Another ingame shop mount! And game still is in beta

Better people than both you & I, even many on the Forums have walked away from similar situations for less than what you said there ^^^; what part of the logic I outlined doesn’t make sense?

Sorry, but can someone explain to me whether the failure of any logic I’ve outline is endemic in younger people today, that accepting they have lost their liking for something, after so many years, is so huge a sign of personal failure that they cannot handle it?


No. I don’t think I have more to say.

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Two things:

That mount looks lush. Will get one soon! Just not sure which race/class it would suit best.

Punyelf is a well good MVP and I enjoy their posts, both positive and negative.


And reported you really need to grow up and calm down if you can not debate without insults and name calling.
One day when you are older you will understand you wount get far with your attitude.

And judgeing your mog you wouldnt know a thing about fashion girl !

Will probably end up buying it, simply because I collect (or try to!) all mounts.

how are they connected?

This topic is irrelevant to the issues at hand.

interesting. can’t remember ever seeing so many people happy with micro transaction in a pay-to-play game.

they could have added this mount in a nice quest chain. but no, apparently it is more fun and immersive to reach for the credit card these days…

this is why there is no good future for gaming.


Just seems a little tone deaf to me.

“Lets milk the customers” instead of “Lets give them a product we can be proud of” because they know theres always people that have credit cards and aren’t afraid to use them.


Not sure if it should work for Alliance since it’s not a horse. Blizzard fix this bug, plox.

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If you look at the in game shop, you have to have a pretty amazing imagination if you feel they spend too much time/ work on the shop than other parts of the game.

The people who are noticing the game feels a bit clunky and not-yet-sorted/ finished, just have to be patient for a while. To believe Blizzard (which is topping every possible list of MMO rankings) isn’t working on it, is silly. And they are humans too. In many businesses the mantra is “innovation, innovation, innovation”, this can also become a problem at times.


Just ignore the whiners. I too love the store mounts and have bought a fair share of them, including the new fox. Some do not understand that they do not control your money, how you spend your money, and where you choose to spend your money.


I think in this case, although I’m not a fan of the shop, you can’t blame the art department. They did a fantastic job in BFA and this would be a good use of their well earned down time as they are powerless to affect other areas of the game that do need urgent attention.


The content we’vebeen waiting for is here boy!

Honestly it makes me sad to see people taking the release of a new store mount - and a gorgeous one at that - like a personal insult. As it has been pointed out already you can actually get by playing the game: grind for gold and buy tokens to turn into account balance.

Yeah, it’s not easy and fast to gring for that much gold, but those of us (or most of us) choosing to pay for it with money actually work for that money, so I don’t see how it’s unfair if this is what we want to spend our hard earned money on.

Will totally get the mount myself at the next paycheck! Great work from the blizz design team.


I bought this immidiately after seeing a headline about it. It is so cute and I love it.

I really don’t see it as an issue, that they put the occational mount in the shop. They need to make money too.

People get so angry these days, over anything gaming companies do. The forums was one thing, but now it seems to be the new thing on youtube as well. People there who made interesting videos about games, now just piss and moan about any little thing.


I bought it too, but no, this is just wrong. If WoW was a free game, I’d be inclined to agree with you. However we have to pay a monthly sub and no game you have to be charged for to play should have microtransactions. It’s a shame the gaming industry is what it is these days. The worst thing probably is that they put the coolest mounts on the store while the majority of earnable mounts in-game are reskins.

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Well, I mean… you could… you know… hire more testers and less artists.

Idk, wild idea.

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Yeah, you could…


How about giving us the new mount for free instead of selling it for 25 EUROS for such a bad expansion


That will never happen.