Alterac Valley Adjustments Incoming

Yup, its blizzard topic.

Here we go p2 all over again. Mirage raceway here I come…

edit: was this the reason for these changes…more money from paid transfers?

Very true, they want high HPH so they have top brackets and facing pugs is the best way for them.

No, you could not, but with realm bgs and horde the minority on the server (I played horde) as Horde you could basically join as a raid (same as now with the premades, just clicked at the same time).
Instant invite made it possible.

Time for Alliance to “git gud”. Ah, the tears are glorious.

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In blizz office, they call it horde patch.


Did people actually know the diminishing returns on same player kills were set to 25% ? I certainly didn’t and I do my best to keep up with development.

Many players are saying 10% will encourage more ganking and camping but it seems to me everyone already thought we were at 10% so is it really going to change anything?


Of course everyone knew it. Kill same person 4 times and you will get no honor anymore. It’s right on your screen, how can you not see it lol?

The honor numbers flying around your screen don’t take diminishing returns into account.

you mean in horde office they call it horde patch for horde game


Your zugzug brain doesn’t have the capacity any sophisticated argument.

None was defending it the AV situation alone. People with normal brains are just saying that the AV cancer we have is a result and a symptom of faction imbalance and there are many different problems caused by the same faction imbalance.

I didn’t enjoy one single bit farming AV 15 hours a day, it was boring, dull and tedious but there is nothing else to do as an alliance because there is a 70% horde population on my server like most other servers, we can’t do world pvp, we can’t do gold farming, there is absolutely no WSG groups and there is no dungeon groups because all that little bit of alliance have transferred to one or two servers in eu.

Not lifting a finger about the actual imbalance and fixing only one of the problems caused by it because your spoiled brats are crying about it just shows how greedy, scummy and hypocrite this company is.


You can always stop playing WoW if you get nothing good from it. You don’t enjoy WPvP, bgs and there’s basically nothing do. So what’s the point of paying blizzard for such a game for you? Too addicted?

When will you fix horde advantage on AV map?

No, it’s not on your screen. It’s not displayed anywhere at all in game. You have to look it up on wowhead or other external source to discover it (or people tell you).

So many salty alliance here now, the same ones saying get good, reroll alliance only last week, now they are here crying because there 40 man premades might not work our anymore, get a grip! This change will be better for alliance pugs as well, people might actually pvp now.


You could also quit the game instead of whining like beaches about AV premades but you did the latter and your sugar daddy gave you what you want.

Many alliance quitting or rerolling horde everyday, after this patch quitting speed will triple.
can you feel it on your queues yet? :face_with_monocle:

Nope, I’m enjoying the game but you sound like a sad person who’s very unhappy with his life even in game.

nah i’m feel fine, just enjoying hordes ignorance :smile:

I would be happy about the game but I’m currently not since whenever I solo 3 scrubs like you, you call your whole guild on me just to be safe.