AH add-ons that are ruining Classic

Sorry I am a bit confused what is the problem with people putting items on auction house for low bid high buyout? This has always happened and people can place items at whatever price they choose, it is part of the game design.
The free market will decide what price people buy and sell items at.

How do addons change this? (I have not played WOW in a very long time, sorry, not used Auction House since cataclysm. if someone can explain how this is addon fault. Thanks :slight_smile:

You think, but the singles get bought. You can list 2k singles to press the price and someone will actually buy it, what gives you back the gold for listing them.

Auctioneer and Auctionator already existed during Vanilla. :innocent:


Also you can use this snippet (can put it in macro):

/run SortAuctionItems("list", "buyout")

Open AH window, run it, then perform a search. It’ll sort that search results with item buyout price.


Stop doing this on every addon even they were available during vanilla. It wont work.

You do know that most of those addons were in Vanilla right?
I mean, you might not remember them or maybe you never played Vanilla but they were there.

That purist flex is getting old now


I do. Always have.

  1. I’m active “auctioner” addon user. Confirm that I create 1 item stacks (often it doesn’t have AH fee). Confirm that my overpriced (x3-x5) items are being bought regullary.
  2. Ban “Auctinator” and other AH addons. This should never exist.

There are addons that add functionality and that a allow to cheat.
I also wonder is there a mid-term possibility to:

  1. Remove all addons.
  2. Add ingame functionality to compensate functions of add functionality addons.

It’s not the addons, when used properly they are fine, it’s those morons who put them on one at a time.

Haven’t got your opinion.
Describe it in more details please.

This would actually solve the problem.
Just allowing/disallowing some addons will result in whiner topics forever, because new addons will keep getting created

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You guys realize that this is a discussion that started approximately 15 years ago? Blizzard did not remove addons in Retail and they were available since the release of Vanilla. And Blizzard added their own addons but still custom addons were used. Addons were and are one of the strengths of WoW. They were neither removed in the last 15 years nor will they be removed in the future. Changed maybe but not removed. :wink:

While I agree, this only underscores why others and I have been harping on (semi) automating AddOns from the start of the Classic Fora.

But hey, ‘let people play as they want/it doesn’t affect others or so I claim/use the AddOn yourself/AddOn doesn’t impact an area I find important/I use an AddOn in that area so I claim it doesn’t make a difference’.

All forseeable.

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Problem is whenever something can be exploited, it will be exploited.

[insert rude word] are doing it intentionally to annoy other players, forcing players into buying single stack items at higher price and that is fault of add-ons for allowing that.

Many things in vanilla were solved by player reputation. Ninja looter? Ignore. Spamming trade with memes? Ignore. But this thing cannot be solved that way because players are posting from bank alts. So its pretty much anonymous.

Anonymity + possibility of being [rude word] for profit = retail WoW.

I don’t see a potential for exploitation here, it is just a slight annoyance when trying to find the lowest buyout price. But that’s about it, really.

It prevents legitimate sellers from selling items because buyers don’t have time to sort through hundreds of single stack pages. So it does affect everyone.

**I am not using AH AddOn, and i sell items a piece. Its how i made money in AH. So in where do the AddOn help? Heck ban the AddOn, never used it ever, i sold singles cause i profit out of my items more :slight_smile: **

Are you? Because Classic auction house UI does not allow to set stack size. So you must be splitting every single stack manually and posting each one.

Whenever someone posts nonsense like that I doubt they even tried Classic auction house without add-ons or possibly not even playing Classic.

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I do manually so yeah
 :joy: never use AH AddOn.

Kudos to you if you are indeed manually placing 400 item in single stack on the AH every day. There is nothing to argue in that case.

If that’s not what you meant though, you are just attempting to derail the thread from the issue with “humour” and “misinterpretation”.
You wouldn’t be the first one in this thread. Still despicable.

The issue has already been identified:
-: some AH addons introduce massive market advantage by hiding other products via flooding.
-: the only counter is to use the addon.
Conclusion: the addon is disruptive.
Possible solutions:
-: Change the AH interface (takes time to implement)
-: Ban the addon (instant)
-: Include the addon in the game (contrary to Classic philosophy)
Other option:
-: Do nothing. But do realize that advocating this is endorsing making the community more toxic just to make a few gold. Because you fool yourself if you think people won’t adapt in a timely manner.