Twiluna topics are such a refreshing lead. I avoid posting there because I know I like arguing and getting confrontational and I don’t want to ruin them. But I really enjoy scrolling through them.
I don’t think it’s a bad idea.
A discussion forum is enhanced by a plurality of voices on issues.
Sometimes to safeguard that, you have to tell people “you’ve talked enough, let others talk”.
To do so with replies would be ridiculous, but topics? I think it’s fair honestly. Maybe raise the number to beyond 5 though.
Wow… This really bothers you huh OP?
Sorry OP, I have to agree with Daestra here.
I saw your name and immediately recognised it from a thread defaming a much loved and regular community member on here. You original post pretty much read exactly the same as the previous topic, except it was a little bit more CoC.
I appreciate the idea of a Post limit to stop 1 person creating 100 new topics in 10 minutes just to spam the forums (but it wouldn’t surprise me if that was already in place). But if someone is creating a topic for Fun and enjoyment of others, even if there is no real point to it outside of fun, that’s fine right?
Okay, go be constructive in Vulpera Appreciation Thread, Forumer Appreciation Thread, snoop which country people are from, find what you shouldn’t say to Dwarves, assume people’s gender, reach the post cap or wonder why you married the poster above you.
I believe that’s called feeback. Kinda like when Blizzard asks you why you’re cancelling your subscription, except they’ll ignore both of those and answer to meaningless topics like “Why is the poster above you suspicious” instead.
But GD is about fun and everything . If you want to speak in depth about a subject i find using the correct sub forum is better and should be used .
I been called worse and it no bother me whether da rules say it be wrong or not.
I think you’re hitting at a factor of annoyance here as well. That blues only really descend to tell people to behave or post in such threads.
Much feedback thread is whine, but not all is, and some is positive and carefully written. But these do not get replies, instead the other threads do.
It simply fuels the idea that this place is ignored and not taken seriously and I can get that honestly.
There is actually a topic cap with the trust levels xD on TL 1 though
I get were you are coming from but there is for example when it comes to PVP
Latest PVP topics - World of Warcraft Forums (
War Mode and World PVP sub forums they should be used to give feed back .
There might be for tl2 and 3 too. I think it’s time for another forum science project…
For science!!!
Loa above I wish more people where more constructive in that thread too.
But usually it’s just visited by haters who aren’t -__-
I think there is always room for improvement. I don’t think 5 topics created per month is an improvement, personally. I don’t start topics that often but I would probably be affected by a 5 topic limit. Especially when we get new information coming out about new things coming to the game.
I’d like things improved, like merge duplicate topics into one instead of having people start several discussions about the same thing. Post on Bnet name like every other Blizzard forum to stop all the alt posting where people use it to talk to themselves or upvote themselves. For ignore to work better for those that use it. Bnet only posting would also avoid a lot of the having to ignore multiple characters issue.
However disagreeing with the proposed measure does not equal defending Twiluna. Which is a weird turn this topic has taken. People should also not be labelled trolls for opposing a suggestion they feel will stifle the forum.
Yes, but I never said “no fun” I simply said forums benefit where everyone lends their voice, and sometimes to help that, you have to stop the chatterboxes talking all the time so to speak.
It’s not about fun, or the threads being wrong. It’s about logging in and seeing over half the threads (whatever they are) being made by one individual.
Maybe I’m looking at this too literally, but I’ve run discussion groups, I teach. It’s great to have someone whom is chatty and fun and often they bring out good stuff in others. But sometimes I need them to step back and let others set the agenda, so we talk about stuff THEY want to talk about, rather than them always being the second contributer.
For some of them it is difficult for them to do that if their chatty peer is continually suggesting topics without hesitation, because it lets them “rely on” the chatty one to bring the discussions.
Either way I’m not that bothered, I just think there is some reasoning behind such a rule, and it doesn’t have to be taken as a vendetta or “anti fun”. Plenty of functional and fun discussion spaces prevent people creating too many topics within a certain degree of time. In some respects the topics end up better, because they’re scarcer and draw longer conversation as opposed to competing with throwaway topics people can infinitely create (such as whine threads)
Ignore function as it works right now doesn’t do much for me.
I recently ignored someone but whenever he posted I still got curious and wanted to see what was behind “This post is hidden” (or whatever)
Perhaps I’m what kids these days call a Simp (?) Good times
I’ve always found the specific ones mostly inactive, dead even. I remember creating a topic in the priest forums a few years back and it took several days to get one response and that was it. Looking at the “Dungeons, Raids and Scenarios” which I’d expect to be somewhat active, already the 4th topic from the top is a day without activity, and by barely touching the scroll wheel you get to see topics over a week without any responses.
Yes, but I never said “no fun” I simply said forums benefit where everyone lends their voice, and sometimes to help that, you have to stop the chatterboxes talking all the time so to speak.
I no idea why you always get so defensive with me when i simply put a point across .
I find it really sad that people are picking on Twil tbh and yet another thread made about him it is blatant bullying but all people care about is “we should number the amount of threads made” yeah ofc lets ignore the fact that Twils being bullied …
’ve always found the specific ones mostly inactive, dead even.
Its a real shame and they should be used more in my view but i understand there is only limited mods/admins for the forums .
One thing about that tho… And this is not directed at you in particular. What people choose to give their attention to or not is all up to the indevidual. That some threads gets more attention, However trivial they may be. Is a community thing… Its not the posters fault that happens.
Ignore function as it works right now doesn’t do much for me.
I recently ignored someone but whenever he posted I still got curious and wanted to see what was behind “This post is hidden” (or whatever)
Exactly we should not see that at all it is just asking to be read and fuel the flames .