Another ingame shop mount! And game still is in beta

I feel sorry for people who can only be condescending to others for no good reason.

If you don’t like something sold in the store then don’t buy it. No need to talk down to others.


If you felt the way you do about a car or mobile phone manufacturer, would you continue to use their products, or replace them as fast as you could? In a heartbeat…

Yet, Blizzard are the Capitalists from Hell (NOT my words) & you continue to play their games &/or use their Forums… now do you see where the logic fail occurs?

Me having an issue with store mounts doesn’t mean I need to quit. I don’t really like the game in its current state but I have reasons to keep my sub alive for the time being.

Blizzard is just like every other corp. they don’t care about you and they just want to make money, surprise

I’m sorry if I came across aggressive. You can do what you want with your money but I’ll never not see £20 for a damn mount as anything other than a rip-off.

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I would agree with you if they were selling re-skins of existing mounts on the shop, like they do in Heroes of the Storm, but the fact is every single mount in that shop was uniquely made for the shop.

So there are no “well designed” mounts in the base game?

That’s just unique models to this expansion, no re-skins, no previous xpacks. So that argument completely falls apart.

Sure Blizzard is somewhat disconnected from it’s player base, sure BfA has issues like Azerite and RNG layers, but at least point the blame at the right issues instead of jumping into the hate-wagon.


Plain and simple, people see something new they don’t like & use their dislike of it as a vehicle to vent generally about their true feelings toward the game.

If a company p…es me off, to the extent that some have expressed here, recently, I’d get said product out of my life & refuse to be any part of the company behind said product again.

Maybe it’s just me, but too many younger people (than me) have so little clue about courage of conviction, that it beggars belief that they have any faith in anything, at all.


I know that you are jelly bro because you can’t afford the new mount. But look its not end of the world because of it , there are plenty of the good mounts like Invincible or Arcanist manasaber and other which drop from the older raid bosses , the ones from the mythic dungeons and even the new ones which will come with the new raid and which did come with the new warfront from elites in Darkshore… Enjoy the game for what it is, and what it will be, this mount is just a cosmetic item which you don’t really need, and if you get a job tomorrow well than you will be able to buy if you wish all the mounts from the store to.


That is a view I can understand.


Maybe you guys should take a break from a game if a regular shop mount (option which has been introduced 7-8 years ago) causes such a massive anger outbreak. Maybe it is not about the game’s issues, but about your personal attitude?


Do you have any faith that WoW can be as good as you once felt it was? Simple question.
If not, then you do NOT, if fact like the game any more - logic. The answer is simpler than you want it to be, as well… quit. Done.


Fake Rage Hulk Smash.

Store mounts have been a thing 10 years now since wotlk.

I understand your view but rageing at your fellow players and name calling and insulting them doesnt make you or your point look good.

Maybe calm down and stop the vile spewing hatred you are coming out with.

Are you from US btw using "bucks’ because i dont know any EU currency called that.


I did that with EA ever since Mass Effect 3, never gave them a penny since.

Oh we definitely agree on that account at least.

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That makes no sense to say. You’re here. You have an active subscription. So you’ve clearly concluded that the enjoyment of the game is worth 10 bucks a month right now - otherwise you wouldn’t have hit that re-subscribe button the last time it ran out.

The game is worth what you pay for it. And since you’re here on the forums, then that’s 10 bucks. Not 5, but 10.


While many disillusioned/disgruntled players of a game don’t like that quitting is the choice they are reluctant to make being pointed out, the one simple conclusion to draw from that is, that the truth hurts.

No-one is telling you TO quit, merely pointing out that if your conscience is offering you the same suggestion, it may - sadly - be the right one.

Wow your a real charmer as i suggested earlier either calm down or dont post and unless your a yank you dont use bucks .