Horde has huge advantage in AV. Remove it and premades won’t be possible for both sides.
Horde that is using its advantage in map is destroying the fun in AV.
Alliance can’t go to FW towers, TP towers etc due to horde advantage in AV map. Bunkers are easy to defend than hordes towers.
Alliance players are more motivated because they get much less reputation with AV. Horde get 500 rep per a hour but alliance will get the same amount in whole day.
Another dude who comes with global population when we are talking about the pvp active playerbase.
The overall population might be 55-45 but PvE players are most likely Alliance while PvP players are most likely Horde. Hence your queue time as horde increases by every single pug alliance you crush and camp at GY.
and where did u get that 55/45 numbers? oh ofc logs from raids.you mean who care about pve to keep logs? what about ppl dont keep logs ? social players? pvp players ?which is mostly horde. its more like 75/25 and you can tell that from bg ques times.
AV premades ruin the experience. Alliance players ignore every feature of the Battleground and rush to kill Galv and Drek or just Drek. Imagine going to a pvp instance avoiding to pvp and just mounting up and run. Blizz mentioned in the blue post they were gonna get rid of AV numbers, but they still exists. Seems like they did nothing. Remove numbers and premades are over
Someone says naked truth and the “small people” army comes spitting fire. They dont like pvp. The only way they do it is on big groups out in the world or in premades. If a premade queue existed none of this little dudes queued for it because they knew would paired with another organized group. Their skill set consist in running over randoms. Just that
Any faction has afk, bots, farmers and fishers but the difference is that horde doesn’t waste time nagging about it in the battleground chat. I did alot of bg’s on my Human pala alt during TBC/Wrath and people complaining in chat did same or more damage to the team than afkers. Just different mentalities and less spergs.
This is not really true and you know that. Most “premades” kill every single lieutenant and Galvanar, using specific classes for pulling tower commanders and then finally going for Drek. The AV version we have is not designed to be a 45min game even if that is what you want because of 60+ min queue.
I am saying “premades” because most people do not understand how this works, it is not an exploit and it is pretty damn random where you end up.