Any Hong Kong people on this server?

If everyone is coming out talking about their own experiences and all of them conclude the same thing but you’re the only one who didn’t see it, is it possible that the problem might not be with their perception?


Really jumped the gun there didn’t you? I didn’t even mention disliking any sort of dissent with my own or anyone else’s opinion and you begin killing instantly

Just said your posts are inflated, which they are; the verbiage is really tiring to read through and very unnecessary


Kelduril disagreed aswell. Aswell as others did express skepticism in other threads.

Frankly the propaganda against OOCers has been going on for a very long time and people usually happily jump on the wagon because a lot of RPers love drama and hunt for it. If you keep telling a lie for a long time people will begin to think it’s true.

Oh please. Your comment was clearly dismissive/attacking credibility. You’re literally in the PCU official guilds which usually hold as a rule to back each other up in these type of situations. You came trashposting and now complain because I formulated a thought against this common attitude? Get a grip. I’m much more interested in people like Aerilen and Telaryn who are likely to think and express disagreement on their own accord.

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ER was AD’s sister RP server and at one point had comparable RPer populations. By Cata the RP community on ER was mostly limited to Stormwind and even that felt sparse.

OOCers caused this. I couldn’t run an event anywhere without some showing up to troll it. I’m aware the DMF merger breathed a bit of life into it, but even that didn’t last.


I’m not sure -how- you don’t see any of these issues? You have basically the entire thread saying they have experienced it, every single person I know on WoW has experienced these issues, and I myself who’ve been on Argent Dawn since like…2009 I think, have seen it -alot-.

OOCer’s disrupting roleplay, even for a few minutes is -so- incredibly common practise that it’s almost a daily thing. The only way you can’t have seen any of these issues is if:

A) Your -entire- roleplay takes place on like the back of a mountain on Azuremyst Isle or some other backwater zone.
B) You are one of the people doing this.

Because from personal experience of nearly ten years roleplaying on AD the only people I’ve seen who tend to either defend OOCers doing this or claim that “they have never seen this issue” are part of the problem. I have yet to -date- seen a contradiction to this.


How is it propaganda against OOCers when I saw it with my very own eyes on my original RP realm?

Its not a conspiracy, or propaganda, its a simple fact.


I’ve been on argent dawn since… cataclysm, I think? More or less. And I have been an active rper during Cata, MoP and WoD. Now I still RP, even if I don’t do it 4-6 hours a day. And I can tell I recall this issue [on argent dawn] where a nonRPer harassed me just once.

Surprisingly I partecipated to events without issues on ER. I rarely encountered trolls tbh.

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You are either misremembering, lying, or straight up one of the luckiest people on the -entire- server considering you have an entire thread telling you how much of if that is encountered. Because of my 10 years playing on AD you are the -first- person I have ever encountered who geniuenly claim that it’s only happened once.

As I said, nowdays it’s basically expected to happen once per day, in varying length and annoyance.


You’re making the implication that there’s any real credibility left to find in your arguments given that your apparent approach is to simply deny (or at the very least doubt) all of the proof provided to you in this thread on a silver platter. People are giving you ample examples, and all you have to say is “eh, don’t believe it!”

When you’re willing to dismiss so many personal player accounts of these issues occurring on the basis that you simply don’t want to be wrong (trust me, I can tell) then yeah, you could say I’m dismissive of whatever credibility you claim to have


It’s possible that I may have removed a time or two in which a guy followed me with his mount for less than five minutes, but I don’t think we’re counting these.

So I suppose it must be that I am lucky or people are making a lot of fuss for nothing. And the latter I’ve seen it - a lot - with roleplayers.

Fact is, people telling someone else that he is wrong because his friends say so is usually a bad argument.

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Or you just care about your own experiences and don’t give a :poop: about the other’s own experiences.

You’ve kind of copped out and taken the low road here instead of addressing the post that I actually made

I know a grand total of 1 person from this thread who is on the same opinion as me. The rest I have never encountered in my playtime since Vanilla.

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Cant take this dude seriously anymore. What an absolute clown stuck up in his own dim world. And no im not part of pcu

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Me neither, and i can say that i know 0 people on this thread… i think.

Personally, I count it. Any time an OOC player either just runs around you at a mount, throws a toy at you, runs up and says “hello noob, i like deathwing, show me deathing lololol” or some other nonsensical things, jumping on you etc, basically any activity where a person not roleplaying is -activtly- just…doing stuff around you with intent, is disruption.

And as of late, alot thanks to Streamers & Youtubers, it’s become very popular among non-roleplayers to just activtly try to ruin people’s fun because “oh such nerds lol” And if you don’t see a problem with that happening I legitmatly think you are a bad person. Not because I have ill will against you personally, but because I do geniuenly consider people who either find amusement -soley- at the expense of others, or people who think that is remotley okay, is the worst of humanity and a cause for -alot- of issues.

And I preffer to be able to enjoy myself in my little roleplay in this fantasy game without those people.

It’s also not very difficult to understand why people have issues with this. The chess analogy earlier was perfect and easy to understand. Not wanting to understand that/accepting that just seems to me as sheer egotistic will to be correct, or pure malice.

Edit: Perhaps a bit harshly worded, but I really disslike people who harass others because “lol funny” and people willfully accepting that because “I’m to cool to care” or something.


Itt: people come together to assert the sky is blue, water is wet and the pope is catholic. While a lone man insists that no, the sky is green via flogging a thesaurus.


It seems like everyone but you had this issue

I wonder why

It shows

Not yet …

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I don’t interact with anyone in this thread outside of the forums. Not by choice, AD is just a big place.

Remember that time sodapopping raided silvermoon and had a horde (lol) of trolls shouting racial slurs as they ran through? I memba.