For gods sake prem vs prem only we are sick of it

Solo-queuing to join a team, Warsong 10v10, Arathi 15v15, Alterac 40v40. I don’t see where solo-queuing is against MMORPG “spirit”. it’s still teamplay

Most EU players cried when russians did premades of 40 in AV. Why not separates queues?

Separate queues can be the best “Vanilla Experience”
Convert the old servers not connected to:
Where the “Hype”(server) is → the where competitive players go = Premades vs Premades as it’s own “hype” server. If you all premades are scared to face other premades and lose, you just don’t deserve to be called “PvP gamers” because you “strong”(premades) only want to dominate the “weak”(PUGs)

all you say here yep, they are scared