Angry Blind People Post

Druid is the only class with 4 specs , so an anomaly
Just like until recently
DH was the only class with 2 specs, so an anomaly

Claiming DHs have to wait till everyone has 4 specs is pretty ridiculous

DH should be first in line to get a 3rd spec before Evoker
That’s the bottom line and all there is to it

Weak arguments like - B-b-but it wouldn’t make sense?! hold no weight
To a lot of people before DF shipped, the Dracthyr didn’t make sense and was a meme


If only people were able to read more than a line of text.

I am blind remember

The point still stands
That was your claim , in reference to the point that, DH should get their 3rd spec first

It was not my “point”, on the contrary, i made that comment to point out that when it comes to releasing classes/new specs etc… there is not really a “line” that Blizzard follow, so saying that X should get something before Y does not make much sense.

Shaman have been asking for a earth-related tank spec since forever. But Blizz prolly think otherwise for now.

If they they think Evoker 3rd spec added mid-exp cause of their lore being developed works then they should not stop from doing it cause “Duh some other classes next in line first”.

It was your point , I can quote it if you’d like
Your reasoning is irrelevant and it was yourself who made the point
And i’m telling you it is absolutely ridiculous

Again, the bottom line is
DH should get a 3rd spec before Evoker

Hard disagree
Completely spits on Demon Hunters
I have Evokers, I love my Evokers, but it is mind blowing to even consider it okay they get a 3rd spec before DH

Devastation doesn’t even function correctly and still has bugs

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wut? Is this supposed to be an argument? Your logic needs some repairs.

by fair I mean fair for the DH players and actually for the whole game health. Giving evokers a third spec before DH is exactly as dumb as druid getting one more spec right now.

you know what I mean about being fake dude. Stop acting pseudosmart. Dracthyr race have no substance. No lore. No history. Nothing. It was straight invented for a few fast bucks and that’s it. Wierd looking lizzard acting like dragons. Cringe race. DH is here up until warcraft 3 btw.

sure, I agree with that. Not everything needs to be explained in wow. Its actually dumb for them trying to explain everything in wow, going in realm of death, explaining the universe and stuff.

But that has nothing in common with the fact that dracthyr was introduced in warcraft universe by the Jailor’s writers. So cheap and dull.

Pleases quote me cause at this point idk what are you referring to.

Is not a matter of “spitting” on others, if evoker come to get a new spec in such a short time frame, is because they planned it as a 3 spec class from the beginning and just wanted to try and make it unlock later.

Is not like they are going before DH because that is maybe not even WiP right now for what we know.

you guys seriously need to start readin holy cow.

No problem my friend

You also then stated

I read your whole post, and that statement I quoted, and have no re-quoted, is absurd.
It shouldn’t have got to this

If they planned it to be a 3 spec class, that doesn’t really help the matter. Shipping it with 2 , to then add 3 only adds more salt to the wounds for DH. You also haven’t commented on Devastation having some serious bugs lol

I get you might be excited at the thought of a 3rd spec for Evokers, it is exciting. But it shouldn’t happen before DHs and no amount of " but it fits the expansion and the current lore" will justify it or change my mind

They could have factored in some amazing quest line during shadowlands for DH to get their 3rd spec, not completely ideal but very very doable. It didn’t happen

So I will feel very cheesed off if Evokers now get a 3rd spec during their launch Expac

Sorry if I’ve misunderstood but… how is it NOT before DH if it comes before DH?

I can read fine, for the second time

Alright, fair point. Even tho I dont agree that was the case. 99 % sure they didn’t had the third spec in mind right from the evoker launch. But even so, DH being the only class with 2 specs for 7 years, while they launch a new class that also have 3 specs, is still not “fair”. They should fix the DH before introducing more classes (with 3 specs).

But as i said, dracthyr evoker is not here because we, players, trully loved the race/class fantasy or because the game really needed that kind of class in game. Its just because we have a dragons expansions and a “dragon” playable race/class with lots of customizations means extra cash. That’s exactly why i hate the dracthyr. It screams “we only care about your money”

I don’t get why you keep leaving out the very next word i said after what you quoted.

My point is that Evoker getting a 3rd spec should not be blocked by DH not getting their 3rd spec, as much as DH should not wait every class (that existed before them) to get a 4th spec to be on par with Druids.

If they wanted to add a 3rd spec for DH at this point they would have done so? Don’t you think?

Because i have not really played devastation much so i can’t really comment on what i have not played.

But you say it yourself. They could but they did not, maybe because they do not want to?
It sucks for DH players? Yes, but Evokers really have not much to do with it. You were neglected a 3rd spec way before we existed. And out eventual 3rd spec is not what stopped you from getting it.

