After 14y we still cannot understand the others!

To emphasize your point :wink::laughing:

It would be really nice with a potion that let’s you permanently understand the other faction, would be nice to be able to talk in some cases.

Like “no don’t run away i didn’t mean to almost kill you i just didn’t see you behind that huge creature” :joy:
Poor lowbies in wm lol

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Or maybe make it a skill (like it is). Some options how it could be done:

  • Make it work like old times weaponskills, where you had to hit things to slowly gain skill with the weapon you are using to hit thing with. No, you would not hit opposing faction with things to learn the skill, you would have to try to talk to them. And gradually you would start to understand some words, untill you skill is full and you understand their language. You would have to do it separately for each language.
  • Make it sort of reputation you can gain by doing some tasks for the faction whose language you want to learn. It could be gained for example mercenarying battlegrounds, doing dailies, sabotaging your own factions assaults, making secret donations to their war effort/darkshore/retirement funds.
  • Make it longish questline, bit like on draenei starting area where you can learn to speak furbolg via quest, but much longer taking you all around the world and learning also things about their culture while doing it.
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I will never sabotage the horde :scream:

But a questline of some sort would be cool yeah!

Well you are horde right? But anyway on your alliance toons you could jsut go for the retirement funds then :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: . My favourite would be anyway that first option, would be hilarious standing around hours every day trying to talk to other faction and watching that gibberish, and especially fun when you start to understand word or 2 and try to make up something out of it. :rofl:

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I think a lot of people would find that a fun way of doing it lol :smile:

Well I don’t understand German but both Italy and Germany exist from quite a long time.

yes please allow cross-faction speaking then not only can I oneshot void elves whenever I see them, but I can also flame them in /say to piss them off even more

LOL Bang on.

Tears are salty, hence you “salty”

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I think that the game is a mix of things. Much of it is very medieval and some of it is high tech, but most of it just magic.

However I think more harm than good would come of the factions being able to go at each other verbally.


Good. I don’t want to understand the other faction because…why would I?

The advanced technology we see in WoW is a legacy from now-collapsed advanced cultures. The Eredar and the Nightborne are two of these formerly high-tech societies. Because the survivors lack the manufacturing skills they once had, they can no longer make things like a Universal Translator.

That’s the real reason - WPvP would be horrible :frowning:

As someone who plays in WM, I agree :smiley:

Hmmm. Perhaps introduce new mode called VM that’s ment for Verbal PvP. :thinking:

You could call it Cricket Mode (for the uninitiated, the sport of cricket is infamous for the “sledging” that goes on between opponents - it’s technically against the rules but still happens all the time).

I am not into pvp but i would totally go for the cricket mode for some VPvP:rofl:

You could use AI to rank VPvP skills and earn tokens, which you could turn in at the VPvP vendor.

Yeah to get fancy gear and new VPvP emotes (which i cannot type samples here without losing posting priviledges)!

Verbal pvp… Something like the ‘Yo Momma’ battles MTV had? :smiley:

I would love it :star_struck:

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