nope cause even iof u queue 40 not all players get sin tos ame bg. Tahts why premades are leaving queue and fucx normal players with 15vs40 start
About time! No more AV premades. I am still the same rank as I was when WPVP ended. Horde I am going to destroy you all .
this won’t stop premades.
Grand Marshall can’t do anything when they are 1vs3.
ye but now i can play with mates not randoms thats massive change for me.
Will give extra trouble to get all in 1 game
Can’t wait for all those 40v20 ally games.
Well Horde queues will probably get a little bit longer now.
not rly no, you just need to fish. your queue times will get longer though =)
How will You fish with not knowing if you got queue to same bg ??
Rip all solo hord players,now they will get 2 hours of av que
And the commander Duffy exploit or whatever you will call it ?
because when all current games are full a new one pops only if enough people are in q. SO if you are going to enter a game that alrdy exists, q will be instant. But if their is a small delay, then you know you will force a fresh pop, and so pretty much guaranteed that everyone will get in this one. This is how premading av worked on pservers, where there were no numbers. Should be easier here because you can group Q with 5 so you won’t get put into older games with just 1 or 2 randoms leaving. TLDR have 1 group spam join q and drop till pop isn’t instant, then have everyone q up
yes they will go mental trying to think of a way around this
could work. But thats not for noob premades they will be even more screwed
Why can I not report this post for trolling?
It’s clearly an out of season april’s fools joke.
yeah prob, but it works rly well. With this 5 man to you could easily get 30+ every game with some organization. tbh though, this is more of a nerf for horde than alliance, your queues are going to get so much worse without sh**mades opening so many games.
Im just happy i can queue with my shamy mage and hunter mates
do realize there are anoither 37 people in the raid?
Like i care about 37 other people. We dont oplay for ranks we play for fun. We win we loose we dont care
besides taht there is higher chance those 37 players are not PVE retard heroes like allys that will go afk in buildings lol