An update on my project

I started a project a couple of months ago, but I haven’t really been keeping it updated. Accidentally let the topic close by automation from 30 days of no posts, as well.
But anyway, just figured I’d provide an update and hopefully inspire others to try the same.

^ That was the project I had started, and I had found a couple of people since I started that search in December. But I’ve been playing regularly with the same person for a few weeks now, and I can honestly say it’s going better than what I was preparing myself for. I’m not a good coach though, but I’m doing what I can to keep the mood positive every time we play, and explain the small things to keep in mind and what’s relevant and what’s not, and so on.

I’m not streaming it, and I had never intended to stream it from the start, because I can imagine that’d just place unnescessary stress on the other person, so it’s all handled privately.

But about the other person, he’s making good judgement calls most of the time and he’s very experienced in PvE, so his foundation is solid. He’s improving in his own pace, but he seems like the type to commit so I think I can expect great things from him.

Reason I’m making this topic, is to remind people that you can also do something like this if you’re interested in trying something new.

In the end I was forced to use the group finder to advertise though. I didn’t provide a link to my search thread, since I suspect I’d only be reported for “advertisement” if I did that, so I mentioned in my description for the group the search path for the thread.
Basically something like:
“I’m a 2k-2.4k multiclass exp player. WoW forums → Recruitment → Looking for Players-PvP → Find my thread if you want more information”
and then the title for the group in the group finder being “LF a beginner in rated PvP”, and so on.

I had to specify I wasn’t looking for people with experience as well, but anyway, I got a few whispers and some people adding my btag from the thread like that.
It’s a shame I couldn’t give everyone a try though, but I followed a “first come, first served”-basis, as long as they met the criterias. Some people added me a few days later though, and even though they met the criterias in the search thread, I had to turn them down since I was focusing on the one I’ve now been playing with for a few weeks.


I reply to this just to see the upcoming comments.

Great job tho!

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great job, maybe some forbidden warriors in here can learn a thing or two from you aswell

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Can’t one create a WoW in-game community and share it using a URL or other?

I’m not sure that would work. For example, the people who wanted to do this project with me and met the criterias, were all telling me of experiences where the only people they could find were either new players as well and those new people expected miracles out of the person, or people with exp who became angry and instantly quit on them because the person didn’t do something they expected, like for example let’s say a priest with exp would fear the enemy healer, the priest would then expect that CC to be chained but didn’t say anything about it, so the priest would get upset and just leave the group.

The few people I had found were all telling me of experiences like that in the group finder.

So that’s why they became interested in this project, because I’m promising a very long investment. But I’m not doing it just to be kind, I want to try a new way to create a team since the group finder is also unreliable for myself. I always manage to find 1 steady player, but finding the other is always a nightmare.

But anyway, so the reason why I don’t think a community would work, is because I don’t have a magical way to provide people with experience joining the community. And people with experience probably don’t want to spend their time with a random player each time, since it’s hard to teach anyone with just one session, and they’d be sacrificing their own rating to teach someone each time.

There are boosting communities already, but they all require payments in gold or RMT from what I’ve heard. Which is the only way I can imagine it working for experienced players.

I do recommend this way of mine to do it though, it takes a long time but it’s a good feeling to know you can rely on the other person to be online and they can surprise you with good plays of their own sometimes, even though it’s mostly random that it happens. :laughing:

Once I’ve done this for a year, maybe a little longer, with the same person, I’ll start the project over with a new player to shape up a 3rd for 3v3. But then I’ll have the help of the player I’ve been helping already, so it should go even better then, I hope.

(A warning though, just because you’re giving instructions, it’s not a certainty that they’ll be able to remember what you told them while they’re in the heat of the moment. So it’s a matter of repetition, kinda like dancing, and you need to show patience when they forget it. I also make sure to give compliments where it’s due, since they can do good things but just don’t know it’s a good thing, so you need to use positive reinforcement to make them able to recognize it on their own.)

Honestly, I have no idea what you mean by “forbidden warriors”. :laughing:

If you down to queue seriously (recording games, and saying what we could have done better after each) and go for the glad, count me in (2.3k xp rdrood/balance). If that is the case, who is in the team and what do they play?

If you asking us to create our separate hubs to welcome new PvP players and teach them, I’m afraid my gaming time is too limited for that.

I wouldn’t call it “hubs”, but yeah, I’m hoping people will do projects like this for themselves, since this part of the forum is typically visited by people with exp already. :laughing:

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