Alliance premades are back!? FIX IT!

both are game mechanics functioning as designed, where players freely choose how they want to play

do you think bliz originally envisioned armies of undead with orcs as cherries on top to be what the Horde faction is? prob not but its what ppl choose to do for advantage

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Yes, we have gnolls there, also farming wolves for leather is only viable horde side. Dun Baldr has some rams but it’s shared with harpies and there is always Horde trying to backdoor so it’s bit inconvenient. Wolves and Gnolls are totally out of the way of any objective, rugged leather goes for 15 silver a piece.

The elite trolls are also fun to farm, don’t have a rogue so I can’t pickpocket them, but I like farming them with my hunter (drop blues). Great thing is when you die the GY is usually 15 seconds away, that’s why as a Horde you always make sure to capture snowfall.

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… Are you serious? If premading in AV was “functioning as designed” why do you think they changed it?
Hint, because it wasn’t designed for that.

they can make changes to the game for any number of reasons

in this case they STILL have the game allow this and STILL dont punish anyone for it (that ive heard)

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We are not desperate to avoid pvp we desperate to avoid the large amount of clueless ally slackers that join and afk or dont contribute… well that my reason at least


They removed the Number because of premades, that seems like a pretty obvious “We don’t want you to premade 35-40 people into AV” to me. I guess you read it differently. Denial is strong.

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You think we don’t have noble cave defenders and fishermen on Horde side just there to leech some rep or bot some honor? We do.
We deal with it within what the game allows for. I suggest you do too without exploiting.

Ye but ally it well over half the pug players its stupid

We got stupid players too, get over it.

let me spell it out: that COULD be because of original intention or COULD be due to reasons like people complaining about those numbers

And only 1/2 orc and undead per game the horde plays mostly Trolls and Taurens becouse their racials are not op and they just wanted to play horde (respect to those who do but we know more than 50 % of the horde is orc and like 20/30 % undead becouse of the OP racials )
Edit: forgot to mention gnomes and dwarves and alliance racials has no cooldown unlike the orc one … And lets not forget the horde cries that alliance bugs we get nerfed the alliance cry becouse horde exploit every possible bug - pull bugs, backdoor bugs every POSSIBLE bug but who cares they are the majority why nerf something that the majority will suffer from when u can screw only 1 side

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It’s pretty clearly because premading in AV was not intended.
Stop being so heavily in denial.

but horde being 80% undead is intended? give me a break

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Please spell it out, what reason could there be for people to be ‘offended’ by numbers if not related to forming premades?

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Are you seriously comparing selecting a race Blizzard created and obviously intended for players to be able to play to abusing a queueing system to do things not intended?
Holy …
I just… Wow. Lol.
Ok. Bye.


its related to forming premades but bliz dont care how u play, they just want you to keep subbing

a bg bliz created and intended ppl to play…

Okay, but we can acknowledge it was ‘related to forming premades’, so you can tip toe around it but the removal of numbers was probably not to encourage premades ;p

I’m pretty sure Blizzard also didn’t intend for lvl 50 greens to be better than Tier 1, but that’s what the community figured out. Just like they figured out how to get an edge in AV thanks to the massive disadvantage in population Alliance has on pretty much all PvP servers (I have to add that last part or I’ll aggro the idiots that go “but accross all servers faction split is 50/50”).

So yes, Alliance had their first major advantage since release. All through phase 2 we’ve been suffering through Hordes of decomposing corpses, green men that tell us to go back to retail and actual cows. And at the first sign of difficulty, those green men, corpses and cows started stomping their feet like a 5 year old that got his Fortnite taken away.


yes but from players intention.