Well should be good then, next week is rank 14 week and devs will be too late to make any changes beforehand, hopefully the people who started this method will have reached their goal and we can all stop whining about the system being changed.
I much prefer playing with organisation and players with my mindset than random people who afk.
Again a valid point. Blizzard is doing literally nothing to get rid of AFK bots so they can’t blame the community for going for work-arounds.
Kings honor friends
And getting longer every day bro… Your poor choice of faction - you only have yourself to blame. If you wanted short queue times, you should have rolled Alliance.
But I see playing a broken race/class combination was too irresistible to you.
Jammer joh.
Horde are not winning every game! fix this immediately Blizzard!
Too bad, but your argument doesn’t affect me since I only rolled horde because my friends did that and I actually had fun leveling with them before they dumped the game:D
But frick me for not wanting to play with bots, fishermen and AFK right?
You think AFK’ers, bots and fishers are an Alliance only problem? Next time you’re in AV after 10min open the scoreboard and sort by HK’s. Watch the 1-5 Hordes with ZERO HK’s and tell me more about how ONLY ALLIANCE has people AFK leeching honor/rep.
Sadly that’s a Blizzard problem so yeah I agree: frick botters/afk and fishermen on AV. Currently horde ranking is solely dependent on the amount of hours you can sink into a game on daily basis. We don’t have any fixed bracket caps or anything. So. If you want at least something decent you must farm honor 18+ hours a day. Because of this botting and account sharing is as beneficial as it can get. My regular AV matches have 1-5 people afk through the entire match.
I actually saw a guy a match or two ago who was fishing and whenever he got reported he would attack the wolves to remove the debuff and then just go back to it.
I’v seen bots all over the place be it gold farm, honor farm or do any other repetitive activity. Sadly blizzard doesn’t do anything about them no matter how much you report.
The real question is - can deliberately fishing instead of PVPing on a BG be considered griefing of somesort? On a premise of you joinging a match with a clear goal to essentially let the opposite faction win.
Literally your own fault, drop your egos and learn to organize
Sadly there is no way (at least no way I can think of) to force such rules on players since there is no direct punishment for breaking the brackets.
Since we have no premades there is no way to punish people who break brackets. Imagine an alliance ranker decides to break all the brackets - he would be kicked out of all the premades and will essentially bite a dust not being able to gain any honor at all.
Horde can’t do that. I mean yeah you can kick someone out of WSG premade but I don’t know how effective it would be when you can get essentially the same amount of honor from AV+world pvp. And compensate being kicked out of a premade by simply playing 7 days a week instead of 4 days a week. And if someone has to play 7 days a week to keep the brackets as they are it is essentially the same as not having brackets at all because it kinda removes the purpose of brackets of in itself.
Plus I heard that some people already refused making brackets because “why should others have it easier when I farmed so hard?”
Anyway, I digress.
There has never been a more satisfying moment for me in WoW than watching our perfectly coordinated deathball crash through the mess of confused, filthy and unwashed horde players.
A sight to behold as Male Undead mages flee left and right in terror from the power of BROWN, who reigned down a unstoppable flurry of mortal strikes and whirlwinds. I even threw in a slam or two to emphasise that the best premade in Europe is back in town.
Maybe we can get a few games of 6 hour cave punishment going as well. Perhaps Horde zoomers will think twice before crying on the forums because the Alliance dare to win AV.
I’m assuming this guy paid his sub just like everybody else. If that is the case, he can fish until his bags are full. After that it won’t make much sense.
I suppose he could visit a vendor and sell the ones he doesn’t want and get right back to it.
As long as his sub is paid, he can fish all he wants. And you can report him all you want.
Clearly, if they didn’t want us to fish and vendor items they wouldn’t have put fish and vendors in AV. Personally I prefer skinning wolves, it makes sure you auto clear debuffs from reports and you make quite a bit of money.
This cannot stand. Ways must be found to restore Horde easy mode.
Rolls the ZUG ZUG faction
Complains about not being organized
but gnome racial is the most broken racial in the game. Orc has NOTHING on them.
only actual brainlets rolled horde for pvp racials.
Clearly this is why there are so many gnomes in BG. And you see them using Escape Artist all the time. I know, it’s impossible to CC those little buggers.
Also, every single rogue is a dwarf because Stoneform is ubermega OP. I mean, these guys can kill the entire horde team from the Alliance starting cave even before the game begins.
Fix pls!
Pick Pocketing the caves is quite fun in AV. Junkbox farming is a good money spinner. Especially for Alliance because of insta-queues.
Don’t forget the trog cave in the south. It’s the horde version of the harpy cave. Harpies don’t have pockets to pick unfortunately.