Alarming trend of people justifying real life atrocities for a game

So whats the point of you demanding justice for the “fallen” of yours, when you dont care about the “other” fallen which is not… Justice itself.

It is not about the alliance because BFA victory and your helpless king made it a decent story for me :slight_smile:

might have been me writing lil oddly, but was not ment to be that horde do it, when both sides do it just as much. English 3rd language is my writing can be lil odd at times.

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Why would anyone justify sylvanas actions? She is just a genocide maniac with delusion of grandeur, she thinks she is doing it for greater good.She is blind to the real truth of warcraft universe, she cannot change anything as existence is cyclical,Void consumes all at the end- singularity happens- big bang-and so on.

Ok, Let’s break down the atrocities the factions have both committed.

Murdering Children: Alliance only.
Genocide/Ethnic Cleansing: Horde and Alliance both.
Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction: Horde and Alliance both (Alliance use stolen Mana bombs on Thunder Isle)
Murder of Civilians: Horde and Alliance both.
Torture of Prisoners of War: Actually just Alliance so far.
Use of Penal Troops against a Civilian Populace: Alliance.
Coercing a Neutral Organisation to breach Neutrality: Horde and Alliance.
Attacking Neutral Nations not actively involved in Conflicts: Both, but mainly Alliance.

I could go on.

Both sides are happy to commit atrocities.

This is however a -game-. We don’t have to necessarily agree with every bad thing our leaders do in the game, just the same as we don’t have to necessarily agree with every bad thing our leaders do in real life. That simply isn’t how it works.

Sylvanas’ original intention was an extreme form of ‘Gunboat Diplomacy’ even Tyrande knew that, as you see during the Alliance quests. Stupidly, for someone who has been living with ‘this curse’ for decades, she is suddenly triggered by one dying Night Elf and nukes a city and a tree. Because that makes complete sense (Said no one ever).

The point is, no one is justifying real life atrocities in a game. The reason they are not are those two key terms. “Real Life” and “Game”.

You have to keep a healthy remove and distinction between the two, or next thing you know you will start thinking you -are- your character, that you -are- a member of the Horde or Alliance.

Which you are not. Weirdly Roleplayers seem to be much better at making that distinction than some…

Just because I have a Dwarf and Gnome character does not mean that I advocate Child Murder. Just because I have an Orc Character does not mean that I think making a motorway out of people’s bones is a good idea. Just because I play a Human character at times does not mean I think people should be put in Concentration Camps like Durnholde. Just because I have Horde characters doesn’t mean I find mass murder funny. Just because I have Alliance characters doesn’t mean that I find the idea of Sectarian Violence and Torture funny.

Because it is not real life.
You have to separate the two…


Sylvanas isn’t the oldest character. In fact, Alleria is older than her and was introduced as a playable character In Warcraft 2, as apposed to Sylvanas in Warcraft 3.

Tyrande is also older than Sylvanas. Thousands of years older actually…

The Forsaken fan base is split. Some like Sylvanas, and some don’t. I’ve argued with Forsaken mains before and I heard some of them don’t even like Sylvanas. In fact, Sylvanas got more fans from blood elf mains as opposed to Undead mains.

But the players had nothing to do with the story. It’s not like we wrote her fate.

But I do agree It is very tragic to lose a leader to such… weird writing, and to lose a city as well.

They could Kill off Tyrande to make things “even” but that would put the Night elves in the same boat as the forsaken, the writing will only get worse from there.

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I wrote on of the older Characters. Yes Alleria is older, Sylvanas was in WoW from the start though. According to Blizzard she is the most well liked character.
Tyrande isn’t (much) older as a character. Not speaking about her age in lore.

I am not one to demand a characters head for another. We will see where the story will take them, but I have no hope that something good will come out of it.

you forgot Garrosh toturing his own kind, including orcs, blood elfs, trolls, even mind controlling them to work for him.

you also forgot the forsaken using live humans as test subjects in undercity.

well Horde did literaly try to conqure pandaria when they landed there, instantly starting to fight them so both are equal here.

