An upper limit for topic creation

No, I’d not rather see all doom and gloom but there are major flaws with the game this forum is for that need to be heard, and drowning those in probalby hunderds of topics from the same OP that are just barely related to the game at all is not a good thing. Everything has limits. Avoiding issues and running to “positive only” threads is only going to make things worse. As I said I am not against fun topics, but what Twil is doing is far too much.

It’s the WoW forum equivalent of “who’s listening in 2021” and “like if you are here from [insert place]” kind of comments on YouTube.


A starter account will work off your sub, it just has to have an active sub somewhere on the account.

Yes he can be a handful but he does not deserve 3 threads attacking him in the space of 2 weeks thats harrasement tbh and i get called toxic for defending Twil just goes to show what type of person the OP really is .

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Thats a license. Not an account. Naturally thats what he meant so this limit would affect your entire account and not just one license. Pretty much like banns work. I cant hop on to my starter account license when im banned either.

Twilly doesnt really make THAT many topics, it just looks like it when he bumps 20 old topics in one go (which i dont like and twilly knows i dont like it). Just flag as spam and move on?


You seem to be presuming there. I have a few accounts on my one bnet. I only tend to post on this though.

I find this all rather petty, if you dislike another poster that much that it bothers you to this extent, then put them on ignore. *You in the general sense, not you personally.

Punishing the entire forum and stifling discussion is not the answer. Nor will it stop all the necro-ing of topics before auto lock.


No. I know for a fact that you cant post with another license if one of your license is banned. You can post on other blizzard forums ye, but the WoW one is blocked. And my knowledge in this regard is quite recent

Yup i agree.

Also agree as i said above.

Yeyeye like i care about personal attacks to begin with.

We’ve seen mods warn people posting from other accounts when on a short term ban/forum vacation.

I’m glad you didn’t take it personally. Some people do.

I disagree. It’s not petty and it’s not driven from the depths of my depraved soul. It’s also not an attack or harassment, like some trolls here try to make it out. This is a simple idea suggestion that I wanted to put forward and have a peaceful discussion.

Also, it’s not a punishment. Is/was the character limit on Twitter a punishment? No, it was a way to avoid walls of text flooding people’s feed. And it works perfectly. That mindset of “you hate this person - ergo you want the whole forum punished” needs to go. Both you and that other guy who’s been at my throat need to re-evaluate yourselves on that front.

Furthermore, I would also like to add that I find the 30 day necro option to be very detrimental. I know it’s an improvement on how it used to be but 30 days is still too much. Usually, topics that are drained of content die out within a day. Maybe reduce the longevity down to 15 days? Again, I’m not threatening or punishing anyone, just a suggestion.

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I’d agree if the ignore function actually worked. It says, word for word: “You will not receive notifications related to this user and all of their topics and replies will be hidden.”

I have Twil on ignore and I still see all of their topics and replies. The only difference is that the posts say “Ignored content”. That’s spectacularly unhelpful.

They really need to work on the ignore feature.

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They might have changed how it works. As i said i couldnt post on a starter account on my last bann (i just wanted to see if it even lets you since i love finding loopholes in Blizzard system even if its just for personal giggles)

Im posting since when? Easily over 12 years straight at this point. At one point you just stop to care. Also i have my rude way of talking for a reason.

Indeed improving the ignore function is a far better suggestion than trying to limit people creating new posts.


I wouldn’t jump straight to improving, I’d start with making it do what it says it’s supposed to do, as that’d be enough to solve this whole issue.

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It really is some people on the forums take it so personal . If the OP has that much issue with Twil just flag .ignore and move on but to make thread after thread about it ,is getting personal and anyone that disagree with it is derailing or toxic even when posting within CoC .

Yes seeing that "blalalalalala has posted ignored content " is not really helpful at all it should be a full ignore .

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I dont think you notice but i do bump other peoples threads aswell, just not on @Twiluna xD

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I don’t really see the need for this.

Relevant threads are always visible and accessible. Important discussions are not being buried.
Maybe on the US forums, but the EU forums isn’t that busy.

For example Twiluna makes a ton of threads, but they don’t get in the way. You can ignore them quite easily.

I think it would also spark a lot of thread necros.
Can’t make one? I’ll just find a somewhat relevant one from a few months ago.

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Can i ask why though? I get it for some of the topics, but usually they have died out for a reason and when bumped they get like a couple more replies maybe and then die out again. Bumping a few of the games topics (like wht did u divorce the player above) makes sense now and then, but making a wall of bumped topics just seems to annoy ppl and some of the topics can just die. Make new ones in a couple of months instead maybe?

like the threads i bumped today, most of them are already buried xD