Hey there!
For the last few years, partially due to drifting away from friends and also at one point having internet from the stone age, I’ve largely lost out on one of the most important parts of WoW - A feeling of home.
Whilst I returned in the middle of BfA, I’ve been struggling to find what I’m looking for. I’ve found great groups of people but something has always been missing. Discord is always empty unless theres a raid going on, people don’t talk in guild chat for hours at a time, etc.
Ideally I’m looking for a community that also enjoys content outside of WoW, with people I can drop in and have a chat with - or just chill and listen to - whilst grinding that anima, or maybe play something different and have some fun.
In terms of WoW, I’m largely looking to do HC Raiding content and M+, maybe with a few swings at the early mythic content - I’ve cleared normal and had some HC progress in a casual guild, as well as done a timed 10 key or so when the opportunity to not pug it has come along. I’ve been playing since Vanilla, and my days of grinding and research as well as herding the cats as an officer all to be prepared for full mythic (or what the highest level was pre SoO mythic) progression has lost some of its charm.
As far as personal information goes, I’m 31, from the UK, and largely chill - and can probably fit into most environments without too much trouble. I tend to play WoW a lot when I have things to do, but I don’t take the game as seriously as it might look - I do spend far too much time playing strategy games/rpg’s, so theres things to distract me, but we all have our thing :).
I’m happy to reroll/transfer as most of my characters are on AD, as any home worth having is worth working for - with a leaning towards as a reroll to feel out the environment beforehand. I’m happy to fulfill ranged dps or preferably healing roles generally speaking, as melee is a headache and tanking is something I don’t enjoy.
Hopefully this wall of text works out for me, and if you’ve read this far and want to see if I can add anything to your mix, let me know!