An upper limit for topic creation

most of the times its topics with 0 posts in them and i think people didnt see them, and sometimes thats the case xD

On twitter you can make long posts by setting up a whole load of replies. I have seen tweets 1/25 etc. You can draft them up in advance, or simply use tweetlonger.

You bumped your “Forumer Appreciation Thread” after a month without any replies by replying to your own post just on a different toon. Bumping (or necroing, let’s call it what it really is) other people’s threads doesn’t make you less annoying.

And now I have to go out of my way to ignore you on this character as well. i just wish it actually worked.

And yes, I am being rude and aggressive on purpose because I am genuinely annoyed by your never ending barrage of meaningless posts.

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Wish they made the ignore account wide :sweat_smile:


I understand your frustration, i really do.

sorry for the new alt post, was busy with notifications xD

otherwise see you on the horizon :3

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It’s really funny how people defend Twil, saying he’s funny or w/e but here he is mocking another forum user like it’s no worries. I’m being accused of being hostile and hateful but we have a person using his 183th alt to mock another person. Real mature.

Anyway, like I said, it’s not a punishment and it wasn’t a direct attack at that guy, I’m done with him. I just wanted to put forth a suggestion and we could have a discussion about it. I don’t think anything is/was wrong with my topic at all.

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How am i mocking him? xD

i really do get why you all are annoyed at me xD

the “xD” face is kinda a force of habit

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It just fuels the flame, doesnt it? :stuck_out_tongue:


You’re doing exactly what we’re saying is annoying. You posted on three characters in this thread alone. You are actively working agaist the ignore fucntion (if it actually worked). I am now even more stumped at why anyone actually likes you around here. Maybe because you make threads where anybody can type at least something and you act all nice and cute in there with a minimum of 150 emojis per post. And when you run out of ideas you need to go a month back and necro your topics just to watch a few more clicks come your way.

I don’t think I’m assuming much when I say I’m fairly confident that you genuinely crave attention really badly and this is simply the only way you know how to get it, and you have no consideration for anybody else while doing it. You will go out of your way to annoy people just to gather attention from them, even if it’s negative. So from now on I’ll just stop. I’ve given you more attention than I should have and I have no desire to give you any more.

I just hope the ignore function gets fixed.

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Then i got the right thread just for you

this isnt my 1st rodeo


I don’t actually see anyone defending anyone else. People just don’t agree with your suggested measure.

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I’ve tried ignoring a user but it didn’t help.
Every time I saw his post saying “This content is hidden” (or whatever) I still had to click and read because I was curious :smiley:

I agree with OP though, better ignore options wouldn’t hurt

Wish it worked. That’s all I’m asking for.


That aswell, i’ve been asking for that a long time. But also that it was applied accountwide if i ignored a user. Its annoying to have to add new alts.


Erm. I think part of the fun of posting on a games forum is having the ability to set up your own threads, as it gives topics a fresh start. Even fun and off-topic threads can be fun and refreshing to see.

I do think there should be come auto moderation for topics that regarding Blizzard and Activisions business affairs, i.e. Calling for people to be fired and or re-instated. What goes on behind the scenes is alot more complicated and quite frankly none of the players bases business. We’re just here to play a game.

Also hate posts towards other players in the community or forums should be moderated faster.


Right. I forgot I am but an obedient gamer who shall not ask questions and shall only speak to others in a positive manner. Quesiting is not allowed, negative arguments and any hint of a negative emotion towards a fellow gamer shall be annihilated. I am but your humble gamer.

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That’s not really what I am getting at. But the hate posts you see towards Ion and demands that he gets fired, just because someone isn’t happy with how their class was tuned in PVP this season, is damn right disrespectful out of order. If you’re not enjoying the game at the moment move on to another. You don’t know what these people are dealing with behind the scenes.

It doesn’t matter what they’re dealing with. It’s what they say and how they communicate their intent and ideology. They clearly don’t know what they’re doing and choose to ignore feedback, and when they don’t they twist it so it barely resembles what was asked and doesn’t accomplish what it should have.

I am a web developer and if I suddenly started changing things and implementing new stuff in the system that nobody wants and that doesn’t help anyone, or if I reinterpreted what the client asked for, did it my own way a changed half of the things to my liking without telling them, I don’t think they would care what I’m dealing with. The company that uses the system is paying for it and I can’t do whatever I want and say “but this is how I like it and I’m happy with it”. I can’t ignore their feedback and the issues they are having with the system.

But that’s exactly what Blizzard does when they do all this stuff and then say “Overall we’re happy with [whatever]”.

Wow I never realized this how many of the topics are created by this person. And they are all completely pointless like “Warcraft jokes” or “Why did you merry the poster above you”
 ironically the person even made a thread names “what is spam”.

Are people not reporting this crap?


I’m not saying don’t speak up if you don’t like something. What I’m saying is don’t call for people to lose their jobs just because you don’t like something.

Just because someone or a group of people are screaming about something on an Internet forum (or on YouTube), doesn’t necessarily mean that they represent the majority of players. They just have a platform where they can have a loud voice. A loud voice does not make you right!

Don’t get me wrong there are issues which need to be addressed in the game. But don’t go firing anyone over it.