Alterac Valley Adjustments Incoming

Where’re the comments on it? Blizzard hello? Are you fkin stupid? Look at the numbers and check the Horde : Alliance ratio. Majority of realms are Horde populated. It’s going to do a lot of harm to the realms without FACTION transfers.
Realm transfers don’t help at all to establish balance because Horde can migrate only as Horde.
If it’s your shady tactic to make people suffer because you’re PLANNING to add faction transfer then I have bad news for you. Add faction transfer with this patch or keep 25% decay for wPvP.
We’re not stupid, add faction transfer with this patch and it might be better. Oh yeah, add it only to Horde until balance will be reached.
Otherwise you’ve became very shady company.

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What about killing alliance players in Vann room without pull Vannadar expoit?

T2 is better for pally.

'No Change" is very selectively applied. On the one hand we have horde advantage AV map because “nochange” and on the other side we have patch 1.12 with pets from patch 1.8. it’s a long time ago “change”.


This patch is nothing more than an scam. They are expecting players to pay transfer to other servers.
Cheap tactics that show they no longer care about its player base. Really embarrassing.


Absolutely nothing will change. Except that the open world ganking probably will increase significantly due to the 10% decrease LMAO HAHAHAHA. I can’t believe they are trolling us with this. Do you really think this will stop premades in AV??? It just shows that they have no idea how x-realm premades work. For your record: they announce it on Discord. Now they will just join, and anounce it after joining. 3 hours after the hotfix they will continue the same way with slightly adjusted tactics. All the fellow hordies that are now celebrating will be crying again. Alliance all join at the same time on count-down. This will just be a slight inconvenience for them and fix absolutely nothing. It will probably just lead to more mass exodus because of increased ganking. Good job!!!


Top rank need for gear only. After it a player can be painless downranked.

Alliance players won’t return back because they still get about zero honor in turtles game.

Bliz want to disgust vanilla so people go back to Shadowlands. I’m more likely to stop paying for the subscription than to return to the actual.


Another one clueless. Joining on countdown doesn’t drop you in the same av. Hidden instance number prevents you declining and joining another av. Just what had to be done from the start.

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I’m aware of that. It drops them in one of the opening bgs. They are all in a large queroom on discord more than hundred players. One of them counts down and all join at the same time so they will come into the same couple of bgs. Now they will just all join and figure out which bg they are in once they joined. So you see nothing changes mr clue. You will still be crying

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Gankers (aka rankers) does not give a sh** about diminishing returns. They enjoy killing the “enemy”.Usually (99% of them) in an easy fight. Thats why all of them in Razorgore are in my KoS list.

Only there will be 2-3-4-5 in each av not 30-40 gathering in the same. It’s not couple of bgs at the same time. It’s 30 at least

are you SERIOUS??? me and all my friends were endgame equipped horde group but could never play AV (rank) together. so after long discussions we decided reroll alliance in order to be able to do some proper pvp together. since we were sure that blizzard would not change anything about their system because #nochanges ofcourse… and NOW THIS!? are u kidding me? why not implement it right away or leave it as it was implemented. but NOW? im feeling so screwed right now that i somehow think ill have to quit wow.


I feel you…it’s not that easy to manage a server transfer with 4 alts full of mats for later phases…

Damn i remember sporeggar AV total war premade in tbc, no rush but defend all and destroy everything, summon boss etc, looong games, but great tbc bg experience, miss you Damonh

Much QQ inc

Seeing a lot of the same comments here…

Alliance complaining they will get camped “MORE”?!! - So firstly, it is not physically possible for wpvp to be any more horde dominated and toxic. You have basically already killed wow classic. How do we salvage this? Firstly stop being so toxic in wpvp. You think it’s fun, but I’ve watched about 4 friends leave already because of it.

Horde complaining that Alliance are messing up AV. So it is this bad because YOU forced so many Alliance to leave. As well as Alliance making these toxic premades. So Horde - why dont you use some initiative (for the first time since 2004?) and maybe boycott AV for a week? or perhaps bring the fight to major cities? do literally anything except camp chillwind camp flight point… I promise you every alliance player sees you as brainless children - I definitely do. and that is because you behave like them. Use your brains and perhaps you might enjoy pvp as much as alliance premades. You want classic to improve? be the change and stop complaining about it.

Alliance premades - find a job.


You go girl!

People on here constantly complain about horde ganking, well when I see alliance on razorgore I never bother with them unless they attack me first, here’s what happened recently, in silithis killing mobs for essence of air, about 8 horde there and 1-2 alliance, I don’t bother with them and guess what happens? Some horde leave and more alliance come, it’s now like 5 alliance and me and 1 more horde, you’ve guessed it, the people I let live earlier begin ganking me and watching for my respawn to try again, luckily as a rogue he’s easy to get away, but am fed up hearing on here about horde constantly ganking alliance, this happens the other way too, but from now any ally’s I see that give honor will die. So QQ alliance! Your own fault!


Lmao I guess you haven’t done many AV’s …

erm, you realise these changes won’t stop alliance from premading right? if anything, its going to be easier. All this change proves, is that blizzard has absolutly zero clue how their game works.

How about we wait and see how it goes instead of lashing out?

These adjustments are potentially great. Nothing they do affects the solo queuer which AV was intended for. How the BG is played or can be played has not changed. As a Nochanges-player i approve of these adjustments

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ofc you aprove these changes your a horde