Alliance unplayable currently

Sorry, Morgans vigil. And yes TP was also camped, and yes, the road from Lakeshire as well. Could probably have gone from Loch Modan though :wink:

Of course itā€™s playable. Group up. Find somewhere without enemies if you must.

ah unfortunately those (aswell as the plaguelands) might just be the worst camped spots. probably screwed at that point, i guess do something that isnā€™t near BRM

I play Horde on Ashbringer and itā€™s pretty much Alliance overrun in any lvl 50 - 56 level zone. Very often of people from Guilds like In Dreams with legendary items killing lowbies and spawncamping them.
Being a ganker has nothing to do with the faction.

yeah group up with your other lvl 54 questmates, so that fully epic equipped lvl 60s in 10+ man groups get even more honor at once when they gank you.

Ah ye, I imagine it could be the opposite situation for horde on some servers. The thread is generalizing.

its alot harder to feel sympathy for you when you spew stuff like this

Oh, not looking for sympathy at all. Just reporting my take on P2, and happened to agree with my fellow hordie here.

I donā€™t think you understand the problem.

There were layers and massive players were against it. They qqā€™ed and asked it to be removed.

Any solution from Blizzard to reduce server population will be qqā€™ed by tons of players, because ā€œI donā€™t want to changeā€, ā€œwhy I have to move, not others?ā€, ā€œI canā€™t play with my friends/guildā€, etc.

And any solution proposed by some players will be bashed and rejected by another groups of players, because different people want different things.

You know it has always been like this and will always be like this. If you expect something else, good luck to that!

People like you who say this is what it was like are completely wrong. your probably this 20 year old kid that cleared naxx and rank14.

But in reality u probably started playing during wotlk.

People like myself that have been playing this game since launch do in fact notice a lot of changes. Server populations currently are 3-4x the amount they were back then. the divide between horde and alliance is even worse now especially on shazz. 35% alliance against 65% horde. For a server with one of the biggest populations in eu this is an issue that was brought about by blizzards lack of server choice.

As i have said before pvp is enjoyable and one of the main reasons i play this game but having 80 horde run over you every 2 seconds and corpse camp you for 30+ mins at a time is a complete joke. 1v2 1v3 1v4 yes thatā€™s fun and slightly frustrating. but still somewhat fair.

having 2- 3 raid groups running around constantly in each zone just camping people is where the issue lies.

If you still think that was vanilla then you sir are terribly mistaken.


you are missing out the point or donā€™t have a future wise perspective. If more players move to PVE, the PVP servers will become even more unbalanced. Do you know what happens after?
PVE servers are for relaxing but they are not long term which means people donā€™t stay there for long because at some point it gets boring. If people get bored by PVE and frustrated by PVP then they will unsubscribe and blizzard will loose a lot of subscribers.
What i am saying is that unless the mindless zerg stops, which will affect blizz negatively ( hahā€¦or thank their brainless player base that does that) , they will be forced to act upon it. All those in favor of the PVP right now and the mindless zerg that pushes the players away donā€™t realize that this wont stay long because it is bad business.

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Good luck to your illusion that Classic should remain the same as 15 years ago.

You are probably one of those players that claim ā€œBFA sucks because retail players are toxic, and Classic will bring back the great community just like vanillaā€ and ā€œThere is no way people will clean MC so fast, because it takes months just farm resi gearā€ etc. while MC and Onyxia were cleaned in less than a week after Classic launch.

People claim this is not Vanilla because it is different to HIS experience 15 years ago, is laughable.

And all these qq comes from peopleā€™s unrealistic expectation of Classic.

Itā€™s terrible for alliance on shazzrah, it takes 30 mins to reach brm

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Not at all actually. We knew this would be the case as we have been on the private server scene for many years. In Fact we had Mc cleared the week following Apes. we knew it would be different but we had abit of faith in blizzard having a mindset that was not back 15 years ago. They have had the Aq event experience to know that they needed to put systems in place for this but they havenā€™t.

A world boss Kazzak died without doing a single auto or ability because lag was so bad. Blizzard have had 15 years to sort their servers and knew what impact this would be during P2. now damage mitigation needs to start. Bring out bgā€™s to reduce the number of Moronic tools that donā€™t know how to farm honor and keep running around in 40 man raids.

The fact you think blizzard couldnā€™t have done anything about this and this is the players fault itā€™s not. Blizzard had the figures and should have capped populations per faction to enforce this.

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I totally understand your points and I have a very future wise perspective: We all know Classic is a side project of 15 years old game with no new contents. It has no future and will die out very soon no matter what.

PS: Faction imbalance was never solved in wowā€™s history. Every single pvp server with large population is 1 sided. All the top EU servers: Draenor, Silvermoon, Outland, Kazzak, etc, are 10/20 to 1 faction ratio.

you are still missing the point. this is not hard to comprehend. BLIZZARD can enforce a faction que if they wanted. Same way they can open up free character migration for a single faction.

This may be a side project for blizzard although this little side project you refer to has increased their ytd revenue exponentially.

My question to you is if you are so future minded. What would you do to keep the cash cow pumping ?

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i completely agree. I am level 57 on my warrior, and the game became unplayable since the honor system came out. It has nothing to do with PVP when you get corpseganked by 10 hordes. Nothing to do with skills also. The game is very broken, population on servers is to high!

Yesterday i was running to BRM at Golemagg realm. It took me exactly 12 deaths to get into the instance (35 minutes). Im a paladin, i can bubble myself and once per 5 minutes run little more distance. But can you imagine the classes like a warrior, Hunter, priest or warlock? They have to Die much more Times to get to instance.

It was horrible experience. While in a ghost mode, Everytime i saw like 10-20 other players from Alliance faction running the same way? Can u imagine it? I think There could be like a 100 Alliance players been resskiled in one time. We had no chance.
There you can imagine how many hordies were There. I think they could have at least 200 ppl There.

And this IS happening every Day!

Im reroling new alt and quest in safe zones and playing less :slight_smile:

ok, let me say thisā€¦i have 3 months of playing wow in my entire life so iā€™m not biased by any faction even though recently, iā€™m starting to be because of the bad experience lately.
At some point in 15 years since the game was released i think Blizz has thought of a solution. They know there are a lot of kids who love mindless zerg so thatā€™s why they implemented the honor system but they also want to keep the loyal, old players so this will probably be temporary.
I donā€™t think they are working on Classic just to let it die since they have a bigger fan base than the retail from what i understood from others.

Iā€™m on Ashbringer and yes there is a lot of ganking going on, still I feel Alliance has the upper hand. Everywhere I go (either on my paladin main or warrior alt) alliance is willing to help fight the horde. There are a lot organized PvP raids going on and if u get ganked by horde, all you do is ask help in general or defense channels. There will always be people willing to help you.

Get yourself sprint pots and invis pots, and you will be able to dodge most smaller hunting parties (3-10 man groups) quite easily.