I disagree on most of this but I don’t want to discuss this here since it’s very much off topic and I don’t want to derail the thread.
Forum Code of Conduct
The code of conduct for Blizzard Entertainment forums
I disagree on most of this but I don’t want to discuss this here since it’s very much off topic and I don’t want to derail the thread.
Yes they are, twiluna gets flagged all the time.
you know you’re playing with fire?
and now I expect the counterpart lawyer
People either not liking Twi or defending Twi, 1 group versus the other.
You could say this topic has become a bit ‘Twipartisan’, especially with all the Twilunatics.
Ok, i’ll leave now just grabbing my coat.
I’m completely clueless about this… is it that bad?
I just saw a lot of threads on the general forum about “what not to say to dwarves” etc. and thought what’s going on here…
Considering the Blues are more likely to reply to one of Twiluna’s threads rather than the actual important topics in the General Discussion forums I feel the OP is targeting the wrong person.
Even if you don’t ignore Twiluna (or anyone else you may or may not like), seeing the topics creator can be enough to make a decision on whether to enter a thread.
i got off a ban and started to terrorize the village :3
Not continuing it any further after this.
Blizzard employees are not elected Politicians. Politicians, who if they’re failing their job, the public have a right to speak up and demand they step down. Politicians have an agreement with the Public.
Blizzards employees have an agreement with Blizzard, not with Blizzards customers, who in turn have their agreement with Blizzard. Now if they customer isn’t happy about something, they shouldn’t be demanding an employee who is just doing their job as by their agreement with Blizzard gets fired. It’s Blizzard who gets to decide that an employee is meeting their agreement, not the customer. If the customer doesn’t like something in the product (which was agreed to and produced by Blizzard and their employee), the customer has the opportunity to shop else where. At which point Blizzard has the opportunity to re-direct their employee to focus on a different area to try and attract the customers back.
There are enough people who enjoy WoW in various areas to keep the game profitable. Just because focus isn’t put into a particular area because more players are enjoying something else (and generating more revenue).
Blizzard has a big machine which pulls all sorts of statistics from the game. They know what people are playing and investing time into. Working in Web Design or whatever, you should know about pulling usage statistics.
You can disagree with me. But quite frankly, I’m speaking the truth.
If you don’t like the computer game, don’t get angry about it, just play another one.
Needless to say, a games forum is not the place to demand people lose their jobs. fair enough that you can say what you don’t like about the game, but demanding someone lose their job is completely wrong.
Well since you for whatever reason decided to expand on this, I’ll give my final word, for real this time.
I’m not talking about all Blizzard employees, I’m talking about the management. You are right, they are not Politicians, but employees in any company still need to perform at a certain level, and when they don’t for an extended period of time, they get let got, or demoted and replaced. Someone is making these calls and the playerbase is visibly dissatisfied. There’s plenty of ignored feedback that eventually gets implemented, but more often than not far too late and in some twisted form. You’re look at things from purely legal point of view. When you’re in charge of something, you need to be able to tell whether you’re doing a good job or not. If the leds devs actually cared about feedback on a regular basis, and not just on major uproars (sometimes), they wouldn’t be designing the game the way they are now. And they clearly either don’t know or don’t care whether the players are happy or not.
I still enjoy the game to a large extent, but not nearly as much and it’s purely due to the design decisions they’ve been making over the past 4 or so years. You aren’t looking at whether they’re making a good game and care about their players, but whether they’re generating profit or not. These two not related. They could break the game, make it genrally less enjoyable, lose a lot of players now and still generate profit and even break records. They have classic and the in-game shop to help with all that.
Another case of looking at numbers. Take Torghast for example. Everyone is doing it, which results in a large number in your usage statistics. Now you need to ask yourself, is that because Torghast is really good and players love it, or because it’s necessary to get legendaries? Once you put something this important behind any type of content, you will see a rise in “popularity”. That’s like me going into the usage statistics for the system/website I’m maintaining, looking at a part of the system the employees have to use, and saying “oh, they must absolutely love this”.
Just by the way, that’s not how discussions works. You can’t just declare yourself right.
I’ve been playing this game for the better part of the past decade, as have many, many others. They’ve been enjoying it for all these years and they want to keep enjoying it, because the core is still there. It just got covered in some slimy stuff at some point, which only the lead devs can fix, but instead of cleaning it they decided to wrap it in a dirty piece of cloth.
