Any Hong Kong people on this server?

Yeah? Well let me redirect you above when I said that you’re going to disagree with me by default. Because that is what you’re going to do. If you want a better reply: the rest of your post is a huge misinterpretation of my own points (which I have taken the time to think upon), basically a strawman, and the last point is a vague appeal to evidence by the numbers in a selected, small sample (this thread).


2 years ago, lasted 30 minutes. Generated hundreds of replies by RPers that would last for a week or more.

That’s the example you can think of when it comes to nonRPers actively damaging the community? Cool.

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[transforms into a powerful blue dragon and uses ancient magic to delete that incident from reality]

That never happened


Sodapoppin is geniuenly a bad person. Like not even like a kid who does dumb misstakes but a geniune, -bad- human. The entire game would be better if he quit.

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Guys! You’re missing the point, we’re all in on the conspiracy.

We’re all plotting his downfall in our hidden doscord server to bring the anti OOCer propaganda.



Dont do this to me

I mean tbh, while I think immediatly dismissing people by default is bit of a dumb thing to do I can understand him considering that:

  1. You are doing -exactly- that with litterally every poster in this thread.
  2. You are willfully obtuse for the sake of it, or so it comes across.
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Once streamers and influencers hit a certain critical mass they become fairly intolerable. They can abuse animals while live streaming and cause servers to break and the rules don’t apply them.

I hate them. And it’s hilarious that you get people donating large sums of money to them. Oink, oink paypiggy. Streamer wants his share. :pig2:


weiRD i dOnT rEmEmbER tHiS. SoURcE?

I used to think that anti-OOC posts were embarrassingly bad. In the span of a few facepalms I was left blinded to the OOCers bloating my RP shard.

Nowadays I am wiser, and would rather see any OOC go.


On other threads I have often conceded points. This debate, as I said plenty of times already, has been done to death in other threads, which is why I already know what people will say.

I’ll add a point in my favor: you can say I’m obtuse because I refuse to see your truth and all that stuff, but so far no one has given a reply to the arguments I have formulated before, to explain the idea that their experience isn’t fully accurate. And no one has formulated a realistic reply when it comes to how role-players should adress this issue. They just assume they are right and I am wrong.

Believe it or not, I’m not actually hardwired into operating as part of a hivemind that is physically unable to disagree with the others that you would consider to be a part of it; this is a really old and boring point that some people still seem to make, and I’d like to think this has been proven at this point

As for the rest of your post, no, I don’t think I have misinterpreted the majority of your posts. Despite a large majority of people telling you that they HAVE had various issues on this realm or others, you continue to make various ‘points’ that disagree with them. You’re part of a minority in this thread, and whilst that isn’t always indicative of being right or wrong, I’d say that all of these individual accounts that go against your arguments are a little bit telling at this point.

You’re continuing to argue that the issue “isn’t as bad as people think” whilst the vast majority of those that have contributed to the thread STILL continue to tell you that it is, so I’m not really sure why you’re trying to combat a point that is supported by various personal accounts.

I think most reasonable people would have made the point you made, realised that is wasn’t as accurate that they believed in light of the feedback given, and then admitted that they were wrong. I wonder why you aren’t?

Not all of us always have unlimited time to play videogames or play pretend elf.

“Its just 30 minutes of racist spiel and your chatbox being spammed a mile a minute!!!”


It isn’t… pretend…!

I agree with you, and it seems to happen to alot of WoW people in particular, atleast those who main it.

Kakio, I quite liked some of his videos, but it became very dull and frankly a bit of a douchy move when he started to bank on the whole “Lol lets go troll the roleplay community”.

Nixxiom, I’ve ranted on before. I know he was atleast, a bit of a realm sweetheart since he was “originally an AD rper”, but he has become one of the most obnoxiously douchy WoW Influencers out there.

Heck even Crendor, who is normally overall loveable has adopted a bit of a frustrating persona revolving WoW, alot thanks to him hanging with Nixxiom alot.

There are a few others, but they aren’t worth much mentioning. Shout-out to Bellular for being more clickbaity than Watchmojo/Buzzfeed.

Reading through the thread until I started posting, I saw people replying to your arguments and you just basically said “No, isnt real or I don’t believe you”, which lead down to the route we are at now. But do repeat them again and see if people are willing to comment on them one more time.


I’ve had evenings where I’ve been able to only have like…3 hours of time dedicating to WoW and wanting to roleplay. Spending 30-40 minutes not being able to do that because of some…difficult individual, is not exactly fun.

I agree it was a form of trolling, shouldn’t have happened and RPers deserved to lament the situation. But that’s far from a evidence that all nonRPers are bad and are a constant threat to the server. Actually if the example you come up with is that old, perhaps nonRPers aren’t these masked guys trying to ruin RP at all costs all the time.

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Just last year Sodapoppin did several streamed raids on Argent Dawn to specifically disrupt the realm and he got banned for it. After crying to a CM about it who turned out to be a fan of his videos(??) he got the ban lifted and he continued on to make a 60 twink guild here because of ThE aTmOsPhErE and his fans went on to harass RPers even further for the couple of weeks the project lived.


No one said that all non-rpers are bad. Litterally no one. What people are saying is that they preffer people coming to AD roleplay or pick another server. Because more people being here for “oh its a nice atmosphere” or whatever, will activtly -encourage- more OOCer’s to join AD.

Which results in more douches coming as well, and eventually we got roleplayers in the minority.


I remember this situation, it’s also why I had a very skeptical view on anyone involved in a “Project X level” community, since -all- of them have so far been made up of absoutley horrendous human beings.