Any Hong Kong people on this server?

The raiders achieving realm firsts caused more non-rpers to be drawn to the server.

Which in turn caused more disruption to roleplay/an increase in trolling because people were simply there for PvE.

People had enough and started to leave.

The community that roleplayed dwindled while the one which didn’t bother grew.

Roleplay got rarer and rarer.

I don’t know how to spell it out for you any easier.


I don’t know why you bother writing long winded paragraphs about nothing when you’re not even able to draw simple conclusions from information that is practically spoonfed to you.


The community vibe changed. RP threads and guilds would battle for members and space. RP events would end up griefed more and more.

I don’t know what else to really say to explain it, to be fair. It’s not something big, it’s a small subtle change that takes the community from one objective and attitude to a different one, until the former community feels it no longer has presence in what was its own space. To refer to a real-world phenomenon much like yourself did earlier; it’s almost like a gentrification.

In theory, sure, RPers and non-RPers could share the realm, but it doesn’t end up that way because OOCers couldn’t let them be the dominating presence of their own realm.

To Aerilen. Gremkarc doesn’t really play regularly. Last I knew he was on AD as Avarill, with a guild idea the Linked Ring, but it’s been dead for a while now, too.
I don’t really stay in contact very much anymore.


Write it in caveman simplicity maybe?

Requires drawings.

I’ll wait.

btw as someone who has jumped no fewer than 4 RP realms because each got overrun by OOCers (one in particular had an influx of people solely focused on griefing events as it was an RP-PvP realm) I fully support any measures that promote the presence of RPers on AD and alienates those who aren’t interested in RP and ask their pals to join the realm too who share the same intent.

Mostly because if the RP Community on AD suffers to the extent as the previous realms there’s legit nowhere else to go.

If this hasn’t been a phenomena I’d join the chorus of letting everyone in but at the moment I see entire guild communities realm hop because of the state their original realm is in. I find it strange and stupid how anyone can post in favor of this braindead accept everyone mentality when we have existing examples (read: All the other RP realms) of what people preach here.


Leave my crib for 2 h and return to see the draenei man still being busy hmmm hmmm

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So as you can see Aerilen, your conclusion -is- different from Watrus. You point at the harassment that nonRPers caused, while she points at a more subtle and pervasive situation. Perhaps her post wasn’t that clear hmm.

I already argued with this perspective in other topics. First of all, I raise the following doubts:

  • I personally don’t think trolling/harassment is as widespread as many people make it out to be.
  • The causes for the server decline were already there and it was already occurring, meaning that nonRPers only accelerated an ongoing process

So basically I think the whole “nonRPers are ruining my garden!” is highly inflated here. But let’s agree some nonRPers did cause damages through harassment. I immediately notice the difference with the first formulation of the argument:

  • In this story, harassers are the problem, not nonRPers by default, as it was before. The two are related, but not all nonRPers cause harassment by default.

And then we take into consideration the differences between this server and the Sha’tar at the time:

  • You had a super small population of RPers that was already leaving the server. If you have a server that is 29/30 made of nonRPers you have a problem, yes.
  • harassment against RPers wasn’t as regulated as it is now;
  • You had a bigger RP server (with more people) offering many varieties of RP that your previous server could not afford: all you had to do was to transfer there.
  • People were infighting inside the community and wanted a new space where they could do their thing

So basically in this version we have the nonRPers as a minor issue in the whole situation (which is likely inflated by players because it’s the visible one) which doesn’t even apply to AD, because there are strict rules upon harassment and the numbers of the community are huge enough to sustain itself and manage infighting.

I think I understand your point, but quite frankly I’m of the idea that this whole situation is highly inflated to convey the idea that nonRPers are the root of all issues, when actually it’s just a minor problem. Ultimately the first thing you notice when RPers leave, is a huge amount of OOC players. So people believe it has to be the main cause.

You said yourself the server was declining already, which means that a vibe was changing anyway. I concede that a large influx of nonRPers in a community [which was falling apart] may have caused further issues, but again in a strong community like AD such things aren’t bound to happen.

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It was changing because of ooc players overrunning the place and griefing the rpers.

several people post their own accounts of the OOC problem killing servers

Athramus: ‘no thats not true!’

literal holocaust denial rp


:nerd_face: places a 200 page essay on aerilen’s desk

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I’m from the Hong Kong, don’t ever come to this server again.


Always knew you were a twink asian

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This Austronahmus dude is so bad lol

Every single one of your posts? Yeah, good self-awareness

I moved from ER to AD during Cata and OOCers were absolutely choking the RP community to death.


I have the same story as Watrus, I moved from Sha’tar to here in early MoP because the OOCers had choked the RP out of the realm and all the RPers were moving elsewhere to get away from them.

I came straight here though, because I was only moving 10 characters (all max level at the time) once.


Stop this act it’s just embarrassing for you. You guys will just never admit that any dissent can be reasonable. It’s very convenient for the same circle of people to say “oh, you don’t buy our doctrine?” then immediately make the presupposition you’re the worst type of individual they can come up with. Because, of course, if dissent is reasonable, then they might be wrong.

As for a number of people disagreeing with me (mind, there are others that did agree with my position in this thread and around) that’s going to happen in a forum, especially when you have a group of players trying to enforce its way on others.

Weird, never seen this issue myself. I recall leaving because there were 2 events per week at best and nearly no random RP and/or evil guilds. Nothing about OOCers “choking RPers”.

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maybe if there’s an onslaught of people coming out of the woodwork telling the same story from different realms then it’s you being dumb and claiming otherwise