Another ingame shop mount! And game still is in beta

Weren’t there like a dozen new mounts introduced in patch 8.1? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


You don’t have to have it. Plenty of other mounts to ride.


Excuse me?
I rarely buy mounts from the store,but when i do, it’s my
money i’m spending and therefore my choice to do with them as i please.
To be refered to as “dumb” because i make choices that are different from yours is really uncalled for.
Sure the game could be improved on a couple of areas, but for now i’m enjoying it.
The day i don’t, i’ll simply quit, end of story.


Let me pay for another month to not get something.

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Wow… I rest my case…


is it complicated for you to understand my sentence or you just bought the mount and feel ashamed?

gg anways i am out of this sh1t show


This is just way uncalled for…


it remind me of the 6 month sub mount. A fraud.

They introduced a SH1T patch and because the year is ending they want to achieve their KPIs.

Again, gg helping them


I might ask you the same question, if you understood what i said.
You came here bashing on people for “reasons”, out of the blue.
So guess who brought the “sh1t show” ?


i am actually replying to the title of the thread.

i understand that you bought the mount.

The reason i came here is the mount, and the ‘reasons’ is to boycott this stupid fox.

Oh boy, you havent been playing the game lately are you


Thought you said you were out? :stuck_out_tongue:


hahhaa good one :slight_smile:

I agree, plus I could not wait, after I saw it yesterday I had to have it. Now I have no choice but to wait so I can get out of work and go home and try it out!


I get why some whine about store mounts and I’m fine with their opinion . I have bought every store mount and pet so it will be added to my collection its a pretty looking mount there are mounts in game I will never get as I’m the lowest form of casual (Raid mounts , Mythic Dungeons, PVP vicious Hippo are not touched by me unless I can solo them but the 1% drop eventually kills my tries *Invincible * ) to the point I’m probably cancelling my sub for a bit in the new year as there isn’t much outdoor content for solo players.

The mount has probably been in marketing for months before they knew how the slippery slope of BfA was for subscribers. I was vocal about the pirate ship tying it to a 6 month subscription that was iffy to me but had they stuck in the shop I’d probably of bought it.
Only complaint would be couldn’t you be more creative with it’s flying animations I’d prefer it running on snowflake sparkles.

I know many people think this is a very smart reply, but the answer to this is - yes. Yes, artists and Q&A people are interchangeable. Because we have this little thing called ‘money’, and it is the same whether you use it to pay artists or ‘Q&A people’ (not that those who fix bugs are called that) or whoever else.

It’s a deliberate choice to put money into developing things for the shop and not put money into making sure the game has fewer bugs.


World of Microtransactions


OK; newsflash…!

To all those who see the game shop as an aspect of the game that all players have to factor into their game-play - WRONG.

It is a separate side of the Blizzard business model that you cynics have no right to hurl abuse at in the way you have, here.

Do you know 100% that the creator of the Vulpine Familiar was dragged, kicking and screaming form their ‘game asset creation’ desk, held at gunpoint & forced to design that Mount? Or that someone decided that the resource budget for content was used to otherwise subsidise the Mount being created? Doubtful, on both counts. Lets just suppose that the creator was an artist who designed it in their spare time, away from the Blizzard work environment and took it to those who make the decisions & they decided to add it as a shop mount… for no other reason that storing the asset until such time as content was available for it to be used was a waste.

The same ‘decision makers’ can decide whatever they feel like is appropriate to go in the shop… Heaven forbid there is actually an art team exclusively employed to create digital items to be sold in the game shop.

Let’s even take this to a real world equivalent - have you ever been anywhere that had a gift shop attached to it & felt ‘obliged’ to buy anything from it…? If so, “yer a mug!”. That too is exactly what the Blizzard game shop is; a way to show appreciation for the work a company does, over and above the game itself.

All that said, those who approach WoW/Blizzard from a disillusioned Capitalistic viewpoint are becoming an anathema to the game & should - for their own sanity (if they have any remaining) - cut their losses & leave: the game needs you less than it needs your opinions on the business practices of the company being voiced here… it’s not out of a wish to see the game do better, it’s base level vitriol.


So since we now have a vulpine mount does that mean the Vulpera are coming?

Fraud? You didn’t have to pay a single extra euro to get that mount and there wasn’t anything misleading on its advertisement.

I’m using 6 month sub as I save 24 euro that way and I cba with renewing my sub every month. Mine was already running out within a week or so when they’ve announced that mount. I was going to buy a 6 month sub anyway, I just got a free mount for doing it this time.

As for the patch, I like it the way it is. I very much prefer not having a new raid tier on holidays. Weren’t people complaining about not having enough people for progressing Trial of Valor because it was released close to holidays?


While an understandable deduction, I wouldn’t say it was 100% founded.

Speculation, at best… as the Fonz used to say “Sit on it” - for now. :slight_smile: