunatic.
How is it against tos to stand in one spot for 16 hours? Curious.
So, first to excuse myself , for my anger posting language, if any GM will see the post. About the rest, physically it’s impossible staying awake that long , continously, even now i can go take prt scr of the thing,enemy faction cannot kill him either. So what you can do? This falls under a different part . Nobody wants to pay to play a game, and get such a bad experience about it.
If you really want flowers , just farm them,like the rest of the community.Don’t make 5-6 toons 60 and let’s stand in 1 place waiting for spawn.
(Since anyway the server isn’t pvp oriented, it should fall under different circumstances)
Also it’s not like you’d keep monopol over a certain thing. You aren’t selling it ,you are only preventing others from getting it. ) Cheers and let’s see what the GMs will decide about this.
Exactly I can’t understand this post eighter, if the player is not useing a bot to stand there and farm, but he is online 16h a day (I did that aswell in FFXI many many years ago, I played 16h somedays when I was young) then there’s no reason to be upset, he choose to sacrifice real life stuff to play instead so if no bot program is used 16h is totally okay, even 24h since for a few days you can live on snacks and not bathe or sleep altho you can sleep a little since the respawn rate is long for Lotus, but yeah it would be really suspicious if he would be doing that, probably would be a bot, sadly even in that case there are no GMs or almost no GMs at all in Classic WoW so he can do it that way, and hopefully in that case will get punished later, but your post OP about 16h Lotus farm, or even 24h is humanly possible since he doesn’t have to move so can easily watch movies or whatever while waiting for Lotus respawn or even sleep a little or eat since respawn times are big.
What are you talking about you can easily stay awake and work for 36 hours or even more if you want to / have to. Especially if you only stand at a spot, not even difficult. 16h is a piece of cake, I played (not afk standing) 16h a day when I was young on some days, because I loved FFXI that much back then, so it is not only humanly possible but easy to do aswell.
What is wrong with you?
So he pays for the game just like you to play, but you are trying to tell us he shouldn’t play the game that way cuz it bothers you and he should play it your way?
Are you insane?
It is not against of ToS to be online 24h if you want to, some people end up in hospitals because of it, but that is their choice, as long as he is not useing a bot program to do this who the heck do you think you are to say what he can or can’t do in the game if he is paying for it the same as you or even more if he is playing and paying for multiple characters/accounts?
You are insane if you think he doesn’t have the right to do this.
Botting is against ToS, playing is not.
Sounds like an auto clicker picking up the herb, should it spawn there.
Report for cheating, after which Blizzard does nothing.
The idea is prolly like you said autoclicker or multiple toons set at the spawn locations. Whatever wich one of them , still i think it shouldn’t be allowed.
Well, calling out this issue is why I post this:
Basic notification. Let’s fight against the under employed crew managing the Warden.
Bans incoming - US rumours !!!
- streamers first
Again humping threads, this behavior of yours clearly shows the reason you get silenced!
abusing game mechanics eh ? how much are they doing about alliance premades ? But ofcourse, that one black lotus spot, is more important.
This is why im rank 15 PvP mode
What has to do a battlefield with a farming spot? What has to do, 5 people in discord voice call,with someone that is taking advantage of a spot that is set there by the developer? Hello world and hello Jesus… Budd some of your disciples jumped over the fence. If it was after me, i would’ve stuffed that flower right at the end of Frostwhisper Gorge, see if he’ll still be in mood to abuse anything there.
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