yes just remove the numbers on bg, just have the only option to que for “first available”
Posts on a level 19 Worgen.
they would still que up to same number w/o join as a grp. so just remove the numbers and only have the option to que first available. that way its pure luck if they get into same game
Blizzards update didnt wonna kill premading. They just didnt want 20 games opened and dropped and be almost empty
Can we just have pug vs pug and premade vs premade Blizzard? It’s 2020 ffs.
Hahahhahahahahahahaha so you want them to break the game even more? By all means. The first fix backfired in the Horde’s face lets see what the next one will do.
This is the best reason for joining premades. The pugs are just too messed up to be enjoyable. Dont you want your customers to be happy
Horde don’t have the possibility to join a premade in AV, give us the possibility and we will stop.
arent numbers removed?
overall EU population: 55% Horde, 45% Alliance. Where are these Huge differences people are talking about? AV premades are an exploit! They tried too remove it, you found a NEW way around it. Still an explot, now more then before.
Yes you can in BFA.
You think you do but you dont!
Prove me more guys i cant resist xDDD
Alliance ✓
Retail Character ✓ (lmao)
any opinion at all X
Imagine being upset about someone choosing the best available Racial, when you let hilariously overpowered premades dictate what you play.
That doesn’t do anything about the mechanic behind how this works. This works because there are 3 times as many hordes who queues.
well as horde, we have no option but to deal with 20%+ of the the team always being afk/bots. As any normal person would prefer to play with organised players but whats is unbalanced is that you have the choice!
really … then blizzard should let us group xrealm and que together if you want fair game
The 7 min zerg team is destroying the fun in AV.
Its not about winning and losing. We lost against the russian servers when I was playing yesterday, but we had a good fight before they won, and they didnt win because they used an exploit. They won because they played better than horde in that fight. Thats fine. Thats as it should be. The 7 min PvE zerg is something else. I hope Blizzard bans the lowlife cheaters.
Same bro. Getting sick of having DB bunkers tapped before IW/SH because of a terrain exploit. Get rid of them ASAP!
No it isn’t. You’re playing the wrong version of AV for that.
You forget, people seem to think the other faction have it easy… here’s the difference from someone who’s playing both sides…
Horde have the same number of AFk/fishers/bots as ally… we are both even on that front… the difference being the horde just ignore them and work with what they have… the alliance don’t… we blame them for our losses.
Horde tend to travel in packs of 5+, alliance travel solo… I can’t count how many times I’ve ressed at SH with 5 or so people… you all mount up and leave. 1 stays at the flag, 1 turns south, 1turns north, 1 runs to Balinda, and here’s me a dwarf priest with no one definitive to pocket or follow as I see 5-10 hordes come up to the bunker.
As horde if you die and res, everyone just heads north knowing they will just recall if they have too… thus that solo alliance player heading south across the field of strife hits 5 ressing hordes heading north and gets insta gibbed.
Now that alliance player blames a “full horde team” for the fact he just rambo’d 1v5 despite the fact the active numbers are the same. And demands everyone just afk and let them win. And once that call goes out we know what happens.
Yes, I think horde is more motivated than alliance because we have long queues. We have people who give up easily and say “let them win” too, but most people aren´t listening to them. So the queues are good for motivation.
And we have lots of afk:ers and bots and stuff too.
Very rare you will counter av 7 mins. Usually you horde are so tryhards and get the 20-30 min av we all want (or most) full with battle, kills and goals. Sometime horde wins sometimes alliance wins. Those are the ballanced avs where ally premade. But so called premade is just que together hopping we pop together. The chance are bigger for us because we are fewer than you.
Not our fault. Horde fault. Ppls who chose horde have to suffer the consequence .
We ally did suffered ours, with p2 and all that outnumbered wpvp. Nobody told us there will be huge realms instead of max 5-6k pop per server.
And about ppls complains about voice, make a chanel, spam in chat when game pops and voila, you got your premade. Pretty sure that its aleardy happen in horde side. Horde seems to be more organized this last few days than ever before