Alliance constantly losing BGs? Epic BGs?

Because the faction with the longest queues have more motivation to get something out of it.

dunno man, i always do bgs as a mercenary and i won like 80% of them.
i think the max i ever lost in a row was 4?

Yes, for this reason every time is 2 alliance healers vs 10 horde healers, and horde got the flowers and solar sphere near your base. Nice joke.

And from horde perspective alliance always have double the healers… and everytime horde goes to flowers it’s lost game. Horde have to push from the start or the won’t win ever.

Horde AFK at epic BG today all evening, not worth even trying. They just do nothing. SL is worst in PvP therms i ever seen in MMO…

Your answer is here inside this topic, mercenaries.

do bgs early in the morning, more likly you will team up with those arena junkies.
Evening to many casual are online.

LOL sounds like back in season to in TBC when you could buy season 1 set for honor.
Maybe 10 active out of 80 playsers in AV. Rest was afk botting.

A descent grind is fine, but blizzard like make them to hard so people will then abuse the system. Currenlty a normal honor set upgrading to 197 is to expensive for a new chars, he/she will be bunching bag for god know how many hours

Have had this account since 8.3 purely as alliance and in that time my win rate in BGs is somewhere around 40% :persevere:


I won more games as mercenary to ally side,than when playing with the horde.

I gave up playing on horde side because that’s hardcore brainlessness.

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well we already have ppl doing that afk leech thing in rated and in epics
and brawls
and making death threats if you lose lmao thats just report and ban worthy
maybe on both sides but i see some of those jerks making threats on horde

Same here.

There is this bizarre theory that when Horde merc, they do this in order to get gear.

In my experience, people who get gear from BGs perhaps sometimes merc, but a lot of them don’t even know that such an option exists. They are gearing up, many are new to PVP, come on. A much more significant effect is from people who are already done gearing up, who merc for FASTER queues (this is why I merc). These people make Alliance stronger, not weaker.

I mean, I am going only on my own experience, didn’t do much in the way of measurements (partly because it’s pretty hard to measure, takes too much time and I didn’t automate it …yet). But same for the proponents of the “mercs have bad gear” theory, they have precisely zero data to back up their claims.

they cant outnumber in bgs like they did in the maw.


alliance in general seem to have a way lower winrate. Period. I’ve used a small sample size of about 100 bgs, alliance lost 80 of them.

I think it also depends on your efforts in the game.

Whenever I play with my ilvl214 monk and racking up kills I feel I win more bgs. (Not playing epic though its a shishow for alliance.)

Whenever I log in with my ilvl 160 alt to gear him I feel like I lose more games. The faster u die the more time u not spend fighting for objectives the less chance u have for your team to win.

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lol what would u expect when your side is basicially playing with 1 person less in 10/15 man bg because the ilvl 160 spends 95% of time on spirit healer.

10 wins in a row out of 10 played yesterday. Win streaks are my fav thing in bgs. Alliance can win!

Reflex addon is great for keeping track. Overall in SL I’ve lost more than won, had a bad start, some lose streaks. But with Reflex, easy to see the gap is closing fast. 10 win streak yesterday, which followed a win streak in prev session, really helping!


I was farming my last Duelist pieces on my alt Warr this weekend. I queued with a healer friend, we won every single one 17 to be exact so thats a myth that Alliance dosen’t win BG’s i’ve never won as many bgs compared to loses as this expansion so i must disagree.

Epicbgs however i would not know i don’t touch them.


Exactly. Reflex is great for keeping track. If you aren’t using Reflex or something similar that can keep the history of all your matches in at least a month, you are going off your feelings wrt the last streak, and are misleading both yourself and others.

Numbers from my Horde char since the beginning of SL:

Small bgs: Horde 195 - Alliance 172
Epic bgs: Horde 114 - Alliance 140

For epic bgs, I am queuing as merc half of the time.

For the record, numbers from my twink for the past 6 weeks or so, to show what the words “big advantage” mean:

Twink’s faction 151 - Enemy faction 45

As you can see, nothing like that on max level. Not even close.


Alliance end up with low geared players and afk from alliance and horde, mercenary weaken a lot alliance.
Blizzard should remove mercenary and put a global queue for alliance and horde, then split them on both side.