Any Hong Kong people on this server?

The replies are mixed but before people were basically implying that nonRPers are bad on argent dawn by default.

I agree with that. But if said people want to remain on AD the roleplayers should accept it (nonRPers are paying customers as we are) rather than go around telling them they shouldn’t be here.

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I’m personally glad Classic came out to quarantine those people.


Tell me on this thread the time we said all non rpers were bad, I seem to have missed it.


That’s both false and kinda the point. You are not bad by default, but you are still a part of the issue of advertising that this realm is just to come here for whatever.

I completly disagree. If a person comes to Argent Dawn for litterally -no- intention ever to not try to roleplay, they should be on another server. And telling them this(without insulting them) is acceptable.

This server is for people who wish to roleplay. Period. That doesn’t mean you have to do it 24/7 every day and that you aren’t allowed any other activity, but it should be the reason you pick this server, because you wish to roleplay.

To give a quick example btw of a bad situation we have here thanks to this. We have some dedicated PvE and PvP guilds here, some have vanished others remain. I think the most known one that still remains is Epoch. Who is a guild purely dedicated for PvE on Argent Dawn and basically our “pro guild” with world firsts and stuff.

Here is the problem, I’ve dealt with Epoch members both on the forums and in-game, and they are, in general(this doesn’t mean every single guild member, but based of -all- of my experiences so far), geniuenly, non-hyperbolic, some of the most hostile, volatile and worst people I have ever encountered in WoW as a whole.

And that is what we get because of this issue with OOCers. Thankfully, a couple of other guilds like this has jumped ship, but some still remain.


To add onto this as well, I was a dedicated raider during Cataclysm. Like, a focus for me was doing raids in a guild with people and clearing current content.

But…here is the thing. The evenings/days we didn’t raid? We roleplayed. Everyone in it still did roleplay to some extent and it was the reason people had joined the server in the first place.

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Is that why your name keeps popping up in threads attached to posts going off on a tangent, which usually spiral down into over exaggerated claims of some shady illuminati-type conspiracy against you?

The reality is you post contrarian garbage and don’t like people calling you out on it.


Not that each single nonRPer is bad, but that having nonRPers as a category is always bad for role-players.

But. If the problem is just harassment, then why not focus just on harassment rather than nonRPers?

I’m not advertising, I’m speaking on a forum about the possibility that we shouldn’t use pitchforks when players transfer to our server.

To tell them is fine. But if they refuse there’s nothing role-players can do about it.

Ironically Epoch has a fair deal of role-players inside, if I recall correctly?
If I were to look at the worst players around, I think it would be certain role-players (not referring to those in the thread, with whom I haven’t RPed in years).

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I’ve lost track of the amounts of campaigns Epoch has deliberately tried to grief after the 5th time

A lot of ERP, certainly.


Harrasment coming from trolls and non rpers griefers.

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So you agree that our purpose is to discourage and fight trolling rather than nonRPers?

Being hostile with random, uninvolved nonRPers is more likely to invite them to troll and harass role-players.

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That was the point from the beginning, you’re the one who failed to see it and assumed we were targeting all non rpers.

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But some are. Look at Watrus’ posts, she didn’t mention harassers and trollers, but the bad vibe that nonRPers cause with their mere presence.

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Primarily because the Harassment stems from nonRpers. That is 95% of the people doing it.

I didn’t mean you specifically, but as a general use of “you”. However, regardless, even if the person isn’t making posts about “oh come here” its still passive advertising.

Keep telling them and making it clear that it isnt welcome, by for example sharing their opinions like has been done in this thread. I’ve seen several threads where it’s ended with the person either saying “you know what, I mgiht try out roleplaying, how do I start?” and getting -many- many hints, friend requests etc to help them ease into it.

Or, sometimes the person has instead gone “wow this is so hostile, ill just go to another realm w/e” which is no loss.

From personal experience from being here for all these years, Epoch members idea of roleplay is as Telaryn put it, ERP or just hopping around and derping for a bit before going back to bashing nerds and spamming rp threads with insults. The guild as a whole is incredibly toxic. You don’t need to look far to see that either.

Im gonna take an educated guess here and assume this is a beef with a PCU guild/related people, because whenever some makes a vauge post about “certain roleplayers” its 90% of the time that they are annoyed with Perroy or something for having dissliked their roleplay. I apologise if I am wrong in that assesment. But I speak from experienced observation with these posts.

And no, I’m not a member.

Yet it was also said that people stopped bothering doing events because of trolls and that is the real reason rp died there, all rpers moved to AD because they were fed up with all the griefers.


I’m more than happy to say that if you have no intention to roleplay, you shouldn’t be on this server; as far as I’m concerned, it’s that simple.

No, this doesn’t mean I think the people that are already here are inherently bad people, nor does it mean I assume they inherently have bad intentions. I don’t really believe that whether you’re a good or bad person is relevant - if you don’t intend on roleplaying, find another server. There are PLENTY of other servers open and available to these types of players, whilst Argent Dawn is the last lively roleplaying server we have.

Simple facks

EDIT: spelling, heh… oops


Here he goes with the victim blaming spiel again…

They were indeed, I had encounters with people in those guilds (who followed some e-girl streamer on twitch that made a guild here) and they were all too happy to cause a disturbance to roleplayers with the hilarious cop out of “we’re roleplaying characters playing vanilla :)))))))”.

Nah man you can take your funny xd edgy teenager persona and go pretend you used to play vanilla in classic instead, thanks.

I think the funniest thing about all this is then Sodapoppin et al suddenly get into GTA roleplay, and the same toxic twitch community suddenly LOVES roleplay ???

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So you remember that someone did say that all nonRPers are a bad category? Why even bother to ask for evidence?

Yeah, I believe I have already replied to the idea that nonRPers are this massive cause of trolling: it’s an inflated issue.

See? There’s ambiguity in your words. You agree that harassers are the issue, not nonRPers by default. But below you encourage people to be rude to nonRPers to the point of making them transfer from the server!

If they aren’t at a fault there’s no need to make so much propaganda against nonRPers as the root of all evil. You can’t blame an entire category for what a sub-category does.

I’m sure masses of outsiders are eager to read this conversation to make up their mind and transfer to AD.

Yeah, that borders on trolling and harassment. Which is de facto against Blizzard’s rules.

I agree but if anything, it tells that the problem isn’t limited to nonRPers. RPers in Epoch can be as toxic and can harass players just as much as certain nonRPers.

Can’t make names (name and shame)but I am thinking of Alliance players. Like one that starts with V- and bragged to actively stalk other role-players to take the worst screenshots to ruin other people’s reputation. Role-players can be adorable people right?

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This is an oxymoron, there aren’t any roleplayers in Epoch; ERP doesn’t count.

Massive fallacy to pivot your argument towards ‘this isnt an issue because THIS is an issue’ but it’s par for the course for an Athramus post.

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You seem to think that because OOCers and the problems they bring are not the SOLE problem, that it’s not a problem worth discussing or trying to dis-encourage, but many people are telling you it is. It’s a considerable one.


I recall that the ex leader of a RP guild joined epoch for a while. She isn’t considered a rper when she’s into epoch, for reasons?

What kind of fallacy is that, exactly?
Arguing that a problem isn’t X but rather Y isn’t a fallacy at all. It’s actually fairly logical: if the problem isn’t P then it is Q.

Already answered to what I think of the many people arguments

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