AH add-ons that are ruining Classic

You mean most players that completely contradicted the famous “You think you do, but you dont?” :thinking:

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So in one hand people demand classic experience, but insist we ban addons we had in vanilla. better yet a lot of those people placing demands about addons never played vanilla and now act surprised to learn that addons existed and people used them.


Do you rly think there is even 1/10 of the people that dont use addons?

I use addons, a lot of people use addons. Almost everyone i know doesnt use game impacting addons.

But this, posting stacks of ones does not require an addon…


You really think everyone is going to AH manually single stacks this quickly already in game?..

The answer is obvious.

You may not neeed to do a scan for the addon to filter the results. I mean the AH itself has to pull the results of your search (duh) but mostly addons scan the AH to derive trends in the price of items. When you do something crazy like a full AH scan.
I feel like if you’re just searching for linen cloth for example and trying to filter those results you wouldn’t be waiting 20 minutes.

It searches for 1 page at a time. With hundreds of pages that will take time. Maybe not 20 minutes, but at least 5 minutes. Why should people waste so much time because of few [insert rude word] posters who intentionally abuse auction house interface? Those posters rely on people getting annoyed and ending up with no choice but to buy overpriced single stacks.

erm not that i disagree but i think it has much more to do with how few silver most people have atm . so i higly doubt average joe will be buying stacks of 20 at this point


You could do this in vanilla, too.



indeed, this was in vanilla too. typical retail guy that wants to act like an original vanilla player but got no clue

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Except that its a newer add-on for private servers. It was created 4 years ago.

But you are right in general. There were auction house add-ons in vanilla. Major differences are:

  1. They weren’t used by many players
  2. Auction house wasn’t filled with single stack spam

It is similar to LFG add-on: technically one existed in vanilla too, but it wasn’t used enough to cause problems.

I assume that is also true of the tBC version, the WotLK version, the Cataclysm version, the MoP version, the WoD version, the Legion version and, of course, the live version.

But yea its UI was a little bit different.

My point is this addon DEFINITELY existed. I remember it.

I could be wrong. Looking at GitHub repository that page links to, add-on was published 4 years ago. Could be repost of old code.

However my point still stands: even if it technically existed, it wasn’t popular enough to cause any problems. Just like vanilla LFG add-on. In Classic it already causes problems.

Nothing wrong with an AH addon.

Its people who post in singles not an addon.

Just get an AH addon and skip the singles, eventually people will learn not to post in less than 5s


Maybe its just early in the game economy and singles makes sense…

Whats a good addon atm or should i write 1?

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Github wasn’t around when this addon was created. :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s what the read-me on github says:

Auctioneer (Kangaroo)

$Id: README.txt 656 2005-12-26 22:09:20Z mentalpower $

FROM: http://auctioneeraddon.com/

This looks about right to me.

I remember single stacks being posted back then, too. It’s nothing new. However there was definitely a hatred of doing that in the community, so eventually people went over to stacks of 10 and stuff like that. I still do that on live, otherwise my bloody pots won’t sell!


This is a fundamental design flaw with the way the auction house works. To this day singles are being sold on BfA even though Blizzard made it less profitable to do. Reality is that getting on the first page of search results is by far the most important factor.

It’s been 15 years. I wouldn’t hold my breath that there will be a fix :smiley:

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This is wrong. AH addons could always do that. They actually could post your stuff completely automatically. Now you need to click once for every kind of item.

What Blizzard should do is to re-add option to sort by buyout price per item. Sorthing by stack bid price is useless and actually forces player to use AH addons. I really hope that they did not remove that option from API, otherwise we’re back to full scanning.

Single stack spam might be from retail, yeah. It’s not the first change driven by new players and it won’t be the last change. You can’t combat it with changing the game.

I doubt that either of statements are true.

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They’re good addons.
I post single stacks because I reckon people dont afford the full stacks!

Just posted 60 single light leathers, mm! Enjoy!

btw, people can post single stacks without addons so dont cry about this one ehh.