Alliance players: how far should the night elves seek justice?

What are you referring to here?

When the NEs decided to cut the agreement they had with Thrall regarding Ashenvale, in response to the Wrathgate incident.

Even after they had all just returned from sieging Undercity to kill the ones responsible for it.

The agreement is the trade agreement, right? Wasn’t war declared between the two factions in between those two instants (Undercity and the one you refer to)? Because if so, then it’s rather normal that such agreements would be cut off, I’d say.

I’m not 100% sure on the timing of all these events.

As far as I remember, regardless of Varian or Garrosh loudmouths that happened in between, the war was officially declared at the end of the Shattering events.

And having the NE withdrawing from the Ashenvale agreement , wasn’t a consequence, but one of its triggers.

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Fair enough. I have not read the Shattering, so this could be perfectly valid.

Edit: though I should add that breaking a trading agreement is not the same as breaking a truce, since that agreement was never part of said ceasefire agreement, but instead a older treaty/understanding.


You know, I can see Tyrande become the main antagonist of both Alliance and Horde in the next chapter, because she has gone nutters. I play both factions and ultimately don’t really care one way or the other, as long as the story is interesting.

I don’t see the night elves leave the Alliance. But I see them getting a different and more sane leader. To be honest, I think one blue elf race per faction is just the right balance.

There will be total magic based destruction of blood elves and forsaken. Thats the point of Shadowlands, so they can be returned as Vulperas. All blood elfs and forsakens will be forced to reroll to other horde race at the end of this exp.

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Just lol :laughing:

humanity will burn and from the ashes a empire of gnomes will arise

Night elves are peaceful race, they have even problem with killing infected animals that are ravaging their lands. Tyrande was the type of person who would just forgive and go on, but thank god she let go of her naivity and now seeks rightful vengenace on that disgusting rat face s*lvanas. Even though I would be extremely satisfied by seeing that disgusting pile of trash lying dead on the floor, Tyrande might not want to stop with her, and no one is in a position to blame her.

However with Blizzard’s horde bias, I’m 99% sure they will give s*lvanas some cringe redemption arc to please her simps. as an alliance interested in lore you have to learn you are just a tool to be used to drive the story forward for the other faction.

I remember how Warcraft 3 horde campaign portrayed the first interactions of orcs and night elves. IMO they were turned into that just for 12+ purposes, and being as overly peaceful as they were for me felt rather out of character. But we’ll see where it all goes. Tyrande is still a “forgive anything” character.

gl hf

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you mean the same orcs that was tained by the power that invaded 10.000 years ago the night elves had no reason to be peaceful towards the return of the legion’s pawns


I mean that originally they could be savage, and could be peaceful, depending on circumstances. But up until recently part of what they are was chopped away and finally seems to come back. Which is a welcome addition IMO.

gl hf

the orcs have not changed their still the warmongering idiots they have always been if anything wod showed us you dont need fel juice for them to be blood thirsty mass murders

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They also butchered a Human Unit for entering their forest.
Peaceful is not the word i’d use for original Nightelves.

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They are. But, they are also territorial and fierce guardians of nature. So, best not to provoke an incident here :wink:

When Sylvanas is dead, I think everybody needs to sit down and get their bearings. Killing sprees are for the mad.

Night elves will claim nothing. Sylvanas will kill Tyrande and night elf fans will just to have to suck it up.

Boohoo on them then? :thinking:

of course she will, since you horde players are like the spoiled kid that always needs to have everything his way or he doesn’t play lol. blizzard can’t afford to upset the poor horde players to lose some $$$