After 3 weeks of SoD it's safe to say: The PvP side of this seasonal gamemode is kinda lacking

Yeah i hate “win-traders”, i don’t know for retail but it happened in Era too…
This never happened in OG Vanilla because it was not an average mentality of griefing, and servers were not connected to other servers (nobody paid 2 accounts to play in both factions of a PvP server back in the days)
If you were from the Alliance, You were FOR THE ALLIANCE
If you were from the Horde, You were FOR THE HORDE
If you wanted to try the opposite faction, you had to change server and be unconnected to the peoples you played with/against on the other server

Now it’s an “underground” Discord full of traitors and snitches selling their mom for a BG win or an Epic item in PvE…

What can we do?

Separates queue can have good impact, but it’s not magic