Alliance unplayable currently

cone on Gandalini if you think that is the case :slight_smile: and look up the stats of the server. Either you caught good times in playing…
Also, you can’t ask for help against 12 if you’re in one of those cities and there are mostly 3 or 4 Alliance players deprived of sleep and just wanting to go sleep lol

Ofc Blizzard can enforce a faction queue if they wanted.

It will solve the problem for under represented faction, because they are less outnumbered in wpvp now. Then the dominant faction players will start to qq and complain: why should i have to wait in queue for hours when I pay the same sub money as others?

They can also open free migration, and the less faction will be even lesser. And the other faction players will complain there is nothing to kill: “Blizzard killed wpvp! qq”

As I said before, any solution accepted by 1 group of players will be rejected by another group of players. 100%, guaranteed, undoubtedly.

I believe Blizzard will open free transfer if this qq goes on, and every pvp server will be extremely 1 sided in the end.

Are you for getting free character migration is available for horde currently?

the faction que is going to make it more desirable for the horde stuck in the ques to migrate to another server that is underpopulated and bring that server up to standard.

Blizzard will not lose money buy enforcing this but only keep the subscriptions of many going. If blizzard can get 10% of the horde population to move to a server that has an alliance abundance currently that evens it out isn’t that a win win for both?

There is more to this than a narrow tunnel vision you are currently showing.

The resources are there they just need to be used. Blizzard has been nice by opening up the faction transfer freely but noone is taking the jump now they need to enforce it or what’s the point?

were not asking for a mass migration only a partial of the horde.

There is some misunderstanding. This isn’t about PvP but HvH since Horde Players are racing between themselves to find and kill Ally.

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i am horde in shazzrah and i cant play in open world. we get killed all day by aliance and i will do more dungeons. so what. that’s the game and i like it.

Agreed so my raggy hammer can be put to use !

ok so this succeeded and now I want BGs pls

nothing to do with factions

i got ganked 20+ times this evening while trying to quest by alliance

organize and git gud tbh.

such input, much wow…does it hurt?

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