Demanding is not exactly right, I can agree with that. But questioning and condemning their decisions when they are clearly hurting the enjoyment for a lot of people is more than waranted. And in any way, they can demand all they want. They have no power over whether anyone keep their job or not. If anything, it’s at least a way to express their feeling about the game they want enjoy, albeit in a very bad way. And if Blizzard had decided to remove these threads, they’d only show how little they care about our opinions and will just develop a game for them, not for their players, as demonstrated in the phrase Ion loves to use: “we’re happy with…”, instead of asking if the players are.
Sadly, this topic got derailed quite hard and is already deviating greatly from what I originally intended, so I’ll try to bring it back on track.
Lots of people (ignoring the obvious trolls) disagreed with the idea, arguing that it’s a form of punishment. I didn’t mean it that way. I just feel like the option to create an unlimited amount of topics, most of which are void of any relevant content, could easy be avoided by putting a cap. This, of course, won’t limit the words used within the thread, nor the amount of replies, etc. All I was saying is Blizzard could use some artificial scarcity (like they do in-game) here.
I’d like to get some more opinions and productive criticism. Maybe expand on the idea?
Also, someone brought up the idea of selling their monthly quota to others. Maybe a forum market could be established?
I suppose it comes down to what is possible - Blizzard don’t make the forums but use Discourse, and I have no idea whether limits on thread creation are possible in Discourse.
There are many improvements which could be made to make the forums a better place - e.g. posting based on your account so you can’t troll/reply to yourself with alts, scrapping the “grind” for TL3 so people can post relevant images and links etc. Again, it will depend on what’s possible and whether they view it as worthwhile to implement.
I would guess that a limit on thread creation, which could make the forum look less active, would not appeal since it may look like there are less players and less engagement.
I can see a cap working. Probably higher than just 5 a month, which I believe is what you were proposing initially, but some sort of cap would make sense. The problem comes when people are necoring old topics to keep their own topics at the top of the list. A cap won’t help you with that in the long run.
Honestly, I think simply fixing the ignore function would be more than enough. There’s isn’t a lot of people spamming the forums with topics day in day out. So if the ignore button worked and was made to apply on the ignored character’s entire account, not just the one characters, it would be more than enough to fix the problem.
Because as a certain someone has demonstraed, even if the ignore button worked, it would be useless. I lost count of how many characters they’ve posted from in this topic alone.
i can already see a workaround-ish with the X thread cap a month though:
create X each month and keep them all alive all the time, and then edit the OP to a diff subject if needs be.
How do you know they are not over exceeding the expectations and targets set out by Blizzard. Maybe the employee wants to step down but there isn’t anybody else better to fill the role? Maybe they’re training someone to take over the position as we speak. This isn’t any of our business. This is private company business which shouldn’t be discussed on public forums.
These two are perfectly related. Because if the game is making profit, then surely it’s a good game, because there are enough people out there paying to play it.
The part of the game you enjoy might need some attention, but the largest portion of the income probably comes from another area of the game.
Well this is an example of the statistics working in progress. They see it wasn’t working as intend, so rather than just writing it off and giving up on it at the first hurdle, they’ve invested time in making it better and more enjoyable coming in 9.1. I’m sure if it falls flat on its face again, we’ll never hear of Torghast ever again.
Because quite frankly, it’s pretty black and white, that someones employment status should not be up for discussion on a public forum. It is quite frankly disrespectful to every single party involved.
I’ve been playing this game for the better part of the past decade, as have many, many others. They’ve been enjoying it for all these years and they want to keep enjoying it, because the core is still there. It just got covered in some slimy stuff at some point, which only the lead devs can fix, but instead of cleaning it they decided to wrap it in a dirty piece of cloth.
I was playing Vanilla - Wotlk (with a touch of Cata and MoP), returned in BFA to much more comfortable play environment. And as much as I enjoyed the game in the past, it works so much better for me now, and it would if it were still the same game it was 10 years ago. The game needs to evolve and change and find ways to attract new players and bring back old players, not all of these ways are going to work first time.
Demanding is not exactly right, I can agree with that. But questioning and condemning their decisions when they are clearly hurting the enjoyment for a lot of people is more than waranted. And in any way, they can demand all they want. They have no power over whether anyone keep their job or not. If anything, it’s at least a way to express their feeling about the game they want enjoy, albeit in a very bad way
So you’ve pretty much just agreed with my entire point.
And if Blizzard had decided to remove these threads, they’d only show how little they care about our opinions
All I’m saying is that the hate threads demanding someone gets fired are just simply disgusting. I’m not saying that if we don’t like something we should be silent about it.
