AH add-ons that are ruining Classic

So because i bought a veteran car, i cant use the GPS in my phone, because it would ruin my feeling of driving an old car?

Basically, here is what I have gathered so far.

I usually scan the auction house for the lowest bid and buyout (I do not use the addon, because my addon of choice is not yet in Classic).

However I have noticed that the default Blizzard UI saves the price you listed your item for (which I do not remember it did), therefore the only thing the add on really does is to automatically divide the stack for you. If you had to write the price for each and every item (of the same type) you listed, then that would be very time consuming, but all you have to do is right click and list auction. Therefore nothing is preventing any player without an addon to find the cheapest price per one piece of item, and then manually divide his stack into lower quantities.

What you guys want to ban would still be prevalent without addons, so what do you want? Ban single item listings or increase the price of the listing fee so that people are incentivized to list full stacks?

I do not really see a good solution to your “problem”

So why did you bought a veteran car in first place instead of modern one?

There’s a simple fix for this, it’s not the best solution, but get Auctionator yourself. This way you can browse the cheapest singles and the cheapest stacks and whatever else.

Yeah, people putting up stacks of 1 is annoying, but I don’t think it’s so annoying that it warrants removing AH addon. I like to spend my time playing the actual game, not wasting my time on AH, “playing the economy”. I don’t have time, and it’s boring. Using AH addons is an easy fix for the terrible AH:

This is the main problem. We are forced to use an addon - but not every player of wow even knows how to install addons. This is unfair and hopefully Blizzard gain awareness of it.


I’ve been on this planet for almost 26 years. I can tell you that you are fighting a losing battle.

“If you can’t beat them, join them.”

I am afraid this phrase is all too true. The only way to bypass this 1 stack problem is to use an auction house addon yourself so that you can easily see the lowest buyout and not have to see all the stacks of 1.

Trust me. If you can’t beat them, you join them.

Well I’ve been here for over 28(not that these are significant amounts of time to be honest), and I have found that the opposite works many times as long as you keep fighting for it :open_mouth:

There’s a very small possibility for this, though, but the possibility will always exist :slight_smile:

I’ll happily pay a little extra for a full stack over 20 singles.

If you can’t stop the sh.t happening head it

That is why I am mostly selling in stacks of 20 on things that people need in large quantities.
I want to think that people will prefer to support this type of selling.
Unless of course it is some item that people need like 1 to 8 of each in their character’s lifetime.

I think partially a difference in philosophy is at play.

My personal philosophy is that, given how Blizz went away from the original idea (Static Server, all boils and warts) already (Progrssion by Phases, numerous smaller and greater mechanic changes like graveyard mechanics and damage pushback on casting) , Classic represents A New Hope.

So things that historically created a game that made people long for earlier, simpler iterations in the first place - like the topic at hand - should be monitored carefuly, or else people will sooner or later ask for new Classic versions (only to degenerate into the same if the catalysts aren’t recognized as such).

That is not toxic at all, unless you use it yourself to sell hundreds of stacks on 1. It’s perfectly fine when a tool that causes a problem can also be used to solve the problem.

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You do realize the problem is not the addon but the outdated auction house itself that is the same even on BfA? Blame blizzard for not updating it for a decade


You’re not bothered with anything that is ruining a game:

  • neither with spy addon
  • nor auctioner
  • nor multiboxing

A white FaiLizzard’s knight.

Agree with the message. Thanks for wirting it.

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A good solution would be to increase the price exponentially for 6th items and up (in stacks of 1)

so let’s say the fee for silk cloth is 20 copper. silk cloth 1-5 cost 20 copper each to list. But number 6 would cost 30c, number 7 cost 40c etc etc number 25 would cost 2s and number 100 would cost 1g to list. This way nobody sane would make 50 single sack silk cloth listings.

But if you made 5 stacks of 10 each, the fee would just be 5x (10 x 20c)

Shame you don’t know what you’re talking about.

It is my personal choice not to use an auction addon in game (just like it is for any other player), it has zero to do with my understanding of an issue in game. I too find it frustrating to see several stacks of 1s listed. I have explained numerous times that I use a macro that lists the bids in order of buyout price. So far this has been enough for me to be able to find things.

I have not commented for or against the the spy addon other than to link the actual addon when people didn’t know what the discussion was about.

I’m sorry that you can’t comprehend that explaining that something is not against the rules (Terms of Service) in the game does not equal support for or against the way someone decides to play the game.

If you actually read my posts instead of posting nonsense replies for no reason, you might know that.


I list 1s from time to time… And also the vanilla AH is confusing and annoying and does not allow you to always find the best price…
I use TSM. Changes nothing in game, therefore, creating arguments against it and calling out for a ban is unjustified.

Allright you won this time.
prob the reason was that i hated that you’re OK with cheatoboxing, which is not against any FaiLizzzard’s rule.

This. Everything else has been updated, but the auction house interface?

That thing is 15 years old still. They rely entirely on playerbase themselves to get their addons because they aren’t going to fix auction house. Just like they rely on us to have boss mods nowdays and all sorts of other addons that show us important information like procs on weak auras.