Alliance premades are back!? FIX IT!

Concerned hordie here.

I heard the XRR group got premades up and rolling again. Sometimes getting up to 35 people in the same game. Here’s how they apparently do it.

  • You get someone to tell you whenever a game is about to finish he tells you the number

  • Massive queue that number. Whenever the “old” AV drops, a new one opens with that exact same number.

  • Up to 35 people at the same time have been reported getting into games.

Now I am concerned that it goes back to the past weeks. Just put a cooldown on the room numbers or whatever to fix this. Its not hard, is it blizzard?!


Alliance players so desperate to avoid actual PvP they have to resort to this.


Relax, the changes have been up for 2 days, if it becomes a thing they can easily get rid off numbers entirely or put a random cooldown in it.

edit: Also by doing it this way they’re no longer creating empty BG’s for other alliance that start with too few players, so it’s progress.


hahahahahhaha we’re back baby


Undead ✓
T1 class ✓
Valid opinion X

Imagine being upset about someone choosing the best available option when you let hilariously overpowered racials dictate what you play


Horde salty they wont win 99% of AVs anymore just like how they autowin wpvp coz of numbers kek


Didnt somebody here make it very clear that you can’t stop premades?
Implement the premade button already.


I played what I wanted to play because it’s what I wanted. Sorry that triggers you.


And maybe people play premades because they enjoy a more organized setting : )?

Or is that argument only valid for Horde, where almost every warrior is an orc, and every rogue, mage, and priest is undead?


This so much. It’s genuinely surprising Blizzard wants to kill collaborative gameplay when it’s all about the communities. I wonder why are Horde players in guilds for PvE if premade grouping is exploiting.


No, they only care about honor per hour.

But wait!

I thought you “only want to play with friends” and “it’s hurting Alliance pugs.”

Guess those turned out to be the lies they always were.


Think it mostly was because only Alliance could do it, and obviously premade vs pug is a huge advantage. But who knows maybe this new system of making premades with 8 groups works for Horde too.

Think it’s still a viable option to make a separate queue for premades you can queue up with a raid though, I mean we already have AV with different numbers. How about you add number X-Z where you can only queue as raid?

Obviously might need a bit of polishing to make sure they’re not working together to get free honor by agreeing to take turns winning ;p but should be doable. Otherwise just remove numbers all together.

That’s the point. I’m pointing out the hypocrisy of all the Horde posters who just happen to play races with gamebreaking racials “because they want to”


Can confirm that alliance premades are back. Just ran into full r12-r13 premade after having 14 av matches against pugs.

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Rolling a specific class or race isn’t exploiting a system that wasn’t meant to be used like that.
Premading in AV is.
How you can even compare the two is seriously mind-boggling and the mental gymnastics needed to justify this is unbelievable. :rofl:


Just add a premade button and stop trying bad fixes


So, you finally lost one AV tonight. Sad for you. So sad. It’s terrible.


Hi there, founder of XRR here (Whoopy).

My Guys came up with this system, only just heard of it after doing WSG premades.

Honestly I would prefer it if Blizzard just nerfed AV honor by 50%

However I can’t be blamed for my guys developing this system. I only just heard about it myself.


Concerned about what exactly?

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