Ain't no more toxic players than M+ players

True, but toxic people are gonna be toxic even if you say hi to them.

But what timer does is create an extra stess factor that makes some people nervous and more likely to tilt.
Because you get actively punished for failing that timer.

Low il loot, key regression, people leaving cause its not timed.
There is a reason why i never use my key in pugs.
It makes me stessed to know that some clown can hop in trash your keys and leave and make me waste time trying to reup it and that would make me flip.

No one is actually honest, especially those expecting carries or that have ego high in the sky.

No one is gonna be "bro do one mistake and i am out"they know they would get booted before key even start.

I have lost count of how many “patient” players whisped me for weeklys on alt " dont worry i read desc and wont leave" just to leave after 1min of being queued cause none was applying.

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I guess you’ve been doing highly competetive +3 “no noobs” key, which obviously gonna be pro run.
I’ve encountered a lot of toxicity in normal leveling dungeons, but in m+ - almost none.

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Weird how et never happens to me… ah well…
And before you post something like “You’ve barely done any dungeons this season and only with guild”

Rest assured, there were plenty of pug runs in my 598 runs in season 1.

:smiley: i saw worse things from people in random Bgs then i saw in m+

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This is true.

if you put a PVPer into a M+ normally its fine for me

if a PVEer goes into a random BG and their side starts losing, immediately its , you guys are trash!, stick to pve!, do some damage! why you talking, you have no damage! BLAH BLAH

Cuz he’s not confident how rio works :woman_facepalming:

Last time I stepped into dungeon with guild leader. She was raging at first 5 minutes into dungeon already. Left the guild and I don’t do pve anymore. I want to have fun, not guilty and feel stressed to just don’t make tinyest mistake. Not fun, to play under unnecessary pressure.


toxicity you say this lfr group with 1 det stack on lords has it in spades
who is this random guy from kazzak to tell me how to do mechanics
oh i forgot certain servers have the big ego mentality and would criticise anyone over anything
news flash to them lfr is for casuals who are they to join with their big egos and to look down on others much less insult their playstyle

if it was another game the game masters would likely suspend their accounts
but such thing never happened ?

Thank you Blizzard :kissing_heart:

Maybe just get thicker skin and stop being hurt by some words.

I also don’t cry my eyes out because somebody said a mean thing to me.
We can all see what type of bloke you are though :woozy_face:

I have no idea where you got this idea that I cry over someone saying something mean.

Looking over your weak comments in here. You seem like somebody that is very easily offended.

You probably need to look up what offended actually means.

I can see exactly what it is by reading your garbage on here.

You have no idea what you’re even reading if you think I’m easily offended, lol.

Of course you’re going to say that, somebody is attacking your masculinity. Anybody would try to defend themselves with such a reply, but it doesn’t change the fact that you come off as somebody that really needs to man up a bit.

“attacking my masculinity”? Like, what, lol. Why would I even care if someone does that?

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Good. You’re learning.

Blizzard have never really issued appropriate punishments for toxicity, in my opinion saying things such as:

I hope you all get cancer
I hope all your family dies
Kill yourself

Should get you a month ban in my opinion that escalates for repeated violations this would act as a deterrent. There is no situation that warrants this kind of behaviour and reporting people does nothing too from my own experience. I am a quiet player and have been attacked many times over the years or witnessed attacks on others and nothing seems to be done about it. Blizzard have allowed this environment to flourish and its most likely because they do not have the staff to deal with it. It takes about 4 days for a GM response and its not good enough.
