Ain't no more toxic players than M+ players

This is still the thing at the start of the expansion of course. But the problem was, dungeons were dead in no time.

With the implementation of M+ the dungeons became replayable. That’s all.

And it is a bit toxic from your side you keep saying “pointless” and stuff, while a lot of people just have a lot of fun. So it is far from pointless.

Why do you think my whole life is M+? How did you get into that idea? The existence of M+ does not make us doing that 24/7.

I wouldn’t say it was toxic.

I would say people leaving keys because it’s not going to get timed is toxic. Flaming players because they don’t understand a particular +20 tactic in a +8 key is toxic. Going into a +12 and pulling a huge pack, and then leaving the key because the lesser experienced players couldn’t kill the fish sticks fast enough, is Toxic.

Now you might not be guilty of that yourself. But the playgrounds that you boast about playing in, breeds that kind of behaviour. And unfortunately those players inevitably mix with other players. I’m just suggesting that they get rid of the cesspit which these players are bred in.

This sums up the attitude of practically everyone who posts on this forum to complain:
“Blizz, it’s your fault people are toxic. Make them be nice.”

Its absolutely Blizzards fault. They actually encourage it.


being blind to your own toxicity is what breeds the neglect to seeing the actual fact.

it is blizzards own doing, there is no way around that.

and they give out false statements saying they want to do more to tackle toxicity in their games because it makes them look good on paper…

then proceed to do more and more poor systems which do nothing but breed even more toxicity in their games.

i just find it over all frustrating to watch honestly…

but what frustrates me most is people to jaded to see it themselves.

the same people who continue support through thick and thin because HERPDERP im happy who cares if millions are not.


And someone comes along a few seconds later to prove my point.

The thing is, people here claim that the M+ timer and keys downgrading if you miss it ‘make people toxic’. But they don’t. My friends aren’t toxic. We run a key, we don’t time it, we say, “Guess we’ll have to upgrade that again.” If M+ ‘makes people toxic’, we would hurl abuse at each other and look for someone to blame, but we don’t do that. We just accept that we made mistakes and try again.

Some people are toxic. If things don’t go their way, they’ll insult and abuse others. Those people are attracted to the anonymity of pugging, which is why M+ pug groups can be toxic, but that’s a feature of pugs rather than M+ itself.


your friends are a small group of people in a much wider player base.

a person without friends who spend the better part of a day to even get invited to a group yet alone only to deplete it for a multitude of reasons…

you can see why they would be toxic in future if people were toxic to them…

the system does breed toxicity… because it is set AGAINST everything social in the game.

this is the least social, social mmorpg on the market. in terms of mythic+ as a solo player…

and not everyone has the time to spend “making friends” especially ones with the same goals… that is like a miracle in modern wow.

It’s not really proving your point though. It’s disagreeing with you because Blizzard can do more to counteract the toxicity. But instead they are actively encouraging it.

Just because you make a generalised comment about how people Blame Blizzard for something, doesn’t mean that it’s not actually Blizzards fault.

It’s Toxic behaviour just trying to lay a “trap” like that.

Unusually Twiggz is completely correct with his answer to you. Just because you claim to not be guilty of it, does not mean it does not happen in the game.

I started playing WoW without friends. Not one single person I know in real life plays WoW. I made friends. If I can do it, anyone can.


Blizz is a company that makes a computer game.
it is not their job to fix people.

that’s the thing - my friends aren’t toxic… TO ME either. But idk if they are toxic to randos. I’m not toxic to my friends either. But once you hit LFR ppl get toxic because they’re not friends, they leave, find new grp and go aggain

But it is their job to moderate their community. So you are wrong on that one.

They claim they do, but evidently their fishing net has some pretty big holes in it.

you also probably have the time to do it…

and the attitude to do it…

most people just wanna log in and play a game and do what they want to do to pass time.

they arent interested in making lasting friendships with people who spend most their time in video games…

because they have lives out of the game which is more important.

fair play to people who do make friends though in game… it’s just not really a realistic prospect for a large number of the aging player base in 2022.

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If you’re toxic to people who aren’t your friends, that’s on you.


Stop twisting peoples words. He never claimed that he was toxic.

The only person being toxic here is you, by constantly trying to twist peoples words on them.

But that is how a lot of people behave tho.
You might be friend with someone you got to know via guilds or whatever that is a complete hole-in-the-butt to strangers.

Do you report every toxic person you encounter? No? The community moderators aren’t inside your head. If you don’t actually tell them about bad behaviour, they don’t know about it.

Then they’re playing the wrong game. If they don’t want to bother interacting with other humans, they need to play one that doesn’t require interacting with other humans. I play WoW because I want to play with other people. Playing solo is soul destroying.

Let me provide the full quote:

May not have said it word for word, but certainly implied it.

Nah, we sometimes need a 5th to fill our key groups, so we pug. I get to see exactly how my friends treat strangers.

? Where do you get that answer from. Trust me! I report EVERYTHING!

If I see a swear word in ANY public channel even /s I will report it.

If I see Toxic behaviour in a party, even if it’s directed to another player. I report and /ignore the player.

Unfortunately, Blizzard rules of what is “Toxic” doesn’t cover a lot of what is actually Toxic. But nevertheless it gets reported. And unfortunately, they depend on players to Report and Ignore and treat that as enough, rather than just removing the really toxicity.

Nope, I still can’t see where the OP who is complaining about Toxicity in the game, is admitting to being Toxic in LFR. But I do see you trying to twist their words. Which is pretty toxic in it’s self.


I’m not responsible for your imagination