A final though, just because an area of the game hasn’t received focus during a particular patch of the game, doesn’t necessarily mean its being ignored. how do we know that that area isn’t currently under going a huge revamp that hasn’t been announced yet and is receiving focus from the dedicated team. remember Hunters and a few months ago they were moaning about being forgotten, right up until Legendary Bow was mentioned, suddenly they’ve gone quiet.
So you’ve pretty much just agreed with my entire point.
No I haven’t. Now stick to the topic as you said you would.
No I haven’t.
But you literally just described and agreed to the point I was making. And to honest, quite frankly, this is on topic.
No it’s not. Read the OP.
Just out of curiosity, would it be a good idea to implement an upper limit for topic creation per player account? Something like 5 topics a month? Would help reduce some of the unnecessary spam in the sections and encourage users to think carefully about the topics they create.
I doubt it will. Look how many inane, childish threads we get about PvP imbalance just because precious Shnoockums got ganked by X class that day, or constant whine threads about RIO and Mythics and Keys. These are dull as Heck! Also, they always create these topics without checking if there is already one in existence, before spiralling into bad language because people have the temerity to disagree with them, despite there -BEING- Forum sections for that already.
In fact that is a good point. I’m going to break my own rule. If people start up another PvP thread or PvE thread on the General Forums, when one already exists, That’s Spam. Time for a Report.
There exist PvP forums, and PvE forums, these are the General Forums. Keep PvP and PvE spam where it belongs.
I’m not saying not to have fun. But there should be a time and a place for such activities
As I was trying to frivolously state, this -is- the place for such activities. Which other sub forum would be more apposite?
I’d rather have unsatisfied players making a topic about being unsatisfied with the game and explaining why than literally over half of the topics being Twil’s meaningless threads.
Actually, I wouldn’t. I find the constant wails of misery to be like a petty child in a supermarket lying down, kicking their heels on the floor because their parents won’t buy them sweets. It is just screaming with generally no coherent or constructive points to be made, they are not amusing, they belittle anyone who does not agree with their own jaundiced view, and even worse than all of the above, these people seem to think that they have a unique insight on things, whereas in fact they commit that most Cardinal of Sins.
They’re just -boring-. They don’t even raise a smile or a chuckle, they’re just doomsayers who never even agree with the other doomsayers, so you know, right from the start, that what they are saying is absolute whiff, because yesterday’s Doomsayer disagrees, and the day before that did as well.
Forums would be better if half these people who said they were quitting just went ahead and did it, instead of hanging around like spectres at a feast, or the bad smell that -should- have gone away because you opened the window.
There’s fun and then there’s hijacking half of a public forum for your own selfish attention seeking needs.
We tend to refer to those as PvP and Mythic Whinging threads. Oh, and the “I Quit, and I will tell you why!” threads. Now -those- are selfish, and somewhat solipsistic.
Right. I forgot I am but an obedient gamer who shall not ask questions and shall only speak to others in a positive manner. Quesiting is not allowed, negative arguments and any hint of a negative emotion towards a fellow gamer shall be annihilated. I am but your humble gamer.
Good, Glad we got that cleared up.
Also, someone brought up the idea of selling their monthly quota to others. Maybe a forum market could be established?
That is a pretty horrific idea if you think about it…That would go so badly wrong it is untrue…
Can we agree then? Multiple threads complaining about PvP and PvE should also be reported as Spam along with ‘I Quit’ threads?
Because they are as dull as hell to read, and usually turn into narcissistic rants…
No it’s not. Read the OP.
My original comment in my original response to OP was very much on topic. You just mis-understood why I was making the suggestion, so it needed some more clarification, before you finally saw and agreed to the point I was making :).
But now that’s all settled
Lots of people (ignoring the obvious trolls) disagreed with the idea
I disagreed with it as it was and is a personal attack and calling us trolls because we do not like your idea or how you went about it is just wrong .
Calling us trolls with out any evidence is agiasnt the CoC , you accuse people of derailing your thread simple fact of the matter is its not matching your view therefore in your eyes only its derailment and trolling .
When presented with a fully working ignore feature for all chars on account you just ignored it .
The forums are a place to debate and saying only having 5 posts made as opening topic per month goes agaisnt that .
What you are asking and wanting is censorship and punishment for any post you do not like .
Its sad you call people trolls and accuse them of things when you have been stood agaisnt for making a 3rd thread about the same user which is
The code of conduct for Blizzard Entertainment forums
Result in ongoing harassment to other characters, players.
You may not like facts but its true .
I suggest you look at your own actions before you have the audacity to accuse others of trolling derailing or being toxic you are no angel yourself .