Because as i said, your complaint could be valid if our 3rd spec was somehow stopping you from getting your 3rd. You watch the development as a line where we are before you but in reality we are on two separate lines.

They are simply not working on your 3rd spec. Our 3rd spec existing or not won’t change that, sadly.

Why make the point in the first place then. pretty pointless

I disagree, it should

I’ve explained politely why this is a ridiculous statement to make…

I’d have liked to have thought, yes but that isn’t the way development pipelines go unfortunately. It could very well have been suggested , but budget and time didn’t allow.

Well aren’t you just a silly sausage then, as then you’d understand what I’m talking about!

Unless you consider yourself a Dracthyr in real life, this is a joke. We are players my friend, and most people play more than one class.
It isn’t us vs you, or you vs us.

I have never once claimed this? That if Evokers get a 3rd spec now DH wont get one? What the hell man???
“If only you could read properly” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

it does. it just means they are out of touch with their game and care only about money. They should work on DH third spec before even considering introducing a new playable class. But not only they did not care about that. But they are even going to give the new playable class a 3 spec while DH still have 2 for 7 years? Its absurd. It just proves how less they care about their game.

Also, as i previously said. At least DH have the potential in covering a ranged weapon user role, or some kind of low range physical/magic hybrid at least. Evoker will just be another caster/tank in a game full of casters and tanks.

Why do we even need that? Whole evoker class got no true healthy use. They are here just to steal more cool spells others classes like shamans or mages could have used.

anyway, if you ask me, no “hero” classes should have been playable. And they should have focused on the vanila classes, making them more unique, fun and cool. Giving them more specs, instead of introducing more classes. DH could have been actually a spec instead of a whole class. But w/e

It was not pointless i even explained it here why i said it. DH are not the only one that are demanding new specs.
As i said, Shaman have been asking to be the “mail tank” since forever. What makes you think you have the right to be before them then?

To think that there is a line where some classes deserve something more than others is just silly. And you said it, you disagree on this, so not much else to be said about this.

Yeah of course. The base point still stand. Dh 3rd spec has been a “no” for years at this point and i am pretty sure that if they truly wanted it in the game they would have done it. Evoker or not.

That is why i say that there is not really a line with classes, they add whatever they feel appropriate/cool atm.

With Evokers they probably thought it could be cool to make a class “complete” as the story develops. Idk, maybe is just all fake and it is nothing.

Again i somewhat agree on this but the fact that they did not for so much time means they don’t want to probably.
Are they right? Wrong? Idk, i don’t have their data to know how much of the playerbase really want a 3rd DH spec.

The only thing is that they are not really giving the new class a 3rd spec. As i said, if they give Evokers a 3rd spec this close to release is because Evoker was always designed for 3 specs to begin with.

They have 3 and DH has 2. Pretty reasonable

You’re right
I think priests should have a spec representing each of the old gods. Just because

You got any sauce for that statement ?

Please go and try out devastation my friend

how so? It got 5 kind of elements. Why it needs 3 specs?

because shamans already have 3… cmon dude. How can you even compare that. DH have 2. 2!!! Standard is 3 not 2. What’s after 3 is a bonus that only the druid have. So no other classes that already are standard have any right to have any spec before DH becomes a standard class as well.

To be fair, not even the 2 specs DH have now feels fully developed. It got way less abilities than other classes. And gameplay except the dashes and double jump, is meh. Of course DH players are getting mad for letting such an iconic class in this state for so long.

Give the Edgelords their 3rd spec.

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hahahahaha :joy: :joy: :joy:

I want to know what the DH 3rd spec would be and how it wouldn’t be butchering an already existing class.

Shaman could argue that have waited for way longer. Both looks reasonable to me and no one should take prio over the other.

Which makes no sense regarding whatyou quoted me on.

What do you mean? Do you see a 3rd DH spec in the game? Any hint about a 3rd DH spec? DH was released in 2016. It’s 2023 now, and i am pretty sure they would have said something at this point if that was going to change.

So ofc no, i don’t have any official statement aside the fact that DH stayed a 2 spec class for 7 years.

How to purposely miss the point. I was obviously talking about "completing the class"by releasing the 3rd spec delayed to fit the story development. Not how complete the class is gameplay wise.

If you stopped taking things out of the context then it would all make sense.

I did not say it NEEDS 3 specs. I said that if they have a 3rd spec ready for Evokers to be released soon, it means that the Evoker was developed as a 3spec class and was released as 2 for lore reasons (or whatever reason they have for this) and then completed asap as the story develop.

I think you’re so enamored with Evoker possibly getting a 3rd spec, nothing else matters and you’ll apply anything to fuel that hope / excitement

Best of luck to you