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I did! That is true. Though was he actually torturing any of them? It was more just forcing them out of Orgrimmar or outright killing them.
You do raise an interesting one that I did forget though, it isn’t just the Alliance we see torturing PoW’s, we see Garrosh’s forces doing the same with Theramore PoW’s (I mean I’d count using them as target practice for bows as a form of torture? )

Yeah, the Forsaken are hardly a good moral barometer for anyone sane! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

True, both were pretty bad…taking Pandaren slaves (Including child labour!)

To be fair though, neither Horde or Alliance actively -attacked- the Pandaren, they both took slaves at the start, but even when the Horde and Alliance forces arrived en masse (Operation Shieldwall and Domination Point) they were fighting each other, not Pandaren. They did both however co-opt Pandaren into their respective factions, though in both cases the Pandaren seemed to be perfectly willing. In fact apart from the very start of Jade Forest, I can’t think when either actually did anything nasty to the Pandaren.

It was more like one of those weird ‘War by Proxy’ situations we had in our world between the Warsaw Pact and NATO during the height of the Cold War, No direct conflict back home, but they would both eagerly use foreign nations as a playground to fight each other. Not a glorious time for either side, to be honest…

The fact that my Undead Rogue literally eats humanoids means I’m okay with Cannibalism in RL. Obviously.


The Sith are evil, everyone knows that.
Hell a more comparative example is the old republic’s handling of them though as a mmo playing the sith there is no attempt to wash away the bad things they do they ebrace it as the faction and you can play a good member of the sith but in the end you are the minority in that faction, the sith still are evil.

Sylvannas flips sides far to much and far to often she either needs to stick to being evil now or not, she isnt morally grey and blizz are kidding themselves if they think they can wash away her actions.


They are cool unlike the… I wont name them.

She said many times that we cant understand her plan, afterall she is a master strategist as Regent Lord said himself

Lets see it when it comes, then we will all understand it when its over :sunglasses:

The problem is just that it’s not Sylvanas who would have to be the master strategist that gives us a twist of a level of genius that we can’t comprehend, it’s the story devs. Sylvanas isn’t real. Her plans are invented by real people though. And they aren’t master strategists.

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I don’t get where all this ‘strategist’ ideal is coming from. It’s just stuff that wasn’t written or haven’t been very well developed before.

If strategy was this easy, then figures with zero compelling depth and character must be the most tactically genius individuals in all of fictional history.

Ofc yes, but remember that every time you present yourself in complaining threads about sylvie

How can you know it was easy or hard since nobody knows what shes planning yet? :rofl:

That’s just it.

Anyone can write someone being the most genius and master at something in any storywritten context and then don’t follow through with it. It’s just an idea, a concept, a piece that lacks substance,

A written character has to be compelling by the contexts and content they are written in. Peeps defending her ‘master strategist’ because ‘we don’t know her plans’ is just about as much as me saying Tauren Rogues are the most successful assassins out there because we don’t see them.

Get my point?


Still blows my mind that even when blizzard openly does everything they can narratively to make abundantly clear that “this is the bad guy” there are players who STILL cant just embrace the game morality and go “yeah whatever i like being the bad guy” or “yeah that was pretty bad” and instead engage in absurd whataboutery and equivicating.

On the FIRST day on my horde character i had already massacred farmers, force-ably raised mages from the dead to serve (like the lich king) and tortured prisoners…come on man…it’s fine its fun but seriously…it’s when people start saying things like “was it reaaallly that bad” which speaks to my original post

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Yeah, you are angry because your RP tree got burned down.

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The RP Tree that I have never RP’ed in through the faction I have never bothered to touch nor felt interested story wise.

Do you view anyone who dares give you a different viewpoint as angry about the RP tree? Can’t be that hard to read or understand a short post…

Do you also get this mind-boggled and angry at people interested to read books and media centered around Wars, Torture and the recording of immoral practices in archives and libraries?

Just curious. Because you’re moving farther and farther away from your OP than you think.

Brigante even circled it out in red *or blue, if you’d prefer) for you:

Reading helps a lot.

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Mine was shorter, you came up with a bigger one to push a biased opinion. Its yours, your right to have it but that doesnt mean i have to accept it. You dont need to accept mine as well.