I’ve never used the ignore feature, is it like the hidden posts when they are flagged?
Pretty much. The only way to see a post of someone you ignored is when someone quotes it.(Or click show hidden post)
I’m not getting defensive with you. I never mentioned fun, you brought it up as if my point was losing it somehow. I simply reiterated I never mentioned content of topics.
Kindly please stop interpreting a reply as some kind of alterior motivation. It’s just a reply.
Yeah, maybe.
So I’m always pro MORE options, indeed
The only person I ever have beef with is myself.
And if dear Twi happens to read this:
They aren’t exactly a saint. I expressed my annoyance at the amount of topics they create earlier in the thread and only got really rude after they intentionally started switching characters and replying on several just to be more annoying. So that is okay but expressing annoyance over it is not? A bit of a doble standard here.
I’ve been using the forums for a while and I’ve always know about Twil, but today, seeing literally 15 posts in a row just from them kind of made my blood boil. The post I made about them earlier in this thread was veryrude, yes, I am aware and it was intended, but that’s not bullying. Bullying is unprovoked. Twil’s been annoying for a good while around here.
Stop defending them so blindy and think about why people might behave this way about it.
i dont think youll be able to see this, i necro my threads after i get off a vacation, and this was a long one xD
usually i only bump like 3-5 a day maybe
It all comes down to forum moderation. I’m sure there would be a backlash to begin with, but people would learn over time that it was happening.
There are at least 3 active threads at the moment about the 9.2 KSM mount, which could quite happily be all tied into 1 thread. But, I’m not opposed to a new thread being started on a similar topic in a few days time, just to freshen it up. I can’t remember the last time I read every post in a thread. I usually read the OP and then just post my response and put my Battlements up ready for the onslaught.
I do agree with this. I only post on this character because I wanted Anonymity with my first post on the forums. This char I made over a decade ago and will probably never log into again.
if I were tied to my main and/or bnet account, I’d be alot more careful on who I pick in-depth discussions with and probably alot more respectful to the pvp community.
I just think people remember OP’s post from before calling Twilly out. Having seen Twillys new topic this morning, I didn’t surprise me when OP made this post, and just reading the first 2 responses pretty much sums it up.
But there is no harm in calling for suggestions.
My post was not about you at all but rather the OP so no idea why you are being so angsty with me.
I even said to you earlier in thread Twil can be hard work so how iam i defending him blindly ?
Please re read my post thanks .
OP, you can mute threads so they don’t appear to you at all.
At the bottom of the thread where it has the options for watching/tracking/normal just choose muted and voila thread disappears never to be seen again no matter how many times it is posted in or brought back to life.
It works alongside the ignore function.
Feels like that is the amount “Slapface” does in a day… how would he ever survive doing only 5 a month?
You’re saying that people are “blatantly bullying him”, or picking on him, which could very easily include me due to what I said earlier. “Hard to work with” is a huge understatement. He’s going out of his way to be annoying and intentionally going around the ignore feature by switching characters, but apparently people “picking on him” is the issue here.
Sorry some times you do come across as very arrogant and talk down to people thats how i read you through your posts.
Twil can be annoying he knows that but people should not be censored and policed unless they break rules .
I never said you so please stop accusing me of that thank you .
The thing about threads like the ones you mention is that they are useful for community building, which I think is an important purpose of these forums. It’s not all about giving feedback, but also about meeting people to play the game with.
It was through this type of threads that I first started speaking with a whole load of fellow posters who are now battle.net friends and who I play with regularly. Some have join my guild and raid team, some are in my regular m+ group, some I periodically do tmog runs with, and others I chat with on discord etc.
I do agree that seeing 100 topics from a single poster is a but silly, and replying to yourself with alts is something I also have an issue with, but I just wanted to make the point that these threads can be very useful.
He posts on 14 chars aswell yet no thread about him and his negative spam or anti lqbt rants .
Well …yeah. It’s kind of hard to understand how anyone can hate and be annoyed at Twilis threads to be honest. For the most part they are all light hearted and fun. Of course if people just wanna be negative and all that 24/7 and legit thinks she takes your attention away from that then sure… I can understand that. But its unfair to literally call for spesific rules to apply just for one poster that doesn’t constanly talk negativity for all the posts they make.
Absolutely, 100%, totally, not a shadow of a doubt, agree with this statement!
Its about having fun and enjoying yourself.
He did reveal his main once, but i’ve forgotten the name at this point.
It was a resto shaman.
He also has a low level Nighborne hunter that he posts from.
I can not repeat the name as its agaisnt CoC but yes he has 14 alts he posts on .
He recently made a thread about me and how much he dislikes me and enjoys winding me up .
There are too many KSM topics and it’s the same every time something new comes along. We don’t get that kind of moderation in here sadly.
I get messages in game or via in game mail from people because they can send me stuff. My bnet is readily available on various sites and no one can contact me without me accepting a friend request first. It works across all the other forums without issue. I would gain far more anonymity with the bnet name than I do now. I don’t think we should ever have to use real names ofc.