Im just sad that Blizzard destroyed the Allianz PvP Communities. Right now on my Server it is still holding up, but we can notice a decline. We had like 60 People avaliable for AV, now we are barely able to get 3 working WSG Groups and the XRealm discords are basically dead. Well i guess solo play and not interacting with other people is AV Meta now .
First of all - Ur guys made a huge mistake.
You should hat kept 25% - And made the battlegrounds only be server wise.
Yes ppl have to wait blizzard.
First, in patch 1.12, the cross-realm battlegrounds were introduced here included the “nerf” because more frequently bgs would appear.
So, Question is. Why didn’t your guy’s hat the faqs right. Or did you know? hmm
might look at these old files @Kaivax/blizzard. A lot of things u “forgot”
http :// web. archive. org /web/20101204052618/ http :// www .worldofwarcraft .com/ patchnotes/patch-05-08-02.html
You seem to be under the mistaken impression that the massive EU matchmaking pool can run raid premades in AV on the horde side, but that isn’t really possible. It has never been possible.
Russians can still do it though.
Oh yeah let’s not fool ourselves, these premade rankers were the absolute scum of the earth. For Horde they just ruined the battleground by not engaging in any pvp or objectives other than zerging down the boss and leaving the game when they can’t win, but for the other Alliance players, they really shat on them.
To get in their private BG they would queue up in several AV instances and only join the one all their numbers matched for, leaving all other alliance players in starting 8/40 battlegrounds they couldn’t possible compete.
Then when they failed to get the boss down in under 7 minutes because Horde recalled they would simply throw the BG, not in the sense they stop fighting and let Horde win, no they all left and took deserter debuff because it’s no longer time efficient.
Of course the BG didn’t close down and all other pug alliance who are in the queue would get a message they could now enter Alterac Valley X, only to be left in a lost AV where they couldn’t even leave the cave with 10/40. Basically, they all fell in the skidmarks their glorious ranker friends left behind. Not only ruining their fun and queue time, but also effectively also making sure no other Alliance but premade Alliance could get any honor and move up the brackets
Then they somehow do these mental exercises they’re not total scumbags who are abusing the system and ruining it for everyone else on both factions because “Herp Derp, Horde dominates wPvP with OP racials, other Alliance just need to git gud and I need my EZ rank”.
One has to wonder if they really have so little empathy and social skills they are unaware of the damage they are causing or they simply don’t care because getting their rank is more important than everything else.
Either way I’m happy they did something about this destructive behavior.
So will you retards do something about scouting of WSG premades for PUG only games?
Bro if its in favour for the alliance = nerf in favour of horde = no problem and in favour of russian = just let it be . Alliance didn’t want x-realm pvp but the horde would have 1 days queue so let it be in their favour the alliance has worse racials ehm who cares thats it for no changes i guess.
It’s funny how you quoted what I quoted by what the guy I replied to had written, so it showed your quote as me having said it.
Quote the person who wrote it instead.
Not so easy on a 450 comment page
Seriously annoying when people don’t write links properly.
The problem is not the horde, nothing has changed for them. They fought for an hour on AV and how they fight. The problem is with the alliance. Good alliance players do not see the point of sitting an hour on AV with random players, in order to get a little honor. It’s easier and faster for them to farm the horde on WSG. As a healer, I don’t see anyone who i can heal among this blue-green players (+10-20 afk). The horde is dressed much better. The first day after the patch was more or less balanced by equip. Now adequate alliance players have left for WSG. Bottom line, the alliance on AV is a clean PUG, the horde on AV is full of groups of 5 people.
Balance? Not. The correction is only suitable for the horde, and even before the patch, the Horde was not problem on AV. Alliance had chances only for premades. apart from the rare alliance premades
But u got it gg
farming pugs which not even bother to re-spawn after there first dead ? bro talk here reality not your fantasy
I don’t care farming pugs in graveyards. It’s doesn’t give honor after 5th kill. It’s your idea about fantasy or something. Most of classic players are uneasy from av current situation. Stop doing useless pr comments.
Uh no, the diminishing return from killing the same player over and over again is now set to 10% honor instead of 25%.
Dear GMs, blues or whoever reads this… the alliance has (of course) found a way to bypass the restriction of the 5 man queue for AV and through the use of cross realm discords they are still managing to premade 35+ ppl into the same AV. Please develop some sort of fix as soon as possible.
shut up u tryhard
You still don’t get it?
The premade problem is not possible to fix without taking away the unbalanced PvP population.
There is always a way around the random shuffle stuff.
Last two days were just painful AV bullsh*t for Alliance - even more painful than before because blizzard decided to turn down the DR rating to 10% instead of 25% so it was like 20-25 mins getting raped at SH GY with no escape - no matter what you tried.
And still you guys dare to cry about getting steamrolled by premades about 50-75% of your games?
so true. tryhards are unhappy to face premades
Easy fix is allowing any raid size to queue for AV, up to 40 people. It’d impact queue times though.
There’s something called probability.
For example, the amount of times a premade ends up in the same one over and over again is what’s called a non-randomized occurrence.
Meaning it’s so improbable that it needs to have been manipulated to occur.
They could implement a filter to prevent such things from happening, but they’ve ignored it for years and technically speaking they still haven’t acknowledged it to be a thing, so it’s unlikely any direct action will be taken against it. (Read the blue post that started this thread, they don’t mention it being a thing even once.)
However, it has only plagued EU bgs for years, not NA bgs. They’ve already taken this indirect action once with the US forum complaining about it, so it’ll be interesting to see what will happen now when they’re still complaining about it.
The probability is still huge because of more Horde player queuing for AV than Alliance.
Thats my point - if you dont change this - you will mostly be unable to change the premade problem too.